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Skill Type:
Combat Skill
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:

Leave a quote about the skill here. This can be the in-game description, but that info must be placed below as well. Adds a bit of flavor to the article as well.

Sword Overview

Sword is typically one of the first combat skills a new player finds, along with Unarmed. Predictably, it requires a sword to be equipped in your main hand. Sword focuses on damage and rage reduction, with a side of armor shred. A well-geared swordsman can completely block a monster from using Rage attacks!

Calligraphy serves as the secondary skill for Sword, and provides various sword combos and special insights.

In-Game Description

Expertise with swords, rapiers, and the like. Swords are very damaging, and can reduce an opponent's Rage.

Training Sword

  • New players learn/obtain Sword by picking up the starting backpack on Anagoge
  • Malvol teaches Decapitate 1-3, Thrusting Blade 1-3, and Heart Piercer 1-4
  • Janet Lews will unlock levels 51-60 and teaches level 51+ abilities

Related Skills

Calligraphy is Sword's secondary skill. Every time you level Calligraphy, you will learn a new recipe. Performing these recipes will give you a combo: if you execute that combo, it will have some extra effect. For example, the first recipe is "Pain: If you execute SwordSlash + SwordSlash + ManyCuts in that order, the final step deals 5 extra damage." Some recipes have passive insights that will be applied for the duration - Pain+ increases all your Direct Slashing damage by 1.
The duration of Calligraphy effects can be extended by performing them on Calligraphy Benches, learned through Carpentry.

Sword Basic Abilities

As you level Sword, you will learn the following abilities:

Ability Req. Level Learn From Description Damage Type Ability Type
Sword Slash (1-4) 0/12/33/47 Level Up Attack with a sword. Slashing Basic Attack
Parry (1-4) 1/18/35/45 Level Up Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Slashing
Many Cuts (1-4) 3/15/27/40 Level Up A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled. Slashing Core Attack
Wind Strike (1-4) 5/20/36/48 Level Up A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Slashing
Riposte (1-4) 7/16/28/39 Scrolls Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. Slashing
Finishing Blow (1-3) 7/30/50 Level Up A slow horrific cut across the midsection. Slashing Nice Attack
Precision Pierce (1-4) 8/19/33/44 Nelson Ballard, Scrolls A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. Piercing
Debilitating Blow (1-3) 9/28/43 Level Up Attack the target's offense, leaving them less able to deal damage. Slashing Signature Debuff
Hacking Blade (1-3) 10/31/49 Level Up Cut deep, causing the target to bleed. Slashing
Flashing Strike (1-3) 13/34/45 Nelson Ballard A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Slashing
Decapitate (1-3) 15/30/50 Malvol A devastating attack. Slashing n Epic Attack
Thrusting Blade (1-3) 18/33/48 Malvol A quick attack. For equipment and combos that require Sword Slash, you can use Thrusting Blade instead. Piercing Basic Attack
Heart Piercer (1-4) 20/30/40/50 Malvol Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Piercing

Sword Advanced Abilities

Upon reaching higher levels, advanced swordsmen may learn the following abilities:

Ability Req. Level Learn From Description Damage Type Ability Type
Riposte 5 51 Janet Lews Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. Slashing
Many Cuts 5 52 Janet Lews A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled. Slashing Core Attack
Flashing Strike 4 54 Janet Lews A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Slashing
Precision Pierce 5 55 Janet Lews A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. Piercing
Debilitating Blow 4 56 Janet Lews Attack the target's offense, leaving them less able to deal damage. Slashing Signature Debuff
Parry 5 57 Janet Lews Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Slashing
Wind Strike 5 58 Janet Lews A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Slashing
Sword Slash 5 59 Janet Lews Attack with a sword. Slashing Basic Attack
Heart Piercer 5 60 Janet Lews Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Piercing
Decapitate 4 61 Janet Lews A devastating attack. Slashing Epic Attack
Finishing Blow 4 62 Janet Lews A slow horrific cut across the midsection. Slashing Nice Attack

