“Getting better with the sword, eh? Well, keep at it. Someday you may prove vaguely competent.
Joeh is the weapons and armour merchant of Serbule Keep. He offers limited storage (10 slots) and consignment services. After completing his first quest, he teaches calligraphy.
Joeh is another survivor of the Dwyndarre disaster. As a boy, he taught himself swordsmanship by killing pigs. His fascination with the pig has continued to this day, and he frequently mentions his love of pork based foods. He claims that his love is not an obsession.
At Close Friends, his money pool is 20000 gold. At Best Friends, his money pool is 40000 gold. At Like Family, his money pool is 50000 gold.
- Serbule
- Serbule Keep (near the well, look for the sign with the two crossed swords).
Joeh sells a selection of decent armor for players just starting out. He also sells supplies for Calligraphy and Surveying, including the Surveying Book which teaches players Surveying, Geology, and Mining skills.
Small Talk
- Loves Swords
- Likes Shields
- Hates Jewelry
- Loves Meat Hint
- Kill Tigers: Exterminate 5 tigers and return to Joeh.
- Old Fangsworth [Friends] : Joeh asks you to kill a tiger called "Old Fangsworth". Hint
- Leather Party [Close Friends] : Get 50 shoddy leather rolls.
- Pork Party [Close Friends] : Get 12 pork shoulders. Hint
- Get Cat Eyeballs for Joeh
[Close Friends] : Obtain 2 Cat Eyeballs.
- Storage (10 slots)
- Requires a few errands (Friends)