Making Money

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Fast Track Newbie Guide to Making Councils

WARNING: This guide contains in-game spoilers. If you don't wish to be exposed to this type of information and prefer to explore Project: Gorgon at your own pace and in your own way, I recommend not reading this guide.

This guide will attempt to help new players learn how to make councils in Project: Gorgon. In this guide, there are no cheats, shortcuts, or other easy money methods--those tend to get removed from the game quite quickly. All of these options will require some work and a little dedication, but by doing them, it is possible to both make councils and level up skills at the same time. Let me also clarify that this guide doesn't list every way to make money. It simply lists the easiest-to-begin methods.


Money through Combat


Money through Crafting


Money through Work Orders


Potentially valuable items you may overlook

I hope this guide has been helpful to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them below. If you have a suggestion to add to the list here, simply format it similarly to my own list and post it to the thread. Those who come here to read this in the future will be very grateful for your knowledge as well.