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Revision as of 14:27, 22 December 2016 by Jackybah (talk | contribs) (Added the Druid and Archery skills trained by Azalak)
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Button Blue.png
Azalak the mantis.jpg
This bug looks menacing.
House in forest to the North.
Beast Speak:
Skill Trainer:
Cooking, Alchemy, Dye Making, Necromancy
[[Category:Serbule NPCs]]

Hello. I am not dangerous. My hat indicates intellect.

Azalak is a friendly mantis.


Follow the road north of Serbule Keep past the Creepy Crystal until you find an old house.


  • Potions
  • Animal Remnants
Favor Level Money Pool
Friends 10000


  • Cranium Powder
  • Pure Cranium Powder
  • Enhanced Cranium Powder (? no longer available? or behind favor?)
  • Pineal Juice
  • Pure Pineal Juice
  • Enhanced Pineal Juice (? no longer available? or behind favor?)
  • Myconian Primer (? no longer available? or behind favor?)
  • Lucky Belt of The Defiler
  • Lucky Belt of The Vile General

Small Talk

  • Likes Gems Hint
  • Likes Flowers Hint
  • Likes Books
  • Loves Head Gear


  • The Spies: Easy to Medium


To start this quest, talk to Azalak.


Azalak requested you to kill Psychic Mantis Spies that have snuck into Serbule before they destroy the town. Psychic Mantis Spies are may be difficult to kill if you are using anything with Slashing, Psychic, or Nature damage as they are resistant to those. The good thing is that you just have to kill 2 of them. When you manage to kill them, head back to Azalak to complete the quest; congratulations!


  • [Help out]

  • Wooing Zeratak : Easy


To start this quest, talk to Azalak.


Azalak wants you to talk to Zeratak. She is located inside the house. Talk to her then Azalak to complete the quest; congratulations!


  • [Help out]

  • Brains For Drugs : Easy


To start this quest, talk to Azalak.


Azalak tells you that he and Zeratak wish to make a living selling their "special alchemical brain elixirs". He wants to try to create a new less toxic elixir that every race can use and needs 3 Brains to test with. Brains can be found from various creatures, but it is easier to find and kill Brain Bugs for them near his house. When you have the Brains, give them to Azalak to complete the quest; congratulations!


  • Dinner For Zeratak : Easy


To start this quest, talk to Azalak (might also need previous favors done or certain favor level).


Azalak thinks Zeratak would enjoy mantis flesh better if it was prepared appropriately. He has been experimenting with Venison and has a recipe for it, but no ingredients to make it. He gives you the Venison Psi-Mantis Style recipe which requires level 5 Cooking. You can either buy or cook the dish yourself. If you plan on cooking it, you will need:

1 Venison: loot from Deers or other animals.
1 Bottle of Milk: milk any cow inside Serbule (requires an Empty Bottle).
1 Clownfish Fillet: fillet a Clownfish (requires recipe from Fainor).
1 Basic Fish Scales: random chance of receiving this while filleting fish.
Note: You can buy all these from other players or NPC shops where players have sold them to

Once you have the Venison Psi-Mantis Style, head back to Azalak and give him it to complete the quest; congratulations!


  • The Second Woo : Easy


To start this quest, talk to Azalak (requires Wooing Zeratak?).


Azalak wants you to ask Zeratak to visit him . She is located inside the house. Talk to her then Azalak to complete the quest; congratulations!


  • [Help out]


Venison Psi-Mantis Style (L5) Hint
Chicken Psi-Mantis Style (L10) (at Friends or after completing Dinner for Zeratak, to be confirmed)
Recipe: Cranium Powder
Recipe: Pure Cranium Powder
Recipe: Enhanced Cranium Powder
Recipe: Pineal Juice
Recipe: Pure Pineal Juice
Recipe: Enhanced Pineal Juice
Recipe: Faux Pineal Juice
Recipe: Weak Acidic Cleanser
Recipe: Potent Acidic Cleanser
Dye Making
Recipe: Lemon Chiffon Dye
Necromancy Hint
Create Super Zombie
Create Super Zombie 2
Create Super Zombie 3
Cloud Sight
Cloud Sight 2
Cloud Sight 3
Cloud Sight 4
Cloud Sight 5
Pulse of Life
Pulse of Life 2
Pulse of Life 3
Pulse of Life 4
Restorative Arrow
Restorative Arrow 2
Restorative Arrow 3
Restorative Arrow 4
Mangling Shot
Mangling Shot 2
Mangling Shot 3
Mangling Shot 4
Mangling Shot 5

Hang Out


  • Sit quietly and ambush small game Repeatable
35 favor with Azalak
6x Venison
4x Rough Animal Skin