George Madler

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Button Blue.png
George Madler
He looks older than he probably is.
Courtyard of Eltibule Keep.
Beast Speak:
Skill Trainer:

My wife was taken as a slave aboard a goblin trading ship, and I was sent to Fallow Harbor. I saw her once or twice from afar, even sent her secret messages. But then one day I heard the ship had been lost at sea. She drowned. What a horrible death.

George Madler is a textile artisan who teaches how to process plants like Cotton into usable fabrics.


Eltibule Keep in the center of the zone


Items Sold[view/edit]

 450 councils 


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Likes Council Certificates Hint
  • Likes Unused Cloth Hint

Hang Outs

Card cotton and talk about the weather (4 hours)

  • 35 favor with George Malder
  • 500 Textile Creation XP
  • 5 Carded Cotton

Card cotton and talk about George's dead family (4 hours)

  • 35 favor with George Malder
  • 500 Textile Creation XP
  • 5 Carded Cotton

Card cotton and talk about George's escape from slavery (4 hours)

  • 35 favor with George Malder
  • 500 Textile Creation XP
  • 5 Carded Cotton



Textile Creation
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5327.png Butter Muslin  ?    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn  10    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5312.png String  13    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5329.png Cheesecloth  12    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5941.png Breadcloth  15    ? councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5361.png Carded Cotton  1    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5361.png Carded Cotton (from Cotton Gin)  2    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5361.png Carded Cotton (Expert Level)  25    ? councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5361.png Carded Cotton (Master Level)  45    ? councils   [Like Family] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn  3    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5938.png Cotton Thread  22    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5939.png Canvas  5    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5328.png Voile Muslin  20    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Dye Cloth Armor (1 color)  5    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Dye Cloth Armor (2 colors)  25    ? councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Dye Cloth Armor (3 colors)  50    ? councils   [?] 


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - x50
[Like Family] Favor - x50, x3


I was a slave until three years ago, when I poisoned my moronic goblin masters and escaped. I got my feet back under me in Statehelm. But every night I heard my dead family calling for justice. I ha to come avenge them.

George Madler

Goblin ships landed on Murdo and bashed in our door. They took my wife and I for slaves, and they just killed little Isaac right there in front of me.

George Madler

My wife was taken as a slave aboard a goblin trading ship, and I was sent to Fallow Harbor. I saw her once or twice from afar, even sent her secret messages. But then one day I heard the ship had been lost at sea. She drowned. What a horrible death.

Do you understand why goblins must die now?

George Madler