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How to make money

Revision as of 09:16, 19 May 2020 by Tru (talk | contribs)
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Kill stuff, sell the loot
- not all the mobs will equally easy for you to kill. Find some that you enjoy killing and that drop nice loot. For example the skeletons in the southwest of Serbule.
- be sure to increase some favor with Joeh; that will increase his money pool and then he will buy more armor from you
- try only to sell to Marna as a 'last resort' (because her money pool is very small !). Learn what the other vendors will buy. (Sell gear/armor to Joeh ; rings and necklaces to Larsan ; mushrooms and animal parts to Mushroom Jack; weird stuff to Sir Coth)
- every now and then wander into the Serbule Crypts dungeon. See if you can reach the first and possibly the second treasure chest. They will give loot and will reset every hour.

Invest some time in the lower levels of Gardening and Cooking.
- Therese in the Serbule Keep garden will sell you the seedlings to begin growing potatoes and onions. (Be sure to safe your Strange Dirt that you will need soon to make Fertilizer.)
- buy a Butcher Knife and take a tour outside the Serbule Keep. Kill and butcher all the pigs you see. After that kill more pigs. (especially the area east of Serbule Keep has lots of pigs). The Pork Shoulder obtained from butchered pigs is very nice to make bacon to either sell or as a gift for Joeh and Ivyn
- you can sell your items to Fainor in the inn
- the items you create through Cooking are very usefull to increase favor with Joeh, Marna, Hulon and Ivyn. (and consequently allow you to store more items with them)

Check out the Workorder-post
- near the entrance to merchant area in Serbule workorders will be posted for lower quality items.
- it can be a nice inspiration to try for one of those workorders. As a newer player you may want to look at the ones for Fishing, Gardening, Cooking and the random loot drops first. The Leatherworking, Carpentry and Fletching ones require a little more effort.
- having a workorder for an item offers you an opportunity to create some crafting items (and raise that skill) and know that you will get a decent amount of money for it. (Instead of creating item, and vendor selling it; which can feel less worthwhile)
- since the workorder 'reset' once a month (you cannot to the Same One multiple times a day), and eventually you will want to raise your Industry skill, it can be good to start early

Start Surveying
- this will provide you with gems. Gems are a very sought after item for crafting.
- also the Rubywall Crystals are sought by crafters as this is more affordable general gem that can be more easily used for mass production of item to raise their skill in for instance leatherworking or tailoring.
- once you have some be sure to talk in Trade chat; Player will usually pay double the price that Larsan pays for gems.