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Treasure Cartography

Revision as of 08:25, 11 February 2020 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (Treasure)
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Treasure Cartography
Just like surveying! Except instead of valuable gems, you can find..."treasure."
Skill Type:
Trade Skill
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:

Leave a quote about the skill here. This can be the in-game description, but that info must be placed below as well. Adds a bit of flavor to the article as well.

Treasure Cartography Overview

Treasure Cartography has you creating maps and running around to find buried treasure. Map creation relies on "rumors", found mainly from the mysterious statues in Eltibule. Another source of treasure rumors can be to dig up graves in Eltibule with a shovel, or to buy the rumors from vendors like Hulon.

In-Game Description

Experience creating maps from old clues. The maps can lead to treasure... or tragedy.

Training Treasure Cartography

  • Yasinda teaches Treasure Cartography after becoming Friends with you. She also teaches the Eltibule maps.
  • Preta teaches the Sun Vale Treasure Cartography maps.
  • The Sand Seer teaches the Ilmari maps.

Connected Skills


  • None

Secondary Skills:

  • None

Related Skills:

  • None

Treasure Cartography Complete Recipe List

Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the Treasure Cartography skill.

Lvl Name First-Time XP XP Ingredients Results Description Source
1 Eltibule Treasure Map: Small Treasure 125 25 icon_5306.png Simple Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Eltibule Treasure Rumor: Small Treasure x1
Eltibule Treasure Map: Small Treasure Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in Eltibule. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: Yasinda
8 Eltibule Treasure Map: Large Treasure 395 79 icon_5306.png Basic Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Eltibule Treasure Rumor: Large Treasure x1
Eltibule Treasure Map: Large Treasure Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in Eltibule. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: Yasinda
10 Sun Vale Treasure Map: Small Treasure 475 95 icon_5306.png Simple Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Sun Vale Treasure Rumor: Small Treasure x1
Sun Vale Treasure Map: Small Treasure Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in Sun Vale. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: Preta
16 Eltibule Treasure Map: Vast Riches 715 143 icon_5306.png Good Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Eltibule Treasure Rumor: Vast Riches x1
Eltibule Treasure Map: Vast Riches Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in Eltibule. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: Yasinda
18 Sun Vale Treasure Map: Large Treasure 795 159 icon_5306.png Basic Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Sun Vale Treasure Rumor: Large Treasure x1
Sun Vale Treasure Map: Large Treasure Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in Sun Vale. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: Preta
22 Ilmari Treasure Map: Small Treasure 1750 350 icon_5306.png Simple Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Ilmari Treasure Rumor: Small Treasure x1
Ilmari Treasure Map: Small Treasure Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in the Ilmari Desert. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: The Sand Seer
24 Eltibule Treasure Map: Incredible Wealth 2000 400 icon_5306.png Expert's Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Eltibule Treasure Rumor: Incredible Wealth x1
Eltibule Treasure Map: Incredible Wealth Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in Eltibule. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: Yasinda
26 Sun Vale Treasure Map: Vast Riches 1115 223 icon_5306.png Good Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Sun Vale Treasure Rumor: Vast Riches x1
Sun Vale Treasure Map: Vast Riches Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in Sun Vale. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: Preta
30 Ilmari Treasure Map: Large Treasure 3250 650 icon_5306.png Basic Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Ilmari Treasure Rumor: Large Treasure x1
Ilmari Treasure Map: Large Treasure Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in the Ilmari Desert. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: The Sand Seer
32 Sun Vale Treasure Map: Incredible Wealth 2000 400 icon_5306.png Expert's Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Sun Vale Treasure Rumor: Incredible Wealth x1
Sun Vale Treasure Map: Incredible Wealth Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in Sun Vale. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: Preta
38 Ilmari Treasure Map: Vast Riches 4000 800 icon_5306.png Good Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Ilmari Treasure Rumor: Vast Riches x1
Ilmari Treasure Map: Vast Riches Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in the Ilmari Desert. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: The Sand Seer
44 Ilmari Treasure Map: Incredible Wealth 5000 1000 icon_5306.png Expert's Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
Ilmari Treasure Rumor: Incredible Wealth x1
Ilmari Treasure Map: Incredible Wealth Use clues to plot the location of buried treasure in the Ilmari Desert. The resulting treasure map may not actually lead to treasure, depending on your skill and (to a larger extent) the quality of your clues. Training: The Sand Seer

Treasure Cartography Mechanics


Eltibule Statues

There are 8 statues around Eltibule. You can sacrifice two types of it per statue per moon phase, for a total of 16 successful sacrifices. Moon phases are tied to real life moon phases (GMT time zone).

