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<!--  see http://projectgorgon.com/wiki/Template:NPC_infobox for details on this info box (and easy copy/paste). If an NPC does not require all the attributes, you may delete them. For example, if the NPC is not a skilltrainer, than "|skilltrainer =" can be left blank. -->
{{NPC infobox
{{NPC infobox
|title            = Julius Patton
|title            = Julius Patton
|image            = [[File:JuliusPatton.jpg|300px]] <!-- Make sure to include an image, even if you do not have one ready to upload. It will show in [[Special:WantedFiles]]. -->
|image            = [[File:JuliusPatton.png|350px]]
|caption          = An older human <!-- This caption comes from the in-game text above the NPC's head -->
|caption          = An older human
|zone            = Serbule Hills
|zone            = Serbule Hills
|location        = His farm in [[Serbule Hills]]
|location        = His farm in the north west of [[Serbule Hills]]
|beastspeak      = All <!-- animals that the npc is known to speak too, See the NPC Infobox page for more information. -->
|anatomy = Human
|skilltrainer    = Cooking
|species = Human
|vendor          = vendor
|beastspeak      = Yes
|beastlist = All
|skilltrainer    = [[Cooking]]
|vendor          = Yes
|storage = Yes
Used to have a bunch of chickens.  But goblins got into my coop.  This was a year ago, before the frog people showed up.  Hm, I don't even know if frog people eat chicken.  Probably.
{{Quote| <!-- This quote should be something informative about the NPC, or express their personality. -->
Who doesn't eat chicken?  Anyway, I know some chickens escaped the goblins, so they're out there in the tall grass somewhere.  But they ain't comin'home.  Ungrateful birds, I tell you.**
**Insert quote here**
[[Julius Patton]] is a farmer in the fields of Serbule Hills. <!-- Add a brief description of the NPC -->
[[Julius Patton]] is a farmer in the fields of Serbule Hills. After the goblins drove out the loggers, he lost most of his crops to theft. In the past, Julius made and sold wine.
**Lore/relationships info goes here** <!-- Add other information about the NPC. Lore, relationships, ect. -->
== Location ==
== Location ==
; [[Serbule Hills]] <!-- List the Zone the npc is found in. -->
; [[Serbule Hills]]  
: [[Julius Patton]] is always seen standing on the porch of his house in [[Serbule Hills]] looking over his farm. <!-- This could be a town or location such as [[Serbule Keep]], [[Hogan's Keep]], or [[Amulna]]. You may also want to describe their location with more details.  -->
: [[Julius Patton]] is always seen standing on the porch of his house in [[Serbule Hills]] looking over his farm.
== Shopkeeper ==
<!-- If you have the info, please edit the resulting pages <vendorname>/Items_purchased and <vendorname>/Spending_limits. (Links to these will automatically be created when using the {{Vendor_purchase_info}} template.) -->
[[Julius Patton]] sells a selection of seeds and seedlings used in [[Gardening]]. He also sells [[Handsaw|Handsaws]] and [[Empty Bottle|Empty Bottles]].
<!-- Remember that your max purchase value will be affected by buffs from random skills, open up Persona->Stats and adjust for your Max Purchase Cap %. -->
{{Vendor items sold}}
<!-- Money Pool *should* be affected (?), but atm it seems bugged. -->
== Favor ==
===Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
<!--  Add an introductory sentence or two briefly explains what this merchant has to offer. -->
[[Julius Patton]] sells a selection of seeds and seedlings used in [[Gardening]]. He also sells [[Handsaw]]s and [[Empty Bottles]].
===Favor Rewards===
<!-- Now, add the items the NPC has for sale. Make sure to spell the item names exactly as they appear in-game. The table for [[Velkort]] was used here to save space. -->
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}:|
:Recipe for {{Item|Grape Juice}}.
{{vendor item row
  | item = ***
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Friends}}:|
  | cost = ***
{{Quote|Hey, you're a good kid. If you need any grapes, go ahead and them 'em off the vines out there. I don't use too many of 'em anymore. Oh, I thought of an important farming trick I can teach you, too.}}
  | favor = ***
:Allows picking of Grapevines around his farm. After being picked, these vines take an hour for more grapes to ripen.
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Like Family}}:|
:Recipe for {{Item|Mutton and Eggs}}.
== Quests ==
category = Quests/Julius Patton
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Alchemy]]
! Recipe
! Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training row
| recipe = Bone Meal (from Any Bone)
| skilllevel = 0
| cost = 0
| favor = Close Friends