Sword Complete Ability List

Icon Level Name Description Special Effects Stats [Expand] Source
icon_2121.png 0 Sword Slash Attack with a sword.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 10 Slashing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_2115.png 1 Parry Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Target's next attack deals -5 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 10 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -60
Power Cost: 7
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
icon_2113.png 3 Many Cuts A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled.
This is a Core Attack
DoT: 2 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 10 Slashing Power Cost: 10
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
icon_2128.png 5 Wind Strike A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Your next attack deals +19 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 19 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 19 Slashing
Power Cost: 14
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_2106.png 7 Finishing Blow A slow horrific cut across the midsection.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
Target suffers 0 Psychic damage after a 4-second delay
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 42 Slashing Power Cost: 24
Range: 5
Cooldown: 20
icon_2233.png 7 Riposte Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 16 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 48 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -70
Power Cost: 11
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Riposte
icon_3047.png 8 Precision Pierce A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Health Dmg: 13 Piercing
Enemy Rage: -50
Power Cost: 10
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Accuracy: +5%
Item: Sword: Precision Pierce
Training: Nelson Ballard
icon_3046.png 9 Debilitating Blow Attack the target's offense, leaving them less able to deal damage.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target's attacks deal -10% damage for 10 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 21 Slashing Power Cost: 19
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3024.png 10 Hacking Blade Cut deep, causing the target to bleed. DoT: 6 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 20 Slashing Power Cost: 17
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
icon_2121.png 12 Sword Slash 2 Attack with a sword.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 18 Slashing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_3443.png 13 Flashing Strike A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Undead targets suffer 25 indirect Nature damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 23 Slashing Power Cost: 10
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Nelson Ballard
icon_2113.png 15 Many Cuts 2 A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled.
This is a Core Attack
DoT: 4 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 31 Slashing Power Cost: 14
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
icon_3045.png 15 Decapitate A devastating attack.
This is an Epic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 100 Slashing Power Cost: 43
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
Item: Sword: Decapitate
Training: Malvol
icon_2233.png 16 Riposte 2 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 31 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 93 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -110
Power Cost: 14
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Riposte 2
icon_2115.png 18 Parry 2 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Target's next attack deals -10 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 21 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -100
Power Cost: 11
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
icon_3445.png 18 Thrusting Blade A quick attack. For equipment and combos that require Sword Slash, you can use Thrusting Blade instead.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 28 Piercing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
Training: Malvol
icon_3047.png 19 Precision Pierce 2 A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Health Dmg: 29 Piercing
Enemy Rage: -90
Power Cost: 13
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Accuracy: +10%
Item: Sword: Precision Pierce 2
Training: Nelson Ballard
icon_2128.png 20 Wind Strike 2 A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Your next attack deals +38 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 38 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 38 Slashing
Power Cost: 21
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3444.png 20 Heart Piercer Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Up to 105 Rage is taken from the target and 20% of it is turned into Trauma damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 38 Piercing Power Cost: 21
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Malvol
icon_2113.png 27 Many Cuts 3 A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled.
This is a Core Attack
DoT: 6 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 45 Slashing Power Cost: 17
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
icon_2233.png 28 Riposte 3 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 56 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 168 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -220
Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Riposte 3
icon_3046.png 28 Debilitating Blow 2 Attack the target's offense, leaving them less able to deal damage.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target's attacks deal -17% damage for 10 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 56 Slashing Power Cost: 29
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_2106.png 30 Finishing Blow 2 A slow horrific cut across the midsection.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
Target suffers 0 Psychic damage after a 4-second delay
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 115 Slashing Power Cost: 42
Range: 5
Cooldown: 20
icon_3045.png 30 Decapitate 2 A devastating attack.
This is an Epic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 194 Slashing Power Cost: 58
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
Item: Sword: Decapitate 2
Training: Malvol
icon_3444.png 30 Heart Piercer 2 Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Up to 175 Rage is taken from the target and 20% of it is turned into Trauma damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 62 Piercing Power Cost: 25
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Malvol
icon_3024.png 31 Hacking Blade 2 Cut deep, causing the target to bleed. DoT: 12 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 64 Slashing Power Cost: 26
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
icon_2121.png 33 Sword Slash 3 Attack with a sword.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 34 Slashing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_3047.png 33 Precision Pierce 3 A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Health Dmg: 54 Piercing
Enemy Rage: -170
Power Cost: 17
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Accuracy: +13%
Item: Sword: Precision Pierce 3
Training: Nelson Ballard
icon_3445.png 33 Thrusting Blade 2 A quick attack. For equipment and combos that require Sword Slash, you can use Thrusting Blade instead.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 49 Piercing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
Training: Malvol
icon_3443.png 34 Flashing Strike 2 A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Undead targets suffer 60 indirect Nature damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 51 Slashing Power Cost: 15
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Nelson Ballard
icon_2115.png 35 Parry 3 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Target's next attack deals -20 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 37 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -200
Power Cost: 16
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
icon_2128.png 36 Wind Strike 3 A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Your next attack deals +78 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 78 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 78 Slashing
Power Cost: 29
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_2233.png 39 Riposte 4 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 89 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 267 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -350