The primary, or first, statue (gem/drug statue) is the starting point, and the statues want specific things rotating clockwise from there. Sacrificing the wrong type of item returns nothing, while sacrificing the correct type returns a map. Sacrificing a moonstone to the wrong statue will return the moonstone instead of consuming it, making this a good way to find the first statue. The first statue is also the entrance to the Dark Chapel.

The first (gem/drugs) statue is 1. 2 is the next statue going clockwise, and so on.

Position 1st Sacrifice 2nd Sacrifice
1 Gems Drugs
2 Mushrooms Animal Parts
3 Fish Wood
4 Bones Vegetable Seeds (including Cotton)
5 Potions Flower Seeds
6 Flower Jewelry (Rings/Amulets)
7 Fruits Skulls
8 Recipes Vegetables (Grown)

Each statue yields a specific type/quality of map. Statues 1 & 5 give small maps, 2 & 6 give large, 3 & 7 give vast, 4 & 8 give incredible. Maps made with Small/Large usually give random junk, Vast gives 3 items, and Incredible gives 5, with a chance to fail based on map quality/your skill. Occasionally, a Vast or Incredible rumour will dig up a named boss monster, Olugax The Ever-Pudding. Lower-tiers will also sometimes produce Slimes.

Sacrifices are single items..sacrificing a stack will only sacrifice a single item and return the rest to you. The quality of the item doesn't effect results.

Statue Locations

Eltibule Statue Map.jpg

Sun Vale

Sun Vale's Old Statues

When you squint, you realize there are symbols faintly etched into this statue. Underneath each symbol is a little hole just large enough to fit a piece of glass. Near the symbols is a word in old Goblinese.

— Old Statue

Spread out across the Sun Vale region are twelve Old Statues. Some of the statues are on land, while others are underwater. Every day, three of the twelve statues are active. Active statues offer color puzzles based on placing pieces of glass into slots in the statues. Solved statues will reward Sun Vale Treasure Rumors. A statue with 2 slots rewards Small Treasure Rumors while 5 slot statues reward Incredible Wealth Rumors. Once a Sun Vale Treasure Rumor is obtained, you can learn a recipe to use it from Preta

Completed Treasure Cartography Rumors in Sun Vale often reward 2-3 pieces of equipment.

  • Small Treasure Rumors - Level 30 Equipment
  • Large & Vast Treasure Rumors - Level 30-35 Equipment
  • Incredible Wealth Treasure Rumors - Level 40 Equipment

Active Statue Identification

The twelve statues are split into four visual designs. Each day, one of the statue designs is active. The four-day rotation matches the Red Wing Casino Daily Dungeon rotation, so the community has labeled the statue groups by Casino Dungeon Names. Sun Vale Statue Map.jpg

Solving Sun Vale Statue Slots

There are eight colors of Pieces of Glass that can be used in the Old Statue puzzles. A common source for Pieces of Glass is the Cashfall game in the Red Wing Casino. The goal in solving the puzzles is to change all slots to the color that is given by the statue in Goblinese (requires Level 20 to read properly).

(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(5) (6)
(7) (8)

Click Expand to show a way to solve the puzzle

When you insert a piece of glass into a slot, you add that color (number) to the slot color. When a slot reaches black, the slot to the left is also advanced by 1, so you should start solving from the last slot.

Solving is just a matter of simple math, you have a displayed number D and the target number T that you want to reach. If D < T you just add the difference. If T < D you increase T by 8 and then add the difference.

A few examples:

  • Slot is (1) red, you insert (3) yellow, it will reach (4) green.
  • Slot is (8) black, you add (2) orange, it will reach (2) orange.
  • Slot is (7) white, you add (4) green, it will reach (3) yellow and change the slot to the left by 1.
  • Slot is (5) blue, you add (8) black, it will reach (5) blue and change the slot to the left by 1.

