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Button Blue.png
Red (npc).png
He watches warily
Fox Outpost
Beast Speak:
Speaks With:
No Scary
Offers Storage

You're scaring Mittens and you're probably a werewolf in disguise. Just go away!

Red is an Awakened Fox that maintains a small animal refuge in the Kur Mountains. He refuses to speak with non-animals and scary animals.


Kur Mountains
Fox Outpost


Red sells a selection of basic First Aid supplies used by Beast Forms.

Items Sold[view/edit]

 75 councils 
 62 councils 
 450 councils 
 450 councils 
 75 councils 
 20 councils 
 40 councils 
 100 councils 
 200 councils 

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • Raw Food and Cooking ingredients.

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item [Expand] Weekly Pool
Neutral 59 2500
Close Friends
Best Friends
Like Family
Soul Mates


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Likes Fruit Hint
  • Loves Uncooked Fish Hint
  • Likes Raw Vegetables
  • Loves Eggs Hint


Guild Quests

Warden Quests

Red offers quests only available to Warden characters.

  • Razorslash Panther Invasion To start this quest, talk to Red in the Kur Mountains. The quest is available at [Despised] favor. This quest is only available for Wardens. This quest is only available during an event in the area.
    • Kill Razorslash Panthers x15
    • Talk to Red
  • Werewolf Invasion

    To start this quest, talk to Red in the Kur Mountains. The quest is available at [Despised] favor. This quest is only available for Wardens. This quest is only available during an event in the area.

    • Kill Werewolves x12
    • Talk to Red
  • Yeti Hook Beasts

    To start this quest, talk to Red in the Kur Mountains. The quest is available at [Despised] favor. This quest is only available for Wardens. This quest is only available during an event in the area.

    • Kill Marauding Hook Beasts x15
    • Talk to Red



Red offers storage at [Comfortable] Favor.
0 slots at [Neutral].
5 slots at [Comfortable].
10 slots at [Friends].
15 slots at [Close Friends].
20 slots at [Best Friends].
25 slots at [Like Family].
30 slots at [Soul Mates].


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor -
[Like Family] Favor - x10,

NPC Communication

Red normally talks to animals, but will not talk to the Giant Bat, Spider, and Wolf. When you get your favor high enough, or the quests (needs exact confirmation, but for sure at max favor with quests done it works) he will then talk to even scary animals.


Hello. you look intelligent. Are you?


That's a relief. Aren't you cold? You can sit next to our fire. Don't mind Mittens. She's not quite right.

Thanks. What are you doing out here, anyway?

This is Fox Outpost. All the smart foxes can come here for supplies. But we don't have much to offer anymore.

How many 'Smart Foxes' are there?

I don't know how many are still alive. This summer there were at least thirty of us left. Mittens and me are the only ones dumb enough to stand out here in plain sight. The others are hidden away.

We used to have hundreds of intelligent brothers and sisters. But the werewolves ate most of us.

I'm... sorry for your loss.

Yeah. Thanks. Anyway, I have some stuff you can buy, but we're so low on supplies that I'm not going to give anything away to you. I hope you understand.

That's fine. What do you have to sell?
