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Revision as of 11:49, 16 November 2018 by Truffle (talk | contribs) (Skills and Ability Mods)

This page lists various means of increasing run speed.


Skills and Ability Mods

Note: Information in this table is based on info in the wiki. Most information is untested in actual gameplay. In particular some of the "In Combat?" values may be incorrect.
Modded numbers are based on obtaining all highest-level applicable item mods (as of 10 March, 2017).

Skill Ability Duration Cooldown Uptime In Combat? Unmodded Modded
Bard Moment of Resolve 8 60 13% yes 0 +3
Battle Chemistry Mutation: Extra Toes long n/a 100% no +5 +5
Haste Concoction 10 45 22% yes +11 +11
Cow Moo of Determination 10 30 33% yes +13 +13
Graze 30 50 60% no 0 +17
Deer Bounding Escape 13 30 43% yes +8 +8
Cuteness Overload 8 30 27% yes 0 +12
none (Generic Mod) perm n/a 100% no 0 +8
Druid Hunter's Stride 60 60 100% yes +2.5 +2.5
Fire Magic Flesh to Fuel 15 20 75% no 0 +14
Lycanthropy Hunting Speed 30 10 100% no +12 +12
Shadow Feint 15 20 75% yes 0 +6
Psychology Positive Attitude 60 60 (47)* 100% (128%) no 0 +8
Rabbit Hare Dash 11 30 37% yes +10 +10
none (Generic Mod) perm n/a 100% no 0 +6
Shield Take the Lead 10 30 33% yes +10 +20
Vigorous Defense 15 60 25% yes 0 +6
Spider Premeditated Doom 40 40 100% yes 0 +7
Web Trap 10 25 (15)* 40% (67%)* yes 0 +14
Terrifying Bite 10 30 ** yes 0 +6

*Numbers in parentheses require mod(s)
**Up to 33% uptime, but requires landing a melee attack to activate

Item Properties

  • Sprint speed mods on various items, such as the +1 to sprint speed on the "Amulet of the Rugged Traveler", "Ring of Jaunty Traipsing", or the +2 sprint speed on boots with the word "Windstep" in their title. These passive sprint mods stack.