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m (Training)
(Hang Outs: added hangout dialogue)
(34 intermediate revisions by 14 users not shown)
Line 4: Line 4:
|image            = [[File:Braigon.png|300px]]
|image            = [[File:Braigon.png|300px]]
|caption          = He's immaculately dressed, but smells like feet.
|caption          = He's immaculately dressed, but smells like feet.
|zone            = [[Eltibule]]
|zone            = Eltibule
|location        = [[Eltibule Keep]]
|town = Eltibule Keep
|skilltrainer    = Cheesemaking
|location        = Inside a tent along the southern wall.
|vendor          = Vendor
|anatomy = Elven
|species = Elf
|skilltrainer    = [[Cheesemaking]]
|beastspeak      = Yes
|beastlist = Only Cow
|vendor          = Yes
People need to make time for cheese In their life.
People need to make time for cheese In their life.
'''Braigon''' is an Elven cheesemaker in Eltibule Keep.
[[Braigon]] is an Elven cheesemaker found in the courtyard of [[Eltibule Keep]].
== Location ==
; [[Eltibule]]
; [[Eltibule]]
: Eltibule Keep (center of the map)
: Eltibule Keep (center of the map)
== Shopkeeper ==
{{Vendor items sold}}
== Favor ==
===Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
===Favor Rewards===
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}|
{{Quote|I like you. You know what, i'm going to teach you the secrets of my trade. On the house! Now, if you'd like to learn some recipes for specific cheeses, I may have to charge you a little bit...}}
Unlocks training.}}
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Close Friends}}|
{{Item|Firkin}} x3
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Best Friends}}|
{{Item|Kilderkin}} x3
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Like Family}}|
{{Item|Barrel}} x3
=== Hang Outs ===
[[Category:Favor/Hang Outs]]
{{Spoiler|Skim the whey off the latest batch of Neufchatel (4 hours)|
| valign="top" width="50%"|
:35 favor with Braigon
:{{Item|Bottle of Whey}} x2
{{Spoiler|Experiment with new varieties of raclette cheese (4 hours)|
Oh gods, it's like a smelly foot exploded! The stench is unbearable!
{{vendor table first}}
Let's call this batch a failure. But I learned something today. Did you?}}
{{vendor item row
:35 favor with Braigon
| item = Mild Cheddar Cheese
:500 Cheesemaking XP
| cost = 980
{{vendor item row
{{Spoiler|Go with Braigon to milk cows (60 min)|
| item = Firkin
:12 favor with Braigon
| cost = 1500
:{{Item|Grass}} x1
{{vendor item row
{{Spoiler|Help Prepare basic whey (4 hours)|
| item = Kilderkin
{{Quote|You know, the whey cheeses are some of the best cooking cheeses, and they're so simple to make! Let me show you how to make cream cheese, it's extremely versatile.}}
| cost = 3750
:35 favor with Braigon
:Recipe for Cream Cheese
{{vendor item row
{{Spoiler|Let Braigon milk you [cow only] (15 min)|
| item = Barrel
:5 favor with Braigon
| cost = 7500
== Quests ==
category = Quests/Braigon
notcategory = Quests/Fall Harvest
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
==Small Talk==
== Training ==
* Likes [[:Category:Cheese | Cheese]] and [[:Category:Dairy | Dairy]] Meals {{Hint|Mild Cheddar Cheese +5}}
Braigon offers many Cheesemaking recipes, and the Mycology recipes to make rennet, an ingredient made from {{Item|Stomach}}s and used in most cheeses.
* Likes [[Bottle of Milk | Milk]]
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
* Loves [[:Category:Magic Oils | Magic Oils]] {{Hint|Crossing Oil +1.25, Uncrossing Oil +7.25, Fear Oil/Hatred Oil +8.25}}
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Cheesemaking]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
* '''[[Milk!]]''' {{Favor|Neutral}} {{Hint|Obtain 2 Bottles of Milk}}
! Cost
* '''[[Stomachs!]]''' {{Favor|Neutral}} {{Hint|Obtain 5 Stomachs}}
! Favor
* '''[[Quarter Hoops!]]''' {{Favor|Comfortable}} {{Hint|Obtain 5 Quarter Hoops}}
{{NPC training unlock row
* '''The Perfect Cow Hide''' : Obtain a Trophy Cow Hide. {{Hint|From cows and bulls south of the keep. Reward is 200 favor and Raclette Cheese x3}}
|item=Cheesemaking{{pipe}}Unlock Cheesemaking
|skilllevel = 0
; [[Cheesemaking]]
|[[File:unlock.png]] Learn Cheesemaking
{{NPC training unlock row
|style="text-align:right"|0 councils
|item=Cheesemaking{{pipe}}Unlock Cheesemaking Skill Levels 51-60
{{vendor item row
|skilllevel = 50
  |item=Recipe: Cottage Cheese
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
{{NPC training row
  |recipe=Cottage Cheese
{{vendor item row
{{NPC training row
  |item=Recipe: Prim Cheese
  |recipe=Prim Cheese
{{vendor item row
{{NPC training row
  |item=Recipe: Laressa's Cheese
  |recipe= Laressa's Cheese
{{vendor item row
{{NPC training row
  |item=Recipe: Urda Cheese