Treasure Cartography Stat Bonuses

Level Bonus Totals
7 Available Map Pin Icons +1 Available Map Pin Icons +1
10 Max Map Pins (per map) +1 Available Map Pin Icons +1
Max Map Pins (per map) +1
17 Available Map Pin Icons +1 Available Map Pin Icons +2
Max Map Pins (per map) +1
20 Max Map Pins (per map) +1 Available Map Pin Icons +2
Max Map Pins (per map) +2
27 Available Map Pin Icons +1 Available Map Pin Icons +3
Max Map Pins (per map) +2
30 Max Map Pins (per map) +1 Available Map Pin Icons +3
Max Map Pins (per map) +3
37 Available Map Pin Icons +1 Available Map Pin Icons +4
Max Map Pins (per map) +3
40 Max Map Pins (per map) +1 Available Map Pin Icons +4
Max Map Pins (per map) +4
47 Available Map Pin Icons +1 Available Map Pin Icons +5
Max Map Pins (per map) +4
50 Max Map Pins (per map) +1 Available Map Pin Icons +5
Max Map Pins (per map) +5
70 Max Map Pins (per map) +1 Available Map Pin Icons +5
Max Map Pins (per map) +6

Level Up Rewards

Level Bonus Skill
7 +1 Available Map Pin Icons
10 +1 Max Map Pins (per map)
17 +1 Available Map Pin Icons
20 +1 Max Map Pins (per map)
27 +1 Available Map Pin Icons
30 +1 Max Map Pins (per map)
37 +1 Available Map Pin Icons
40 +1 Max Map Pins (per map)
47 +1 Available Map Pin Icons
50 +1 Max Map Pins (per map)


Treasure is seemingly random, often consisting of gems, recipe scrolls, skill books, or equipment. Level of equipment is determined by the wealth level of the rumor:

Treasure Cartography Experience Table

Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Treasure Cartography

Level Experience Total Experience
1 10 10
2 50 60
3 50 110
4 50 160
5 50 210
6 210 420
7 210 630
8 210 840
9 210 1050
10 210 1260
11 420 1680
12 420 2100
13 420 2520
14 420 2940
15 420 3360
16 680 4040
17 680 4720
18 680 5400
19 680 6080
20 680 6760
21 990 7750
22 990 8740
23 990 9730
24 990 10720
25 990 11710
26 1350 13060
27 1350 14410
28 1350 15760
29 1350 17110
30 1350 18460
31 1760 20220
32 1760 21980
33 1760 23740
34 1760 25500
35 1760 27260
36 2500 29760
37 2500 32260
38 2500 34760
39 2500 37260
40 2500 39760
41 3210 42970
42 3210 46180
43 3210 49390
44 3210 52600
45 3210 55810
46 4440 60250
47 4440 64690
48 4440 69130
49 4440 73570
50 4440 78010
51 7650 85660
52 7650 93310
53 7650 100960
54 7650 108610
55 7650 116260
56 10860 127120
57 10860 137980
58 10860 148840
59 10860 159700
60 10860 170560
61 14100 184660
62 14100 198760
63 14100 212860
64 14100 226960
65 14100 241060
66 17550 258610
67 17550 276160
68 17550 293710
69 17550 311260
70 17550 328810
71 21000 349810
72 21000 370810
73 21000 391810
74 21000 412810
75 21000 433810
76 24750 458560
77 24750 483310
78 24750 508060
79 24750 532810
80 24750 557560
81 28750 586310
82 28750 615060
83 28750 643810
84 28750 672560
85 28750 701310
86 33000 734310
87 33000 767310
88 33000 800310
89 33000 833310
90 33000 866310
91 37500 903810
92 37500 941310
93 37500 978810
94 37500 1016310
95 37500 1053810
96 42500 1096310
97 42500 1138810
98 42500 1181310
99 42500 1223810
100 42500 1266310


Eltibule Increadible Wealth treasures contain equipment with mods up to level 50.
