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Rough cloth for industrial uses.
Value: 35

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Textile Creation [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Canvas icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5360.png Cotton x2
icon_5939.png Canvas x1

Obtaining through Bartering




Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Buckle Artistry [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
1 Buckle of Confident Pounding 1 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 1 x1
2 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 1 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_6028.png Tomato Red Dye x1 (!)
icon_20003.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 1 x1
3 Buckle of Confident Pounding 2 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 2 x1
5 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 2 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_6093.png Dark Violet Dye x1 (!)
icon_20003.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 2 x1
6 Buckle of Hardy Combat 1 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_6014.png Antique White Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 1 x1
6 Buckle of Confident Pounding 3 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 3 x1
8 Buckle of Confident Pounding 4 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 4 x1
10 Buckle of Basic Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_6075.png Deep Sky Blue Dye x1 (!)
icon_20003.png Buckle of Basic Hammering x1
10 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 3 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_6017.png Pink Dye x1 (!)
icon_20003.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 3 x1
11 Buckle of Hardy Combat 2 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_6027.png Red Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 2 x1
12 Buckle of Lightened Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_6085.png Thistle Dye x1 (!)
icon_20002.png Buckle of Lightened Hammering x1
12 Buckle of Confident Pounding 5 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 5 x1
14 Buckle of Confident Pounding 6 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Advanced Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 6 x1
15 Buckle of Swift Slagging icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_6044.png Pale Marigold Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Swift Slagging x1
15 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 4 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_6095.png Purple Dye x1 (!)
icon_20007.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 4 x1
16 Buckle of Hardy Combat 3 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_6051.png Drab Grass Green Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 3 x1
18 Buckle of Confident Pounding 7 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Advanced Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 7 x1
20 Buckle of Competent Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_6034.png Pale Goldenrod Dye x1 (!)
icon_20003.png Buckle of Competent Hammering x1
20 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 5 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
icon_6032.png Lemon Chiffon Dye x1 (!)
icon_20007.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 5 x1
21 Buckle of Hardy Combat 4 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x1
icon_6001.png Light Gray Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 4 x1
24 Buckle of Unburdened Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x1
icon_6082.png Dark Blue Dye x1 (!)
icon_20002.png Buckle of Unburdened Hammering x1
25 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 6 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x1
icon_6010.png White Dye x1 (!)
icon_20007.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 6 x1
26 Buckle of Hardy Combat 5 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x1
icon_6052.png Yellow Green Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 5 x1
27 Buckle of Confident Pounding 8 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Advanced Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 8 x1
30 Buckle of Impressive Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x1
icon_6067.png Aquamarine Dye x1 (!)
icon_20007.png Buckle of Impressive Hammering x1
30 Buckle of Hastened Slagging icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x1
icon_6055.png Pale Green Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hastened Slagging x1
30 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 7 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x1
icon_6024.png Crimson Dye x1 (!)
icon_20006.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 7 x1
31 Buckle of Hardy Combat 6 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_6003.png Gray Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 6 x1
33 Buckle of Confident Pounding 9 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Advanced Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 9 x1
35 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 8 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_6036.png Dark Khaki Dye x1 (!)
icon_20006.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 8 x1
36 Buckle of Easy Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_6080.png Blue Dye x1 (!)
icon_20002.png Buckle of Easy Hammering x1
36 Buckle of Hardy Combat 7 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_6050.png Dark Olive Green Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 7 x1
40 Buckle of Masterful Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_6040.png Rosy Brown Dye x1 (!)
icon_20007.png Buckle of Masterful Hammering x1
40 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 9 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_6060.png Dark Green Dye x1 (!)
icon_20006.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 9 x1
41 Buckle of Hardy Combat 8 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x1
icon_6029.png Orange Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 8 x1
41 Buckle of Confident Pounding 10 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x1
icon_5888.png Advanced Ink x1
icon_20003.png Buckle of Confident Pounding 10 x1
45 Buckle of Fast Slagging icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x1
icon_6081.png Medium Blue Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Fast Slagging x1
45 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 10 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x1
icon_6089.png Magenta Dye x1 (!)
