Voile Muslin

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Voile Muslin
Cotton cloth that's very porous. Ideal for use in creating mold cheeses.
Value: 140

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Textile Creation [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
20 Voile Muslin icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1

Obtaining through Bartering



This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot


Quest Rewards

Quest Number Acquired Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
A Bench For Writing 20 One time only Gurki Friends The Outpost in Northwestern Kur

Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Cheesemaking [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Cream Cheese icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5331.png Bottle of Whey x1
icon_5145.png Basic Rennet x1
icon_5324.png Firkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5338.png Cream Cheese x1
icon_5331.png Bottle of Whey x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x2
10 Urda Cheese icon_5331.png Bottle of Whey x1
icon_5331.png Bottle of Sweet Whey x1
icon_5145.png Basic Rennet x1
icon_5325.png Kilderkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5334.png Urda Cheese x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x3
12 Neufchatel Cheese icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x2
icon_5145.png Basic Rennet x1
icon_5324.png Firkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5338.png Neufchatel Cheese x1
icon_5331.png Bottle of Whey x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x2
20 Brunost Cheese icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5331.png Bottle of Sweet Whey x1
icon_5146.png Strong Rennet x1
icon_5160.png Sour Cream x1
icon_5324.png Firkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5334.png Brunost Cheese x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x3
31 Mogyar Cheese icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5331.png Bottle of Whey x1
icon_5147.png Pungent Rennet x1
icon_5324.png Firkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5324.png Firkin of Mogyar Cheese x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x3
40 Emmentaler Cheese icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5147.png Pungent Rennet x1
icon_5324.png Firkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5324.png Firkin of Emmentaler Cheese x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x3
52 Edam Cheese icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x2
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5146.png Strong Rennet x1
icon_5324.png Firkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5337.png Edam Cheese x1
icon_5331.png Bottle of Sweet Whey x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x3
54 Roquefort Cheese icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x3
icon_5147.png Pungent Rennet x1
icon_6436.png Ratkin Cheese Mold x1
icon_5325.png Kilderkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5325.png Kilderkin of Roquefort Cheese x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x4
56 Ricotta Forte icon_5331.png Bottle of Whey x4
icon_5146.png Strong Rennet x1
icon_5325.png Kilderkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5334.png Ricotta Forte x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x5
60 Grasgot Cheese icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x3
icon_5147.png Pungent Rennet x1
icon_6436.png Ratkin Cheese Mold x1
icon_5325.png Kilderkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5325.png Kilderkin of Grasgot Cheese x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x4
74 Gouda Cheese icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x2
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5146.png Strong Rennet x1
icon_5325.png Kilderkin x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1 (!)
icon_5337.png Gouda Cheese x1
icon_5331.png Bottle of Sweet Whey x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x3
Gadgeteering [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
35 Robust Kennel icon_6341.png Thin Metal Lattice x2
icon_6341.png Sturdy Metal Lattice x2
icon_5760.png Spool of Wire x1
icon_5753.png Magnifying Glass x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5295.png Ice Core x1
icon_6340.png Robust Kennel x1
Tailoring [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
10 Novice's Tailoring Practice icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_11103.png Cotton Long Underwear x1
icon_12107.png Cotton Undershirt x1
icon_16108.png Cotton Balaclava x1
18 Enhance Darkness Damage of Cloth Pants icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5055.png Femur x1
Cloth Pants x1
Adds +2% Direct Darkness Damage.
Consumes 20 Enhancement Points.
23 Enhance Darkness Damage of Cloth Shirt icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5773.png Animal Skull x1
Cloth Shirt x1
Adds +2% Direct Darkness Damage.
Consumes 20 Enhancement Points.
25 Enhance Fire Damage of Cloth Pants icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5015.png Fire Dust x1
Cloth Pants x1
Adds +2% Direct Fire Damage.
Consumes 20 Enhancement Points.
30 Enhance Fire Damage of Cloth Shirt icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5182.png Sulfur x1
Cloth Shirt x1
Adds +2% Direct Fire Damage.
Consumes 20 Enhancement Points.
40 Nice Cloth Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Nice Cloth Pants x1
40 Nice Cloth Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Nice Cloth Pants x1
40 Nice Cloth Shirt (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Nice Cloth Shirt x1
40 Nice Cloth Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Nice Cloth Shirt x1
42 Camouflaged Nice Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5101.png Beet x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Nice Pants x1
42 Camouflaged Nice Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5101.png Beet x2
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Nice Pants x1
45 Camouflaged Nice Shirt (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5101.png Beet x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Nice Shirt x1
45 Camouflaged Nice Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5101.png Beet x2
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Nice Shirt x1
50 Quality Cloth Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Quality Cloth Pants x1
50 Quality Cloth Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Quality Cloth Pants x1
50 Quality Cloth Shirt (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Quality Cloth Shirt x1
