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Guild Quests

Revision as of 10:27, 28 July 2016 by Dlebansais (talk | contribs) (List of Available Guild Quests)

Guild Quests

Guilds can undertake quests -- communal tasks where everybody in the guild can chip in. The guild can only undertake one guild quest at a time, and no more than 3 guild quests per week. An NPC who starts a guild quest will have a Guild Quests option on the left-hand side of the NPC window. Some NPCs will require you have enough favor before they will give you the quests. You can cancel the current guild quest from the guild sign in Serbule or Rahu, under "Misc Settings."


Obtaining Guild Quests

You need to have the right permissions to accept guild quests on behalf of the guild. You will also need the right permissions to cancel guild quests. Both of these permissions default to guild ranks 9 and 10 but can be changed (assuming you have the right permissions to change permissions, of course).

Several guild quests unlock other guild quests upon completion. They will only unlock the corresponding difficulty level of the next quest. For instance, completing the 25-person version of "Resupply Animal ::Town" unlocks the 25-person version of "Fox Outpost", but not the 10-person or 50-person versions of "Fox Outpost". So keep that in mind when you are choosing the quest version.

Guild Credits

Completing guild quests also earns each member who logged in during the quest some Guild Credits. Guild Credits are a new pseudo-currency that can be exchanged for items and new recipes at the guild sign in Serbule or Rahu. Guild Credits are tied to the guild, so if you leave your guild you lose any unspent credits.

- The 10-person version gives10 Guild Credits to each guild member.
- The 25-person version gives 15 Guild Credits to each guild member.
- The 50-person version gives 20 Guild Credits to each guild member.

Guild Levels and XP

Completing guild quests earns Guild XP which will raise your guild's level. Guild Level will determine things like the maximum number of people in the guild, the maximum storage slots you can have, where your guild can set its home-point, and other things. Levels and benefits are not currently implemented in game.

- The 10-person version gives 100 guild XP.
- The 25-person version gives 200 guild XP.
- The 50-person version gives 300 guild XP.

List of Available Guild Quests

— Talk to The Sand Seer
- (Unknown)
- Talk to Sand Seer
Quest Name Where Obtained Recommended # of Players Objective
Afraid of The Circus Nelson Ballard 50-Person
- Give Decent Chairs to Nelson (100)
- Give Canvas to Nelson (250)
- Give Crab Rolls to Nelson (100)
- Give Cottage Pies to Nelson (100)
- Give Cheesy Veggie Delights to Nelson (50)
- Give Lemonade to Nelson (100)
- Give Spoons to Nelson (50)
- Give Paintings to Nelson (50)
- Talk to Nelson Ballard
Guild: Percy's Gamble Percy Evans 50-Person
- Give Percy Pick-Me-Up-Juice (600)
- Give Percy Perfect Memory Inhibitor (50)
- Kill Fae-Afflicted Animals (100)
- Talk to Percy Evans
Storming the Nexus Percy Evans 50-Person
- Kill Winter Court Fae (200) Hint
- Kill Winter Trolls in Winter Nexus (200)
- Kill Ogres in Winter Nexus (200)
- Kill Winter Worgs in Winter Nexus (200)
- Kill the Despair Puck
- Finally, Give the Soul to Percy
- Talk to Percy Evans
Reclaiming Lydia Percy Evans 50-Person
- Give Lord Eltibule's Signet Ring to Percy Hint
- Give Dragon Scale to Percy (50)
- Give Prisms to Percy (100)
- Give Antlers to Percy (50)
- Give Powdered Mammals to Percy (50)
- Give Arm Bones to Percy (25)
- Talk to Percy Evans
Guild: Resupply Animal Town Spot (10-Person)
- Give Spot Grass (40)
- Give Spot Red Apples (40)
- Give Spot Cabbages (40)
- Talk to Spot
Guild: Resupply Animal Town Spot (25-Person)
- Give Spot Grass (100)
- Give Spot Red Apples (100)
- Give Spot Cabbages (100)
- Give Spot Grapefish (25)
- Give Spot Bird Eggs (50)
- Talk to Spot
- Completing this guild quest unlocks a quest with Red in Kur Mountains.
Guild: Securing the Ilmari Desert Nissim 50-Person
- Kill Rakshasa in the Desert (500)
- Kill Drakeworms (200)
- Kill Manticores (50)
- Kill Sandhunter Scorpions (50)
- Kill Grimalkin (200)
- Kill Hissy
- Talk to Nissim
- Completing this guild quest unlocks a quest with The Sand Seer in Amulna.
Guild: Fox Outpost Red in Kur 50-Person
- Give Red Grapes (200)
- Give Red Perch (200)
- Give Red Wolfsbane Bouquets (100)
- Give Red Silver Items (100)
- Kill Insane Werewolves in the forest (300)
- Kill Bleddyn the Werewolf
- Kill Werewolves in Wolf Cave (250)
- Kill Timothy Elermion
- Kill the Scion of Norala
- Talk to Red
Guild: Menace Beneath the Sand The Sand Seer 50-Person
- Kill Minotaurs Beneath the Sands (o / 300)
- Kill Giant Beetles Beneath the Sands (o / 250)
- Kill Flapskulls Beneath the Sands (o / 250)
- Give Pemphredo Eyes to Sand Seer (o / 100)
- Give Minotaur Hammers to Sand Seer (o / 50)
- Kill Asterion the Minotaur
- Talk to The Sand Seer