Revision as of 22:41, 8 November 2015 by Extractum11 (talk | contribs) (To match how the skills were changed in-game)
Augmentation is the general term for 4 different skills that allow you to augment items with specific treasure effects. They're divided into 4 categories: Jewelry, Ancillary Armor, Armor and Weapon augments. To learn how to apply augments, speak to Nightshade.
Augmentation Skills
- Jewelry Augmentation
- Learn from Poe in the Myconian Cave. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Toolcrafting.
- Weapon Augmentation
- Learn from Malgath in the Wolf Cave. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Blacksmithing.
- Armor Augmentation
- Learn from Syndra in a barn in central Kur Mountains. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Leatherworking.
- Ancillary-Armor Augmentation
- Learn from Gribburn in the basement of Hogan's Keep. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Tailoring.