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Revision as of 01:50, 7 November 2020 by AllyBot (talk | contribs) (Using_in_Recipes: Bot added info for game version v340, bot version 103. Contact User:Alleryn for issues concerning this bot edit.)

Dried "sticks" of cinnamon, perfect for spicing many dishes.
Value: 30

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering




Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Lvl Name Ingredients Results
50 Brown Ale (One Glass) icon_5717.png Barley x3
icon_5718.png Hops x1
icon_5734.png Brown Ale Yeast x1
Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Molasses, or Corn x1
Fruit: Guava, Banana, or Lemon x1
Mushroom Flakes/Powders: Field, Blusher, Milk Cap, Blood x1
Cinnamon, Muntok Peppercorns, or Seaweed x1
icon_5744.png Brown Ale x1
50 Tequila (Drinkable Cask) icon_5722.png Aged Tequila x1
Fruit: Guava, Banana, or Lemon x1
Mushroom Flakes/Powders: Field, Blusher, Milk Cap, Blood x1
Wolf Teeth, Panther Tail, Deinonychus Claw, Rabbit's Foot, or Bear Gallbladder x1
Cinnamon, Muntok Peppercorns, Seaweed, or Myconian Jelly x1
icon_5722.png Tequila x1
53 Brown Ale Keg icon_5324.png Firkin x1
icon_5717.png Barley x15
icon_5718.png Hops x3
icon_5734.png Brown Ale Yeast x1
Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Molasses, or Corn x1
Fruit: Guava, Banana, or Lemon x1
Mushroom Flakes/Powders: Field, Blusher, Milk Cap, Blood x1
Cinnamon, Muntok Peppercorns, or Seaweed x1
icon_5745.png Brown Ale Keg x1
60 Hegemony Lager (One Glass) icon_5717.png Barley x3
icon_5718.png Hops x2
icon_5735.png Hegemony Lager Yeast x1
Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Molasses, or Corn x1
Fruit: Pear, Peach, or Green Apple x1
Mushroom Flakes/Powders: Field, Blusher, Milk Cap, Blood x1
Cinnamon, Muntok Peppercorns, or Seaweed x1
icon_5744.png Hegemony Lager x1
60 Dry Gin (Drinkable Cask) icon_5722.png Aged Dry Gin x1
Fruit: Pear, Peach, or Green Apple x1
Mushroom Flakes/Powders: Coral, Groxmax, Porcini, Black Foot Morel x1
Wolf Teeth, Panther Tail, Deinonychus Claw, Rabbit's Foot, or Bear Gallbladder x1
Cinnamon, Muntok Peppercorns, Seaweed, or Myconian Jelly x1
icon_5722.png Dry Gin x1
63 Hegemony Lager Keg icon_5324.png Firkin x1
icon_5717.png Barley x17
icon_5718.png Hops x4
icon_5735.png Hegemony Lager Yeast x1
Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Molasses, or Corn x1
Fruit: Pear, Peach, or Green Apple x1
Mushroom Flakes/Powders: Field, Blusher, Milk Cap, Blood x1
Cinnamon, Muntok Peppercorns, or Seaweed x1
icon_5745.png Hegemony Lager Keg x1
73 Dwarven Stout Keg icon_5324.png Firkin x1
icon_5717.png Barley x20
icon_5718.png Hops x4
icon_5736.png Dwarven Stout Yeast x1
Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Molasses, or Corn x1
Fruit: Pear, Peach, or Green Apple x1
Mushroom Flakes/Powders: Coral, Groxmax, Porcini, Black Foot Morel x1
Cinnamon, Muntok Peppercorns, or Seaweed x1
icon_5745.png Dwarven Stout Keg x1
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
25 Laura Neth's Famous Tart icon_5041.png Flour x4
icon_5468.png Sugar x4
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x2
icon_5573.png Egg x2
icon_5404.png Pumpkin x1
icon_5690.png Laura Neth's Famous Tart x3
26 Tasty Cranberry Sauce icon_6297.png Cranberries x1
icon_5138.png Orange x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5127.png Tasty Cranberry Sauce x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
30 Pumpkin Smoothie icon_5404.png Pumpkin x1
icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x2
icon_5395.png Pumpkin Smoothie x1
40 Tasty Gingerbread Human icon_5573.png Egg x2
icon_5041.png Flour x3
icon_5468.png Sugar x2
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5724.png Molasses x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5853.png Tasty Gingerbread Human x2
50 Candied Lemon icon_5622.png Lemon x2
icon_5706.png Honey x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5823.png Candied Lemon x1
50 Basic Pumpkin Pie icon_5404.png Pumpkin x2
icon_5041.png Flour x5
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x4
icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5768.png Basic Pumpkin Pie x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
52 Cinnamon Pumpkin Rolls icon_5404.png Pumpkin x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5390.png Banana x1
icon_5041.png Flour x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5984.png Cinnamon Pumpkin Rolls x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
55 Beachside Blend icon_5010.png Cactus Juice x1
icon_5390.png Banana x2
icon_5138.png Orange x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5398.png Beachside Blend x1
55 Pumpkin Spice Tea icon_5404.png Pumpkin x1
icon_5180.png Quality Tannin Powder x1
icon_5706.png Honey x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_6392.png Pumpkin Spice Tea x1
60 Fancy Pumpkin Pie icon_5404.png Pumpkin x2
icon_5041.png Flour x5
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x5
icon_5160.png Sour Cream x1
icon_5768.png Fancy Pumpkin Pie x1
63 Tart Applesauce icon_5728.png Green Apple x2
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5014.png Pixie Sugar x1
icon_5934.png Tart Applesauce x1
80 Pumpkin Spice Coffee icon_5765.png Coffee Beans x2
icon_5404.png Pumpkin x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5706.png Honey x1
icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_6392.png Pumpkin Spice Coffee x2
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
Ice Conjuration
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
8 Orange Shaved Ice icon_5138.png Orange x3
icon_5468.png Sugar x3
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5662.png Orange Shaved Ice x1
10 Guava Shaved Ice icon_5139.png Guava x3
icon_5468.png Sugar x3
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5661.png Guava Shaved Ice x1
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
20 Myconutmeg icon_5146.png Mycena Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5892.png Myconutmeg x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1


NPC Location Preferences
Ragabir Red Wing Casino Likes (Alchemy Ingredients)
Mandibles Red Wing Casino Likes (Cooking Ingredients)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location Notes
Fake Cinnamon 8 (Collect) One time only Mox Warcut Neutral New Prestonbule Cave in Gazluk
Halloween Event: Pumpkin Smoothie 1 (Have) 60 Days Unknown Unknown Unknown
Halloween Event: Pumpkin Rolls 3 (Collect) 60 Days Unknown Unknown Unknown
Event: Candy Cane Prep 6 (Collect) 91 Days Nightshade Unknown The Outpost in Northwestern Kur

Other Uses
