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Revision as of 18:11, 14 March 2017 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (Consumables)

This page lists various means of increasing run speed.


  • Bleeding Speed Potion (L 5) and Agonizing Speed Potion (L 20) can be learned from Alchemy: Ignite The Fire In Your Legs!, a book sold by Yetta. These potions last two minutes and require at least one Fire Dust as ingredient.
  • Wolfen Speed (L 35) and Concentrated Wolfen Speed (L 45) are alchemy recipes Lycanthropes may learn. They may be used (?only by lycanthropes / by anyone?).

Skills and Ability Mods

Note: Information in this table is based on info in the wiki. Most information is untested in actual gameplay.
Modded numbers are based on obtaining all highest-level applicable item mods (as of 10 March, 2017).
Hunting speed, a Lycanthropy ability, obtained by spending Tokens of Norala also affects speed (?)

Skill Ability Duration Cooldown Uptime In Combat? Unmodded Modded
Battle Chemistry Mutation: Extra Toes long n/a 100% no +5 +5
Haste Concoction 10 45 22% yes +11 +11
Cow Moo of Determination 10 30 33% yes +13 +13
Graze 30 50 60% no 0 +17
Deer Bounding Escape 13 30 43% yes +8 +8
Cuteness Overload 8 30 27% yes 0 +12
none (Generic Mod) perm n/a 100% no 0 +8
Druid Hunter's Stride 60 60 100% yes +2.5 +2.5
Fire Magic Flesh to Fuel 15 20 75% no 0 +14
Psychology Positive Attitude 60 60 100% no 0 +8
Shield Take the Lead 10 30 33% yes +10 +20
Vigorous Defense 15 60 25% yes 0 +6
Spider Premeditated Doom 40 40 100% yes 0 +7
Web Trap 10 25 (15)* 40% (67%)* yes 0 +14
Terrifying Bite 10 30 ** yes 0 +6

*Numbers in parentheses require mod(s)
**Up to 33% uptime, but requires landing a melee attack to activate

Item Properties

  • Sprint speed mods on various items, such as the +1 to sprint speed on the "Amulet of the Rugged Traveler", "Ring of Jaunty Traipsing", or the +2 sprint speed on boots with the word "Windstep" in their title. These passive sprint mods stack.