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Poison Slug

Revision as of 15:44, 23 November 2020 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Locations: Updated stats.)
Main Page Headers Bg.png
Poison Slug (Eltibule)
Poison Slug.jpg
Very Effective:
Crushing, Trauma
Very Ineffective:
Poison Slugs murk up the bodies of water around them - fish rarely spawn in polluted areas like that. Their power debuff stacks and can be quite nasty. The slugs possess a deadly poison that only deals a little bit of damage, but stacks up and sticks around for a long time. Getting some weak poison resistance can completely negate them.


Crystal Cavern
Vitals: Health 186 Armor 38 Rage 191
Location: All around the water.
Myconian Cave
Vitals: Health 186 Armor 38 Rage 191
Location: Resides in the flooded areas.
Vitals: Health 456 Armor 89 Rage 491
Location: Underwater in the Western (right side of map) lakes.
Goblin Dungeon
Vitals: Health X Armor X Rage X
Location: Found in one room of Green annex.
Sun Vale
Vitals: Health 456 Armor 89 Rage 491
Location: Found on the largest island.
Snowblood Shadow Cave
Vitals: Health 3473 Armor 378 Rage 1836
Location: Found everywhere.

Combat Abilities

Strong Regeneration

icon_3401.png Poison Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_3401.png Heavy Poison Damage


Skin: None
Meat: None
Skull: None

Reported Loot

All Areas
Crystal Cavern, Myconian Cave (38/186/191 stats)
Eltibule, Sun Vale (89/456/491 stats)