  |recipe= Urda Cheese
{{vendor item row
{{NPC training row
  |item=Recipe: Neufchatel Cheese
  |recipe=Neufchatel Cheese
{{vendor item row
{{NPC training row
  |item=Recipe: Mild Cheddar Cheese
  |recipe=Mild Cheddar Cheese
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Ricotta Cheese
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Cheshire Cheese
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Gloucester Cheese
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Brunost Cheese
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Cantal Cheese
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Sharp Cheddar Cheese
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Brocciu Cheese
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Brie Cheese
|favor=Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Raclette Cheese
|favor=Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Havarti Cheese
|favor=Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Camembert Cheese
|favor=Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Parmesan Cheese
|favor=Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Mozzarella Cheese
|favor=Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Emmentaler Cheese
|favor=Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Pepper Jack Cheese
|favor=Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Limburger Cheese
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Haerel Cheese
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe= Danablu Cheese
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Appenzeller Cheese
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training unlock row
|item=Cheesemaking{{pipe}}Unlock Cheesemaking Skill Levels 51-60
|skilllevel = 50
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Edam Cheese
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Roquefort Cheese
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Ricotta Forte
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Sirine Cheese
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Grasgot Cheese
|favor=Like Family
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Gouda Cheese
|favor=Like Family
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Stilton Cheese
|favor=Like Family
<!-- This one is here because Braigon has it at the bottom of his list :( -- is this still true? yes as of 02-15-2022 -->
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Sour Cream
|favor = Friends
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Cooking]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Beginner's Buttermilk
...and many more.  See [[Cheesemaking]].
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
* Level 16-? (Ricotta-?) recipes at {{Favor|Friends}}.
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Mycology]]
; [[Mycology]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
{{vendor item row
! Cost
  | item = Recipe: Basic Rennet
! Favor
  | cost = 456
{{NPC training row
  |recipe=Basic Rennet
  |cost = 466
{{vendor item row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Recipe: Strong Rennet
  |recipe=Strong Rennet
  | cost = 1110
  |cost = 1133
{{vendor item row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Recipe: Pungent Rennet
  |recipe=Pungent Rennet
  | cost = 1764
  |cost = 1800
==Hang Out==
== Events ==
{{Spoiler|*;Skim the whey off the latest batch of Neufchatel (4 hours)
===== Fall Harvest =====
:35 favor with Braigon
During the [[Fall Harvest]], [[Braigon]] can offer Tofu-related quests.
:2 Bottle of Whey
*;Experiment with new varieties of raclette cheese (4 hours)
category = Quests/Braigon
:35 favor with Braigon
category = Quests/Fall Harvest
:500 Cheesemaking XP
mode = unordered
*;Go with Braigon to milk cows (60 min)
columns = 1
:12 favor with Braigon
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
:1 Grass
*;Help Prepare basic whey (4 hours)
===== Winter Celebration =====
:35 favor with Braigon
:Recipe for Cream Cheese
|RiShin Friends ={{Item|Neufchatel Cheese}}
|RiShin Family ={{Item|Neufchatel Cheese}}, {{Item|Stomach}}
== Conversations ==
I've been on the lookout for a good Esgarion cheese. I wish I'd learned it in my homeland before I left. It's one of the few blue cheeses with a pleasant smell! It tastes super bland, but I'd still like some.
You know [[Chumak]], the Orc who saved [[Statehelm]]? Rumor is he ate a Scamorza every week, and it kept his inherently evil nature at bay. The day he died, a greedy cheesemaker had sold him a mozzarella and told him it was a Scamorza. Coincidence? I think not.}}
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Eltibule NPCs]][[Category:Elven]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:Skill Trainer]]

