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Revision as of 18:02, 7 February 2015 by Mingi (talk | contribs)

Crafted by Human hands

Basic Gear

Item Image Equipment Name Stat Changes Base Value
Basicsword Basic Sword None 50
Basicstaff Basic Staff None  ???
Basicclaw Basic Claw None  ???
Basicboots Basic Boots +12 Armor 42
Basicpants Basic Pants +22 Armor 70
Basicbreastplate Basic Breastplate +24 Armor 84
Basicgloves Basic Gloves +12 Armor 42
Basichelm Basic Helm +13 Armor 42
Basicshield Basic Shield +12 Armor 42

Basic Gear Description

Equipment Name: Basic
Recommended Level: 0 - 10
Description: Basic gear is well... basic. For an Adventurer who just exited the Tutorial Cave, these items are a necessity!
Method to Obtain: Most of the items can be bought from Joeh in Serbule Keep. The Basic Staff can be bought from Hogan in Eltibule.

Quality Gear

Item Image Equipment Name Stat Changes Base Value
Basicsword Quality Sword +2 Sword Damage 200
Basicstaff Quality Staff +2 Fire Magic Damage 200
Basicclaw Quality Cestus +1 Crushing Damage +1 Unarmed Damage 120
Basicclaw Quality Claw +2 Unarmed Damage +7% Trauma Damage 200
Basicboots Quality Boots +36 Armor 126
Basicpants Quality Pants +60 Armor 201
Basicbreastplate Quality Breastplate +72 Armor 252
Basicgloves Quality Gloves +36 Armor 126
Basicshield Quality Shield +36 Armor 126
Basichelm Quality Helm +36 Armor 126

Quality Gear Description

Equipment Name:
Recommended Level:
Method to Obtain:


Item Image Equipment Name Stat Changes Base Value
Basicboots Ravana Soldier Boots +54 Armor +1 Universal Indirect damage reduction
Basicpants Ravana Soldier Leggings +80 Armor +2 Universal Indirect damage reduction
Basicbreastplate Ravana Soldier Coat +96 Armor +2 Universal Indirect damage reduction
Basicgloves Ravana Soldier Gloves +54 Armor +1 Universal Indirect damage reduction
Basichelm Ravana Soldier Helm +54 Armor +1 Universal Indirect damage reduction

Ravana Gear Description

Equipment Name: Ravana
Recommended Level:
Method to Obtain:

Goblin Armor

Forged by the Goblins

Item Image Equipment Name Stat Changes Base Value
Basicsword Goblinblade  ???  ???
Basicshield Goblin Shield +30 Max Armor 105
Basicbreastplate Goblin Breastplate +60 Max Armor 210
Basicpants Goblin Skirt +46 Max Armor, +3 Power Regeneration 175
Basicpants Goblin Leggings +50 Max Armor 175
Basicbreastplate Goblin Chain Shirt +58 Max Armor, +1 Slashing Reduction 210
Basicknuckles Goblin Cetus +2 Unarmed Damage 160
Basicclaw Goblin Claw +2 Trauma Damage 160
Basicboots Goblin Stompers +30 Max Armor 105

Goblin Set Description

Equipment Name: Goblin
Recommended Level: 0 - 15
Description: Goblin Armor is looted off of Goblins, mostly from the Goblin Dungeon in Eltibule. While mostly low-leveled, this Metal Armor can be a great boon to new Adventurers travelling to Eltibule for the first time!
Method to Obtain: These items are looted off of Goblins in the Goblin Dungeon.

Fae Gear

Winter Court

Summer Court

Elven Gear

Crafted by Elves

Item Image Equipment Name Stat Changes Base Value
Basicstaff Elven Staff +1 Hygiene, +4% Fire Magic Damage 280
Basicbow Elven Master Bow +10% Archery Damage 280



Item Image Equipment Name Stat Changes Base Value
File:Item-icon-.png Amulet of Max Armor +30 +30 Max Armor 360
File:Item-icon-.png Amulet of Slashing Mitigation Slashing Reduction 30


Off Hand