icon_20004.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 10 x1
46 Buckle of Hardy Combat 9 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x1
icon_6006.png Night Gray Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 9 x1
48 Buckle of Featherweight Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x1
icon_6009.png Azure Dye x1 (!)
icon_20002.png Buckle of Featherweight Hammering x1
50 Buckle of Astounding Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x1
icon_6074.png Sky Blue Dye x1 (!)
icon_20006.png Buckle of Astounding Hammering x1
50 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 11 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x1
icon_6023.png Carnelian Red Dye x1 (!)
icon_20004.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 11 x1
51 Buckle of Hardy Combat 10 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x1
icon_6012.png Beige Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 10 x1
55 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 12 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x1
icon_6005.png Slate Gray Dye x1 (!)
icon_20004.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 12 x1
56 Buckle of Hardy Combat 11 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x1
icon_6065.png Light Cyan Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 11 x1
60 Buckle of Ludicrous Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x1
icon_6068.png Turquoise Dye x1 (!)
icon_20004.png Buckle of Ludicrous Hammering x1
60 Buckle of Slagging Blurs icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x1
icon_6061.png Emerald Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Slagging Blurs x1
60 Buckle of Flowing Hammering icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x1
icon_6030.png Goblin Orange Dye x1 (!)
icon_20002.png Buckle of Flowing Hammering x1
60 Buckle of Healthy Hammering 13 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x1
icon_6057.png Sea Green Dye x1 (!)
icon_20004.png Buckle of Healthy Hammering 13 x1
61 Buckle of Hardy Combat 12 icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5577.png Astounding Metal Slab x1
icon_6011.png Smoky White Dye x1 (!)
icon_20005.png Buckle of Hardy Combat 12 x1
Tailoring [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
15 Add Pockets To Leather Pants icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
Leather Pants x1
Adds +1 Pockets.
Consumes 12 Enhancement Points.
20 Add Pockets To Leather Shirt icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
Leather Shirt x1
Adds +1 Pockets.
Consumes 12 Enhancement Points.
Textile Creation [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
12 Simple Blanket icon_5553.png Basic Spider Silk x1
icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5704.png Simple Blanket x1
Toolcrafting [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Shoddy Pocket Belt icon_5939.png Canvas x1 icon_20001.png Shoddy Pocket Belt x1
13 Shoddy Hardcore Belt icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5198.png Piece of Green Glass x2
icon_20001.png Shoddy Hardcore Belt x1
16 Belt of the Swordsman (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Swordsman x1
18 Belt of the Psychologist (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Psychologist x1
20 Belt of the Shielder (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Shielder x1
20 Crude Pocket Belt (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Crude Pocket Belt x1
27 Crude Hardcore Belt icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5320.png Bone Hook x2
icon_20001.png Crude Hardcore Belt x1
28 Belt of the Mentalist (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Mentalist x1
30 Belt of the Archer (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Archer x1
32 Belt of the Animal Handler (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Animal Handler x1
34 Belt of the Staff Fighter (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Staff Fighter x1
35 Nice Pocket Belt (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Nice Pocket Belt x1
36 Belt of the Werewolf (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Werewolf x1
38 Belt of the Necromancer (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Necromancer x1
40 Belt of the Hammerer (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Hammerer x1
41 Nice Hardcore Belt icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5169.png Khopis x2
icon_20001.png Nice Hardcore Belt x1
42 Belt of the Druid (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Druid x1
43 Shock Absorbing Belt (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5361.png Carded Cotton x12
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Shock Absorbing Belt x1
44 Belt of the Ice Mage (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Ice Mage x1
45 Belt of the Knife Fighter (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Knife Fighter x1
46 Belt of the Brave Rabbit (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Brave Rabbit x1
47 Belt of the Priest (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Priest x1
48 Belt of the Bard (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Bard x1
49 Belt of the Warden (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Warden x1
50 Belt of the Spirit Fox (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Belt of the Spirit Fox x1
50 Great Pocket Belt (Enchanted) icon_5939.png Canvas x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Great Pocket Belt x1
51 Great Hardcore Belt icon_5939.png Canvas x2
icon_5426.png Basilisk Tail Tip x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Great Hardcore Belt x1
55 Amazing First Aid Kit icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5939.png Canvas x1
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5169.png Basic Skinning Knife x1 (!)
icon_5060.png Amazing First Aid Kit x2


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Elaina The Fairy Tree in Sun Vale Likes (Cloth)
George Madler Eltibule Keep in Eltibule Likes (Cloth)
Way Myconian Cave in Serbule Likes (Cloth)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Getting Warden Alerts Working 1 (Collect) One time only Pickles Neutral The Sacred Grotto in Kur
Guild: Afraid of The Circus (10-person) 50 (Amass with Guild) 5 Minutes Nelson Ballard Unknown Serbule Keep in Serbule
Guild: Afraid of The Circus (25-person) 125 (Amass with Guild) 5 Minutes Nelson Ballard Unknown Serbule Keep in Serbule
Guild: Afraid of The Circus (50-person) 250 (Amass with Guild) 5 Minutes Nelson Ballard Unknown Serbule Keep in Serbule
Work Order

Turn in 10x Canvas to Thimble Pete for 792 councils. Requires Industry Level 0.

Other Uses
