Canines (creature type) include dogs, wolves, and werewolves.
Canine Anatomy (a sub-skill of Anatomy) knowledge is gained by using the Autopsy Kit on creatures of this type.
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Known Creatures
- Bleddyn
- Bloodmaw
- Eater of Would-Be Armorsmiths
- Karnag The Imaginary Wolf
- Scion of Norala
- The Hound of Amaluk Valley
- The Unbreakable Worg
- Barghest
- Bloodmaw's Pack
- Bloodthirsty Werewolf
- Breeder Barghest
- Completely Normal Fox
- Crazed Alpha
- Cunning Wolf
- Fae Worg
- Ferocious Wolf
- Guard Worg
- Hungry Tundra Wolf
- Insane Matriarch
- Insane Werewolf
- Insatiable Werewolf
- Lycanthrope Illusionist
- Malnourished Wolf
- Marrowchomp
- Sickly Wolf
- Starving Tundra Wolf
- Supporting Wolf
- Trained War-Barghest
- True Barghest
- Wild Worg
- Wolf
- Worg
- Worghest
Level Reward
- Level 32: Archery chance of critical hit: +1% (total 4%)
- Level 35: Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 10%)
- Level 36: Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 12%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 12%)
- Level 40: Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 4%) Archery chance of critical hit: +1% (total 5%)
- Level 42: Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 12%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 14%)
- Level 45: +1 to Anatomy Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 15%)
- Level 48: Archery chance of critical hit: +1% (total 6%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 16%)
- Level 49: Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 14%)
- Level 50; +1 to Anatomy L L ‘ __ Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (tota|_S%)