{{NPC training row
  | recipe = Bone Meal (from Humanoid Skull)
| skilllevel = 0
  | cost = 0
  | favor = Best Friends
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
==Small Talk== <!-- Add an area displaying the favor categories the NPC claims to enjoy. -->
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Cooking]]
* Likes Plants {{Hint|Hints about good gifts can be added like so.}}
! Recipe
* Loves Strange Dirt {{Hint|Hints about good gifts can be added like so.}}
! Level
* Loves Eggs {{Hint|Hints about good gifts can be added like so.}}
! Cost
* Loves Egg Dishes
! Favor
{{NPC training row
| recipe = Grape Juice
<!-- Each quest should be linked, to be added as a separate page.
| skilllevel = 13
  {{Favor|requirement}} should be indicated. If the Quest requires a prior quest to be completed, also list it here.
| cost = 0
  If there is dialogue worth recording about the quest, add it on the quest page.
| favor = Comfortable
  Consider using Template:Hint for spoiler-y material.
{{NPC training row
* [[A Crop of Onions]] {{Hint|Obtain 6 onions. Reward: ???}}
| recipe = Mutton and Eggs
<spoiler show="Reward for (Quest name)">
| skilllevel = 28
Reward: X favor, X (skill) XP, (item)
| cost = 0
| favor = Like Family
== Rewards ==
<!-- List rewards from favor tiers. -->
; At {{Favor|Comfortable}}
: {{Item|Item}} x2
; At {{Favor|Friends}}
: At friends, Julius Patton will let you pick the grapes from the [[Grapevines]] near his house.
== Training ==
[[Julius Patton]] will only train [[Cooking]] skills if you reach {{Favor|Unknown}} with him. <!-- If needed, write a sentence about training requirements. -->
<!-- List the abilities the NPC trains by skill. -->
{{vendor item row
  |item=Cooking: Mutton and Eggs
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Gardening]]
! Recipe
! Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training row
  | recipe = Basic Fertilizer (from Dirt)
| skilllevel = 5
  | cost = 0
  | favor = Neutral
== Services == <!-- List some of the services offered by the NPC. Consignment, Storage, Bartering, or unique options. Rappanel plays music if paid, and Ashk the Answerer tells fortunes that grant buffs. -->
== Services ==
==== [[Storage]] ====
==== [[Storage]] ====
: ''Which item does he store''
: X slots at {{Favor|Neutral}}
|npcname = Julius Patton
: X slots at {{Favor|Comfortable}}
|favorrestriction =Best Friends
: X slots at {{Favor|Friends}}
|itemrestriction =Food and Cooking Ingredients
: X slots at {{Favor|Close Friends}}
|neutral =0
: X slots at {{Favor|Best Friends}}
|comfortable =0
: X slots at {{Favor|Like Family}}
|friends =0
: X slots at {{Favor|Soul Mates}}
|closefriends =0
|bestfriends =28
|likefamily =32
== Hang Outs == <!-- List NPC Hang Outs -->
|soulmates =36
*''' Title ''' (Duration) {{Favor|Neutral}}
<spoiler show="Reward goes here">
== Events ==
:X favor with Julius Patton
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Friends = {{Item|Amulet of Competent Fire Magic}} (Lv20)
|RiShin Family = 2 Random Jewlery (Lv 20): {{Item|Amulet of Max Health +15}}, {{Item|Amulet of Crushing Mitigation 3}}, {{Item|Ring of Arrows}}
== Conversations ==
{{Quote|source=[[Julius Patton]]|
No free food! This is a farm, not a charity!
;I don't want free food.
Liar. But you're here too late. The damned loggers stole most of my supplies when they fled. Nothin' here now but grapes. And I need those. Maybe some potatoes, onions, the like. But I need those too!
You want food so badly, YOU grow the damned crops!
;Can you teach me how to grow crops?
Oh... uh, I was being rhetorical. But hell... tell you what, if you wanna grow food, you can use my farm. I have some seedlings I can sell you.
[[Category:NPCs]], [[Category:Serbule Hills NPCs]], [[Category:Human]], [[Category:Vendor]], [[Category:Vendor]]<!--
[[Category:NPCs]] [[Category:Favor/Small Talk]][[Category:Favor/Rewards]]
Now, add the NPC Category [[Category:NPCs]]. Also add the proper category for the NPC's location. [[Category: Serbule NPCs]], [[Category: South Serbule NPCs]], [[Category: Eltibule NPCs]], ect.
If the NPC is also in a location, add that tag too! [[Category: Serbule Keep NPCs]], [[Category: Hogan's Keep NPCs]], [[Category: Amulna NPCs]]
Also add an anatomy type for the NPC. [[Category: Human]], [[Category: Elven]], [[Category: Fae]] (Rakshasa, Goblin, Giant, Fungoid, Canine et al.).
If the NPC is a vendor (they buy or sell items), add [[Category: Vendor]].
If the NPC trains or teaches a skill, add [[Category: Skill Trainer]].
If they barter, [[Category: Bartering]].
If they offer consignment, [[Category: Consignment]].
If they offer storage, [[Category: Storage]].
If they talk to animals, [[Category: Talks to Animals]].
If the NPC is an event NPC, [[Category: Event NPCs]]-->

