Ice Bear

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Main Page Headers Bg.png
Ice Bear
Ice Bear.png
Nature, Electricity, Acid
Crushing, Fire, Cold, Poison, Trauma
Ice Bears are strong Bears which live in tundra regions. Beware, for Ice Bears have mighty crushing attacks!


Kur Mountains
Vitals: Health 1182 Armor 562 Rage 992
Location: North-East, and South-East of Kur Tower.
Yeti Cave
Vitals: Health 945 Armor 560 Rage 992
Location: Upper and middle floors.

Combat Abilities

Projectile Evasion, Burst Evasion

icon_2130.png Slashing Damage
icon_2129.png Crushing Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_3067.png Crushing Health Devastation


Skinning Bonus
Butchering Bonus
Skull Extraction

Reported Loot

General Loot

Level 40 Jewelry
Level 40 Augments

Animal Handling Stats

Ice Bear
Animal Handling Level to Tame: 40
Maximum Bond Level: 80
Maximum Happiness: 100
Maximum Enthusiasm: 10
Additional Attributes: Damage Boost
Weak Against: Acid, Electricity
Resists: Cold (very), Crushing, Trauma
Basic Attack:
icon_2129.png Crushing Damage
(12 damage),
icon_3067.png Slashing Damage
(10 damage)
Sic 'Em Attack:
Level 1-14: icon_2136.png Slashing Damage and Taunt +60 (10 damage) [Expand]
Level 15-29: icon_2136.png Slashing Damage and Taunt +120 (24 damage)
Level 30-44: icon_2136.png Slashing Damage and Taunt +180 (51 damage)
Level 45-59: icon_2136.png Slashing Damage and Taunt +240 (97 damage)
Level 60-74: icon_2136.png Slashing Damage and Taunt +300 (164 damage)
Level 75+: icon_2136.png Slashing Damage and Taunt +360 (235 damage)
Special Trick:
Level 1-14: icon_3619.png Buff Taunt +20/Attack and Grant Owner Cold Mitigation +5 [Expand]
Level 15-29: icon_3619.png Buff Taunt +40/Attack and Grant Owner Cold Mitigation +10
Level 30-44: icon_3619.png Buff Taunt +70/Attack and Grant Owner Cold Mitigation +18
Level 45-59: icon_3619.png Buff Taunt +110/Attack and Grant Owner Cold Mitigation +30
Level 60-74: icon_3619.png Buff Taunt +160/Attack and Grant Owner Cold Mitigation +40
Level 75+: icon_3619.png Buff Taunt +220/Attack and Grant Owner Cold Mitigation +50
Vitals at Tamed (43) Health 309 Armor 282