Latest revision as of 02:33, 29 December 2023

Button Blue.png
He's immaculately dressed, but smells like feet.
Inside a tent along the southern wall.
Beast Speak:
Speaks With:
Only Cow
Skill Trainer:

People need to make time for cheese In their life.

Braigon is an Elven cheesemaker found in the courtyard of Eltibule Keep.


Eltibule Keep (center of the map)


Items Sold[view/edit]

 1330 councils 
 1500 councils 
 3750 councils 
 7500 councils 
 9750 councils 


Small Talk [view/edit]

Favor Rewards

Reward at [Comfortable]

I like you. You know what, i'm going to teach you the secrets of my trade. On the house! Now, if you'd like to learn some recipes for specific cheeses, I may have to charge you a little bit...

Unlocks training.

Reward at [Close Friends]


Reward at [Best Friends]


Reward at [Like Family]


Hang Outs

Skim the whey off the latest batch of Neufchatel (4 hours)

35 favor with Braigon

Experiment with new varieties of raclette cheese (4 hours)

Oh gods, it's like a smelly foot exploded! The stench is unbearable!

Let's call this batch a failure. But I learned something today. Did you?

35 favor with Braigon
500 Cheesemaking XP

Go with Braigon to milk cows (60 min)

12 favor with Braigon

Help Prepare basic whey (4 hours)

You know, the whey cheeses are some of the best cooking cheeses, and they're so simple to make! Let me show you how to make cream cheese, it's extremely versatile.

35 favor with Braigon
Recipe for Cream Cheese

Let Braigon milk you [cow only] (15 min)

5 favor with Braigon



Braigon offers many Cheesemaking recipes, and the Mycology recipes to make rennet, an ingredient made from s and used in most cheeses.
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 0    0 councils   [Comfortable] 
 50    20,000 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5794.png Butter  0    166 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5338.png Cottage Cheese  4    266 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5334.png Prim Cheese  6    333 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5338.png Laressa's Cheese  9    433 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5334.png Urda Cheese  10    466 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5338.png Neufchatel Cheese  12    866 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Mild Cheddar Cheese  14    933 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5334.png Ricotta Cheese  16    1000 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Cheshire Cheese  18    1066 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Gloucester Cheese  19    1100 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5334.png Brunost Cheese  20    1133 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Cantal Cheese  22    1533 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Sharp Cheddar Cheese  24    1600 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5334.png Brocciu Cheese  26    1666 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5324.png Brie Cheese  28    1733 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Raclette Cheese  30    1800 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Havarti Cheese  32    2866 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5324.png Camembert Cheese  34    2933 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Parmesan Cheese  36    3000 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5333.png Mozzarella Cheese  38    3066 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5324.png Emmentaler Cheese  40    3133 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Pepper Jack Cheese  42    4533 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5324.png Limburger Cheese  44    4600 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Haerel Cheese  46    4666 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5325.png Danablu Cheese  48    4733 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5324.png Appenzeller Cheese  50    4800 councils   [Best Friends] 
 50    20,000 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Edam Cheese  52    6533 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5325.png Roquefort Cheese  54    6600 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5334.png Ricotta Forte  56    7666 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5341.png Sirine Cheese  58    7733 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5325.png Grasgot Cheese  60    7800 councils   [Like Family] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5337.png Gouda Cheese  74    13,266 councils   [Like Family] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5325.png Stilton Cheese  76    15,000 councils   [Like Family] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5324.png Sour Cream  2    200 councils   [Friends] 
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5160.png Beginner's Buttermilk  5    280 councils   [Comfortable] 
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5145.png Basic Rennet  10    466 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5146.png Strong Rennet  20    1133 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5147.png Pungent Rennet  30    1800 councils   [Friends] 


Fall Harvest

During the Fall Harvest, Braigon can offer Tofu-related quests.

Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor -
[Like Family] Favor - ,


I've been on the lookout for a good Esgarion cheese. I wish I'd learned it in my homeland before I left. It's one of the few blue cheeses with a pleasant smell! It tastes super bland, but I'd still like some.


You know Chumak, the Orc who saved Statehelm? Rumor is he ate a Scamorza every week, and it kept his inherently evil nature at bay. The day he died, a greedy cheesemaker had sold him a mozzarella and told him it was a Scamorza. Coincidence? I think not.
