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A small spindle of cotton string.
Value: 10

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Textile Creation [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
13 String (from Cotton) icon_5361.png Carded Cotton x1 icon_5312.png String x1
13 String (from Spiderweb) icon_5073.png Spiderweb x1 icon_5312.png String x1

Obtaining through Bartering


Vendor [Expand] Location
Ukorga Kur Mountains


This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Artistry [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
0 Large Confetti Bomb icon_5015.png Fire Dust x2
icon_5306.png Good Parchment x2
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5522.png Large Confetti Bomb x20
Candle Making [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
20 Crude Wick icon_5312.png String x3
icon_6372.png Crude Tallow x1
icon_6364.png Crude Wick x3
40 Nice Wick icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5312.png String x2
icon_6373.png Nice Tallow x1
icon_6365.png Nice Wick x3
Carpentry [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
15 Oak Lattice icon_5093.png Oak Wood x4
icon_5312.png String x2
icon_6342.png Oak Lattice x1
30 Cedar Lattice icon_5141.png Cedar Wood x4
icon_5312.png String x2
icon_6342.png Cedar Lattice x1
72 Amazing Calligraphy Bench icon_5698.png Spruce Wood x2
icon_5096.png Strong Nails x12
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x2
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5095.png Amazing Calligraphy Bench x1
81 Astounding Calligraphy Bench icon_5698.png Spruce Wood x3
icon_5096.png Strong Nails x12
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x2
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5095.png Astounding Calligraphy Bench x1
Fishing [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
10 Ice Fishing Gear (5m) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1 (!)
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5082.png Giant Spider Leg x1
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (5 min) x1
18 Ice Fishing Gear (30m) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1 (!)
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5223.png Raw Chicken x1
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (30 min) x1
25 Ice Fishing Gear (2h) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1 (!)
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_6203.png Venison x1
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (2 hour) x1
35 Ice Fishing Gear (4h) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1 (!)
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5081.png Nightmare Flesh x1 (!)
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (4 hour) x1
45 Ice Fishing Gear (8h) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_6206.png Pork Shoulder x1
icon_5081.png Nightmare Flesh x1 (!)
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (8 hour) x1



Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption

Icon Name Consumes Skill Level Consume Chance [Expand] Stick Chance
icon_2135.png Tame Big Cat String Animal Handling 1 Always Never

Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Fixing Way's Yo-Yo 1 (Collect) One time only Way Neutral Myconian Cave in Serbule
A Weighty Repair 1 (Collect) One time only Pickles Neutral The Sacred Grotto in Kur
Event: Bonus - Raim Needs String 50 (Collect) One time only Unknown Unknown Unknown

Other Uses