Latest revision as of 20:03, 29 April 2024

Button Blue.png
Julius Patton
An older human
His farm in the north west of Serbule Hills
Beast Speak:
Speaks With:
Skill Trainer:
Offers Storage

Used to have a bunch of chickens. But goblins got into my coop. This was a year ago, before the frog people showed up. Hm, I don't even know if frog people eat chicken. Probably.

Who doesn't eat chicken? Anyway, I know some chickens escaped the goblins, so they're out there in the tall grass somewhere. But they ain't comin'home. Ungrateful birds, I tell you.**

Julius Patton is a farmer in the fields of Serbule Hills. After the goblins drove out the loggers, he lost most of his crops to theft. In the past, Julius made and sold wine.


Serbule Hills
Julius Patton is always seen standing on the porch of his house in Serbule Hills looking over his farm.


Julius Patton sells a selection of seeds and seedlings used in Gardening. He also sells Handsaws and Empty Bottles.

Items Sold[view/edit]

 75 councils   [Neutral] 
 7 councils   [Neutral] 
 9 councils   [Neutral] 
 12 councils   [Neutral] 
 15 councils   [Neutral] 
 19 councils   [Comfortable] 
 22 councils   [Comfortable] 
 75 councils   [Neutral] 


Small Talk [view/edit]

Favor Rewards

Reward at [Comfortable]:

Recipe for .

Reward at [Friends]:

Hey, you're a good kid. If you need any grapes, go ahead and them 'em off the vines out there. I don't use too many of 'em anymore. Oh, I thought of an important farming trick I can teach you, too.

Allows picking of Grapevines around his farm. After being picked, these vines take an hour for more grapes to ripen.

Reward at [Like Family]:

Recipe for .



Recipe Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5292.png Bone Meal (from Any Bone)  0    0 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5292.png Bone Meal (from Humanoid Skull)  0    0 councils   [Best Friends] 
Recipe Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5313.png Grape Juice  13    0 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5031.png Mutton and Eggs  28    0 councils   [Like Family] 
Recipe Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5092.png Basic Fertilizer (from Dirt)  5    0 councils   [Neutral] 



Julius Patton offers storage at [Best Friends] Favor.
Storage is limited to Food and Cooking Ingredients.
0 slots at [Neutral].
0 slots at [Comfortable].
0 slots at [Friends].
0 slots at [Close Friends].
28 slots at [Best Friends].
32 slots at [Like Family].
36 slots at [Soul Mates].


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - (Lv20)
[Like Family] Favor - 2 Random Jewlery (Lv 20): , ,


No free food! This is a farm, not a charity!

I don't want free food.

Liar. But you're here too late. The damned loggers stole most of my supplies when they fled. Nothin' here now but grapes. And I need those. Maybe some potatoes, onions, the like. But I need those too!

You want food so badly, YOU grow the damned crops!

Can you teach me how to grow crops?

Oh... uh, I was being rhetorical. But hell... tell you what, if you wanna grow food, you can use my farm. I have some seedlings I can sell you.


Julius Patton