Power Cost: 22
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Riposte 4
icon_2113.png 40 Many Cuts 4 A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled.
This is a Core Attack
DoT: 10 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 78 Slashing Power Cost: 22
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
icon_3444.png 40 Heart Piercer 3 Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Up to 245 Rage is taken from the target and 20% of it is turned into Trauma damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 93 Piercing Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Malvol
icon_3046.png 43 Debilitating Blow 3 Attack the target's offense, leaving them less able to deal damage.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target's attacks deal -25% damage for 10 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 106 Slashing Power Cost: 37
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3047.png 44 Precision Pierce 4 A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Health Dmg: 82 Piercing
Enemy Rage: -270
Power Cost: 20
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Accuracy: +15%
Item: Sword: Precision Pierce 4
Training: Nelson Ballard
icon_2115.png 45 Parry 4 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Target's next attack deals -30 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 58 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -320
Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
icon_3443.png 45 Flashing Strike 3 A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Undead targets suffer 100 indirect Nature damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 83 Slashing Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Nelson Ballard
icon_2121.png 47 Sword Slash 4 Attack with a sword.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 64 Slashing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_2128.png 48 Wind Strike 4 A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Your next attack deals +133 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 133 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 133 Slashing
Power Cost: 33
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3445.png 48 Thrusting Blade 3 A quick attack. For equipment and combos that require Sword Slash, you can use Thrusting Blade instead.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 95 Piercing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
Training: Malvol
icon_3024.png 49 Hacking Blade 3 Cut deep, causing the target to bleed. DoT: 18 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 139 Slashing Power Cost: 34
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
icon_2106.png 50 Finishing Blow 3 A slow horrific cut across the midsection.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
Target suffers 0 Psychic damage after a 4-second delay
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 270 Slashing Power Cost: 56
Range: 5
Cooldown: 20
icon_3045.png 50 Decapitate 3 A devastating attack.
This is an Epic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 418 Slashing Power Cost: 77
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
Item: Sword: Decapitate 3
Training: Malvol
icon_3444.png 50 Heart Piercer 4 Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Up to 350 Rage is taken from the target and 20% of it is turned into Trauma damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 144 Piercing Power Cost: 34
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Malvol
icon_2233.png 51 Riposte 5 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 149 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 447 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -550
Power Cost: 25
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Riposte 5
icon_2113.png 52 Many Cuts 5 A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled.
This is a Core Attack
DoT: 14 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 128 Slashing Power Cost: 25
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3443.png 54 Flashing Strike 4 A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Undead targets suffer 140 indirect Nature damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 117 Slashing Power Cost: 19
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3047.png 55 Precision Pierce 5 A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Health Dmg: 124 Piercing
Enemy Rage: -430
Power Cost: 23
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Accuracy: +18%
Item: Sword: Precision Pierce 5
icon_3046.png 56 Debilitating Blow 4 Attack the target's offense, leaving them less able to deal damage.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target's attacks deal -25% damage for 10 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 175 Slashing Power Cost: 43
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Janet Lews
icon_2115.png 57 Parry 5 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Target's next attack deals -40 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 90 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -500
Power Cost: 20
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Janet Lews
icon_2128.png 58 Wind Strike 5 A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Your next attack deals +185 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 185 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 185 Slashing
Power Cost: 37
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Janet Lews
icon_2121.png 59 Sword Slash 5 Attack with a sword.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 95 Slashing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3444.png 60 Heart Piercer 5 Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Up to 420 Rage is taken from the target and 20% of it is turned into Trauma damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 196 Piercing Power Cost: 38
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Janet Lews
Training: Malvol
icon_3045.png 61 Decapitate 4 A devastating attack.
This is an Epic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 583 Slashing Power Cost: 88
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
Item: Sword: Decapitate 4
Training: Janet Lews
Training: Malvol
icon_2106.png 62 Finishing Blow 4 A slow horrific cut across the midsection.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
Target suffers 0 Psychic damage after a 4-second delay
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 385 Slashing Power Cost: 64
Range: 5
Cooldown: 20
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3445.png 62 Thrusting Blade 4 A quick attack. For equipment and combos that require Sword Slash, you can use Thrusting Blade instead.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 147 Piercing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
Training: Malvol
icon_2233.png 63 Riposte 6 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 211 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 633 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -660
Power Cost: 29
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Riposte 6
icon_3024.png 63 Hacking Blade 4 Cut deep, causing the target to bleed. DoT: 24 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 211 Slashing Power Cost: 39
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3443.png 63 Flashing Strike 5 A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Undead targets suffer 200 indirect Nature damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 151 Slashing Power Cost: 22
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Janet Lews
icon_2113.png 64 Many Cuts 6 A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled.
This is a Core Attack
DoT: 18 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 180 Slashing Power Cost: 29
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3047.png 66 Precision Pierce 6 A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Health Dmg: 165 Piercing
Enemy Rage: -510
Power Cost: 26
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Accuracy: +19%
Item: Sword: Precision Pierce 6
icon_2128.png 68 Wind Strike 6 A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Your next attack deals +238 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 238 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 238 Slashing
Power Cost: 42
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3046.png 69 Debilitating Blow 5 Attack the target's offense, leaving them less able to deal damage.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target's attacks deal -25% damage for 10 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 244 Slashing Power Cost: 50
