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Revision as of 22:40, 27 September 2021 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Harvestables)
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Map of Povus (click for larger size)
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Area Level

Povus is a Rakshasa-controlled land that serves as a buffer between the Council's jurisdiction, and the Crone Hegemony. West of Rahu and north of Gazluk, the swampy terrain of Povus is home to a variety of reptilian monsters.

Neighboring Regions

The so-called capital of the Rakshasa, Rahu City in the east rivals Povus in allure to crafters and merchanteers. The portal to Rahu is in eastern Povus.
A frozen, hostile land separating most of the Rakshasa lands from the rest of the Council's eastern reaches. The portal to Gazluk is in southern Povus.

Points of Interest

City of Povus

Once a bustling crafter paradise, constant threats have destroyed parts of the town and driven away many of its residents.

Orc Camp


Giant Mushroom


Ranalon Encampments


Paleontologist Outpost



There are no known Dungeons in Povus.

Teleportation Circles

There are two Council constructed Teleportation Circles in the Povus region.

  • #1
  • #2

Two Mushroom Circles have grown in Povus. They are found ... and ...

Povus Inhabitants

Friendly NPCs

Event NPCs


      Special Foes



      Nightly Raids

      Each night (around 8pm game-time) the town of Povus is ravaged by monsters. When you help the town fend off these threats, you gain personal rewards and also help the town recover.

      • Start by lighting the lamps around town. This will help keep the monsters at bay.
      • Once all the lamps in town are lit, visit the town signboard for a reward.
      • You can also start another quest at that time, if you so choose.
      The second quest is chosen randomly. Complete it and return to the signpost for a reward. After that, the quests get a bit harder, and require two players to start. (
      Both players must interact with the signboard at the same time.) Later quests require 3, 4, and more players, up to a maximum of 6. These later quests are quite deadly and it may behoove you to team up!

      Town Level

      The town's current state of disrepair is represented by a level. You can view the town's level from the signboard. The town earns XP when you complete nightly quests, and levels up when its XP bar is full. But there's a catch! Every night, right as the monsters appear, the town loses XP. This can cause its level to drop!

      The town's level determines which villagers and amenities are present. For instance, Povus must be level 3 to activate the forge. Stephie Blackhammer also returns to town when it reaches level 3. These features (and people) disappear again if the town's level drops below their requirement.

      Povus Town System Guide



      An unmarked, fully explored map of Povus (Click for larger view).