Raina in the Fae Realm said, "Pegast may be able to use muscle memory to remind you about some basic skills. "
This quest is only available to Fae.
Pegast may be able to use muscle memory to remind you about some basic skills.
To start this quest, talk to Raina in Fae Realm after receiving the quest Re-Awakening. This quest is only available to Fae.
Hello!It's great to see another new arrival. We need everyone we can to secure this area against the Winter Court.
Have there been many new fairies?
Some. We should see more new faces as we make inroads into freeing our friends, perhaps in a few decades.
That long? Shouldn't you try to get them out sooner?
That's not very long. I'm sure they'll be fine, more or less, until then. We have to be prepared before we take action or we'll be captured ourselves!
[He looks you over, dubious.]
We're going to need all the help we can get. Are you prepared for the advance of the Winter Court?
Do I need to be?
Yes! Do you want to be tortured for the next 20,000 years!?
Sorry. I lost my memory.
Oh. I see. So you've probably been tortured already. Now do you see why you need to be prepared to fight off the invasion?
Yes. I don't want to be tortured!
Good. But do you even remember how to take care of yourself? Take care of your armor?
I don't think so. Can you remind me? (Completes Visit Pegast and starts Pegast's Armor Patching.)
Sure. But I need a favor first.
I need a strong, fine dust material to polish my equipment. Creatures to the west of town leave these little mounds of a strange soil or dirt ... droppings, I guess. It smells disgusting, but it works great with a whetstone.