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Revision as of 17:00, 17 October 2022 by JentheBovine (talk | contribs) (Hang Outs: Added quote for Rita Spy on Marna to discover her hair secrets.)
Button Blue.png
Rita (npc).png
Her eyes are bright with excitement
as she gossips with Blanche.
Outside the inn.
Beast Speak:

Hi sweetie, how are you? You're looking gorgeous!


Rita is a sex-addicted Elf who hangs out on the Chortling Beaver's front porch, enjoying numerous salacious discussions with Blanche.

Blanche: I have the juiciest gossip! But you have to keep it a secret.
Rita: Of course! Is it about Salmay?
Blanche: No... it's Ivyn! I heard he hasn't been with an elf in six months!
Rita: That's not healthy! What has he done instead? Humans?


Outside the inn, talking to Blanche.


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Dislikes Food
  • Likes Flowers Hint
  • Likes Clothing (non-armored)
  • Loves Slippers
  • Likes Interesting Reading Material

Favor Rewards

Reward at [Comfortable]:

Referral to Harry the Wolf as a friend, allows access to Lycanthropy via a quest.

Reward at [Friends]:

You've been such a good friend. Here, I wanted you to have this. It's brought me luck over the years.

Hang Outs

Help Rita braid her hair (60 min)

Ow! No! You're doing it wrong! Okay... stop! Okay, you get an 'A' for effort, but let's call it a day.

12 favor with Rita
2 Hair Tie

Help Rita make navel rings (4 hours)

35 favor
1 Navel Ring of Cleanliness (Max Cleanliness +1)

Take a hike through the woods and then have sex (12 hr)

That was fun! You were pretty good! But practice what I showed you for next time, okay?

95 favor
Recipe for Elven Sexual Energy Cantrip

Spy on Marna to discover her hair secrets (8 hr)

She must have known we were watching her! That's why she used that creepy cantrip: to throw us off the trail. Elves wouldn't use that, it's slummy Human magic. We need to spy on her again later.

65 favor with Rita
Recipe for Human Hair-Cleaning Cantrip

Help Rita make soap (5 hr)

42 favor
50 Alchemy XP
Recipe for Floral Soap

Play with the giant rats in town (2 hr)

20 favor
3 Violet



Interpretive Dance Variant

Rita is the teacher for Dance 2 (variant B). At least three musicians must be playing instruments near Rita to convince them to demonstrate their dance.


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - (lv 30)
[Like Family] Favor - (lv 30), 5x



Rita (Left) & Blanche (Right) talking on the Serbule Keep Inn Porch.