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Janet Lews
icon_2115.png 70 Parry 6 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Target's next attack deals -50 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 125 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -600
Power Cost: 23
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3444.png 70 Heart Piercer 6 Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Up to 540 Rage is taken from the target and 20% of it is turned into Trauma damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 251 Piercing Power Cost: 42
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Janet Lews
icon_2121.png 71 Sword Slash 6 Attack with a sword.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 128 Slashing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3045.png 72 Decapitate 5 A devastating attack.
This is an Epic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 761 Slashing Power Cost: 98
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
Item: Sword: Decapitate 5
Training: Janet Lews
icon_3443.png 72 Flashing Strike 6 A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Undead targets suffer 280 indirect Nature damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 187 Slashing Power Cost: 24
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Janet Lews
icon_2106.png 74 Finishing Blow 5 A slow horrific cut across the midsection.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
Target suffers 0 Psychic damage after a 4-second delay
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 514 Slashing Power Cost: 72
Range: 5
Cooldown: 20
Training: Janet Lews
Training: Pegast
icon_2233.png 75 Riposte 7 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 282 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 846 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -770
Power Cost: 33
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Riposte 7
icon_3445.png 75 Thrusting Blade 5 A quick attack. For equipment and combos that require Sword Slash, you can use Thrusting Blade instead.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 202 Piercing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
Training: Pegast
icon_2113.png 76 Many Cuts 7 A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled.
This is a Core Attack
DoT: 22 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 240 Slashing Power Cost: 33
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Training: Pegast
icon_3047.png 77 Precision Pierce 7 A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Health Dmg: 212 Piercing
Enemy Rage: -600
Power Cost: 29
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Accuracy: +20%
Item: Sword: Precision Pierce 7
icon_3024.png 77 Hacking Blade 5 Cut deep, causing the target to bleed. DoT: 30 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 294 Slashing Power Cost: 46
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Training: Pegast
icon_2128.png 78 Wind Strike 7 A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Your next attack deals +300 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 300 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 300 Slashing
Power Cost: 46
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Pegast
icon_3444.png 80 Heart Piercer 7 Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Up to 700 Rage is taken from the target and 20% of it is turned into Trauma damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 314 Piercing Power Cost: 47
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Pegast
icon_3443.png 81 Flashing Strike 7 A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Undead targets suffer 400 indirect Nature damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 228 Slashing Power Cost: 26
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Pegast
icon_2121.png 83 Sword Slash 7 Attack with a sword.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 166 Slashing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
Training: Pegast
icon_2115.png 83 Parry 7 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Target's next attack deals -60 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 166 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -700
Power Cost: 26
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Pegast
icon_3045.png 83 Decapitate 6 A devastating attack.
This is an Epic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 961 Slashing Power Cost: 110
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
Item: Sword: Decapitate 6
icon_3046.png 84 Debilitating Blow 6 Attack the target's offense, leaving them less able to deal damage.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target's attacks deal -25% damage for 10 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 338 Slashing Power Cost: 58
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Debilitating Blow 6
icon_2106.png 86 Finishing Blow 6 A slow horrific cut across the midsection.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
Target suffers 0 Psychic damage after a 4-second delay
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 657 Slashing Power Cost: 81
Range: 5
Cooldown: 20
Item: Sword: Finishing Blow 6
icon_2233.png 87 Riposte 8 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage. For combos that require Parry, you can use Riposte instead. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 358 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 1074 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -770
Power Cost: 37
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Riposte 8
icon_2113.png 88 Many Cuts 8 A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled.
This is a Core Attack
DoT: 28 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 303 Slashing Power Cost: 37
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Item: Sword: Many Cuts 8
icon_2128.png 88 Wind Strike 8 A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. Your next attack deals +364 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 364 Slashing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 364 Slashing
Power Cost: 51
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Wind Strike 8
icon_3047.png 88 Precision Pierce 8 A carefully-aimed attack that bypasses armor entirely. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Health Dmg: 262 Piercing
Enemy Rage: -600
Power Cost: 32
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Accuracy: +20%
Item: Sword: Precision Pierce 8
icon_3445.png 88 Thrusting Blade 6 A quick attack. For equipment and combos that require Sword Slash, you can use Thrusting Blade instead.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 260 Piercing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
Item: Sword: Thrusting Blade 6
icon_3024.png 90 Hacking Blade 6 Cut deep, causing the target to bleed. DoT: 36 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 379 Slashing Power Cost: 52
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Item: Sword: Hacking Blade 6
icon_3443.png 90 Flashing Strike 8 A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Undead targets suffer 550 indirect Nature damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 270 Slashing Power Cost: 28
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Item: Sword: Flashing Strike 8
icon_3444.png 90 Heart Piercer 8 Surprise the target with a stab to the chest, turning their Rage into pain. Up to 900 Rage is taken from the target and 20% of it is turned into Trauma damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 379 Piercing Power Cost: 52
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Sword: Heart Piercer 8
icon_3045.png 94 Decapitate 7 A devastating attack.
This is an Epic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 1171 Slashing Power Cost: 122
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
Item: Sword: Decapitate 7
icon_2121.png 95 Sword Slash 8 Attack with a sword.
This is a Basic Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 206 Slashing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
Item: Sword: Sword Slash 8
icon_2115.png 96 Parry 8 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's Rage and weakens their next attack. Target's next attack deals -70 damage
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 10 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 209 Slashing
Enemy Rage: -700
Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Item: Sword: Parry 8