50 Quality Cloth Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Quality Cloth Shirt x1
50 Quality Cow Porkpie Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Quality Cow Porkpie Hat x1
50 Quality Pig Porkpie Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Quality Pig Porkpie Hat x1
50 Quality Deer Porkpie Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Quality Deer Porkpie Hat x1
52 Camouflaged Quality Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5101.png Beet x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Quality Pants x1
52 Camouflaged Quality Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5101.png Beet x2
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Quality Pants x1
52 Quality Cow Porkpie Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Quality Cow Porkpie Hat x1
52 Quality Pig Porkpie Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Quality Pig Porkpie Hat x1
52 Quality Deer Porkpie Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Quality Deer Porkpie Hat x1
53 Quality Cloth Gloves (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13007.png Quality Cloth Gloves x1
54 Quality Cloth Cowl (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16007.png Quality Cloth Cowl x1
55 Camouflaged Quality Shirt (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5101.png Beet x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Quality Shirt x1
55 Camouflaged Quality Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5101.png Beet x2
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Quality Shirt x1
55 Quality Cloth Gloves (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13007.png Quality Cloth Gloves x1
55 Quality Cloth Cowl (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16007.png Quality Cloth Cowl x1
60 Great Cloth Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Great Cloth Pants x1
60 Great Cloth Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Great Cloth Pants x1
60 Great Cloth Shirt (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Great Cloth Shirt x1
60 Great Cloth Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Great Cloth Shirt x1
60 Great Cow Porkpie Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Great Cow Porkpie Hat x1
60 Great Pig Porkpie Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Great Pig Porkpie Hat x1
60 Great Deer Porkpie Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Great Deer Porkpie Hat x1
61 Great Nimble Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11030.png Great Nimble Pants x1
61 Great Nimble Coat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12030.png Great Nimble Coat x1
61 Great Nimble Gloves (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13030.png Great Nimble Gloves x1
61 Great Nimble Cowl (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16030.png Great Nimble Cowl x1
62 Camouflaged Great Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Great Pants x1
62 Camouflaged Great Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Great Pants x1
62 Great Nimble Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11030.png Great Nimble Pants x1
62 Great Nimble Coat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12030.png Great Nimble Coat x1
62 Great Nimble Gloves (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13030.png Great Nimble Gloves x1
62 Great Cow Porkpie Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Great Cow Porkpie Hat x1
62 Great Pig Porkpie Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Great Pig Porkpie Hat x1
62 Great Deer Porkpie Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Great Deer Porkpie Hat x1
62 Great Nimble Cowl (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16030.png Great Nimble Cowl x1
63 Great Cloth Gloves (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13007.png Great Cloth Gloves x1
64 Great Cloth Cowl (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16007.png Great Cloth Cowl x1
65 Camouflaged Great Shirt (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Great Shirt x1
65 Camouflaged Great Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Great Shirt x1
65 Great Cloth Gloves (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13007.png Great Cloth Gloves x1
65 Great Cloth Cowl (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5206.png Maximized Sardonyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16007.png Great Cloth Cowl x1
70 Amazing Cloth Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Amazing Cloth Pants x1
70 Amazing Cloth Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Amazing Cloth Pants x1
70 Amazing Cloth Shirt (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Amazing Cloth Shirt x1
70 Amazing Cloth Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Amazing Cloth Shirt x1
70 Amazing Cow Porkpie Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Amazing Cow Porkpie Hat x1
70 Amazing Pig Porkpie Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Amazing Pig Porkpie Hat x1
70 Amazing Deer Porkpie Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Amazing Deer Porkpie Hat x1
70 Amazing Bat Witch Hat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5982.png Beetle x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16117.png Amazing Bat Witch Hat x1
71 Amazing Nimble Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11030.png Amazing Nimble Pants x1
71 Amazing Nimble Coat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12030.png Amazing Nimble Coat x1
71 Amazing Nimble Gloves (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13030.png Amazing Nimble Gloves x1
71 Amazing Nimble Cowl (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16030.png Amazing Nimble Cowl x1
71 Amazing Fiery Masquerade Mask (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16114.png Amazing Fiery Masquerade Mask x1
71 Amazing Forest Masquerade Mask (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16115.png Amazing Forest Masquerade Mask x1
71 Amazing Frigid Masquerade Mask (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16116.png Amazing Frigid Masquerade Mask x1
71 Amazing Shocking Masquerade Mask (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16117.png Amazing Shocking Masquerade Mask x1
72 Camouflaged Amazing Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Amazing Pants x1
72 Camouflaged Amazing Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Amazing Pants x1
72 Amazing Nimble Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11030.png Amazing Nimble Pants x1
