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Revision as of 22:41, 8 November 2015 by Extractum11 (talk | contribs) (To match how the skills were changed in-game)
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Augmentation is the general term for 4 different skills that allow you to augment items with specific treasure effects. They're divided into 4 categories: Jewelry, Ancillary Armor, Armor and Weapon augments. To learn how to apply augments, speak to Nightshade.

Augmentation Skills

Jewelry Augmentation
Learn from Poe in the Myconian Cave. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Toolcrafting.
Weapon Augmentation
Learn from Malgath in the Wolf Cave. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Blacksmithing.
Armor Augmentation
Learn from Syndra in a barn in central Kur Mountains. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Leatherworking.
Ancillary-Armor Augmentation
Learn from Gribburn in the basement of Hogan's Keep. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Tailoring.