72 Amazing Nimble Coat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12030.png Amazing Nimble Coat x1
72 Amazing Nimble Gloves (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13030.png Amazing Nimble Gloves x1
72 Amazing Cow Porkpie Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Amazing Cow Porkpie Hat x1
72 Amazing Pig Porkpie Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Amazing Pig Porkpie Hat x1
72 Amazing Deer Porkpie Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5429.png Mercury x2
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16013.png Amazing Deer Porkpie Hat x1
72 Amazing Nimble Cowl (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16030.png Amazing Nimble Cowl x1
72 Amazing Fiery Masquerade Mask (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16114.png Amazing Fiery Masquerade Mask x1
72 Amazing Forest Masquerade Mask (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16115.png Amazing Forest Masquerade Mask x1
72 Amazing Frigid Masquerade Mask (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16116.png Amazing Frigid Masquerade Mask x1
72 Amazing Shocking Masquerade Mask (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16117.png Amazing Shocking Masquerade Mask x1
72 Amazing Bat Witch Hat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5982.png Beetle x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16117.png Amazing Bat Witch Hat x1
73 Amazing Cloth Gloves (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13007.png Amazing Cloth Gloves x1
74 Amazing Cloth Cowl (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16007.png Amazing Cloth Cowl x1
75 Camouflaged Amazing Shirt (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Amazing Shirt x1
75 Camouflaged Amazing Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Amazing Shirt x1
75 Amazing Cloth Gloves (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13007.png Amazing Cloth Gloves x1
75 Amazing Cloth Cowl (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16007.png Amazing Cloth Cowl x1
80 Astounding Cloth Pants (Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x1
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Astounding Cloth Pants x1
80 Astounding Cloth Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x1
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11007.png Astounding Cloth Pants x1
80 Astounding Cloth Shirt (Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x2
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Astounding Cloth Shirt x1
80 Astounding Cloth Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12007.png Astounding Cloth Shirt x1
81 Astounding Nimble Pants (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11030.png Astounding Nimble Pants x1
81 Astounding Nimble Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11030.png Astounding Nimble Pants x1
81 Astounding Nimble Coat (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12030.png Astounding Nimble Coat x1
81 Astounding Nimble Coat (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x3
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5940.png Fae Felt x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12030.png Astounding Nimble Coat x1
81 Astounding Fiery Masquerade Mask (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16114.png Astounding Fiery Masquerade Mask x1
81 Astounding Forest Masquerade Mask (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16115.png Astounding Forest Masquerade Mask x1
81 Astounding Frigid Masquerade Mask (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16116.png Astounding Frigid Masquerade Mask x1
81 Astounding Shocking Masquerade Mask (Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16117.png Astounding Shocking Masquerade Mask x1
82 Camouflaged Astounding Pants (Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x1
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Astounding Pants x1
82 Camouflaged Astounding Pants (Max-Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x1
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5989.png Wool x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5105.png Squash x2
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_11016.png Camouflaged Astounding Pants x1
82 Astounding Fiery Masquerade Mask (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16114.png Astounding Fiery Masquerade Mask x1
82 Astounding Forest Masquerade Mask (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16115.png Astounding Forest Masquerade Mask x1
82 Astounding Frigid Masquerade Mask (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16116.png Astounding Frigid Masquerade Mask x1
82 Astounding Shocking Masquerade Mask (Max-Enchanted) icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5362.png Coarse Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x1
icon_5970.png Lace x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16117.png Astounding Shocking Masquerade Mask x1
83 Astounding Cloth Gloves (Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x2
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13007.png Astounding Cloth Gloves x1
84 Astounding Cloth Cowl (Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x1
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16007.png Astounding Cloth Cowl x1
85 Camouflaged Astounding Shirt (Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x2
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5135.png Broccoli x2
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Astounding Shirt x1
85 Camouflaged Astounding Shirt (Max-Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x2
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_12016.png Camouflaged Astounding Shirt x1
85 Astounding Cloth Gloves (Max-Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x2
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_13007.png Astounding Cloth Gloves x1
85 Astounding Cloth Cowl (Max-Enchanted) icon_6293.png Fae Silk x1
icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x2
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5328.png Voile Muslin x2
icon_5938.png Cotton Thread x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_16007.png Astounding Cloth Cowl x1


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Elaina The Fairy Tree in Sun Vale Likes (Cloth)
George Madler Eltibule Keep in Eltibule Likes (Cloth)
Way Myconian Cave in Serbule Likes (Cloth)
Mandibles Red Wing Casino Likes (Cooking Ingredients)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Work Order

Turn in 10x Voile Muslin to Thimble Pete for 2919 councils. Requires Industry Level 0.

Other Uses