Sword Mechanics

<Add list of Calligraphy combos here>


Item-icon-belt.png Lucky Belt of the Swordsman increases Base Damage dealt with Sword by 8%. Can be created with Toolcrafting 16.

Item-icon-belt.png Lucky Belt of the Swordsman increases Base Damage dealt with Sword and Shield combat skills by 6%. Can be bought from Joeh.

Item-icon-belt.png Lucky Belt of the Gladiator increases damage dealt with Sword and Psychology combat skills by 6%. Can be bought from Joeh.

Item-icon-belt.png Lucky Belt of the Hunter increases damage dealt with Sword and Archery combat skills by 6%. Can be bought from Elahil.

Item-icon-belt.png Lucky Belt of the Feral Intendant increases damage dealt with Sword and Animal Handling combat skills by 6%. Can be found through rare drops and chests.

Item-icon-belt.png Lucky Belt of the Wise Duelist increases damage dealt with Sword and Mentalism combat skills by 6%. Can be found through rare drops and chests.

Sword Treasure Effects

See also: Sword/Treasure Effects:By Slot

See also: Sword/Treasure Effects:By Ability

Prefix Suffix Max-Level Version Rarity Slot [Expand] Other Versions
Swordsman's of Swordsmanship Level 100 - Sword Base Damage +50% Uncommon Head, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

Rallying of Rallying Level 95 - All sword abilities deal +21% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left Uncommon Legs

Click Expand to reveal

Slashy of Slashing Level 100 - Sword Damage +90 Uncommon Chest, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

Refortifying of Refortifying Level 95 - Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 22 armor Uncommon Chest

Click Expand to reveal

of Effortless Parrying Level 100 - Parry and Riposte Damage +24% and Power Cost -15 Uncommon Feet, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

of Defensive Sword Mastery Level 100 - All Sword abilities have a 22% chance to restore 44 Health to you Uncommon Hands, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

Razorslash Level 100 - Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow Damage +91 Uncommon Chest, Hands

Click Expand to reveal

Riposter's of Riposting Level 100 - Riposte Damage +78% Epic Chest, Hands

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - All Sword abilities deal +18% damage to targets with less than 33% of their Max Rage. Epic Hands

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - All Sword abilities deal +18% damage to targets with less than 33% of their Max Rage. Epic Feet

Click Expand to reveal

of Many Cuts Level 100 - Many Cuts deals +228 Trauma damage over 6 seconds Uncommon Legs, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

of Dazing the Calm Level 95 - Many Cuts deals +12% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Max Rage. Uncommon Feet

Click Expand to reveal

of Flinging the Calm Level 100 - Many Cuts deals +86 damage and if target has less than a third of their Max Rage, also knocks them back. Uncommon Head, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

of Arthropod Slicing Level 100 - Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +134% damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles) Uncommon Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

Rage Poking Level 95 - Precision Pierce deals +63 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 350 Uncommon Head, Legs

Click Expand to reveal

of Rapid Finishes Level 100 - Wind Strike hastens the current reuse timer of Finishing Blow by 7 seconds Rare Ring

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of Fast Decapitation Level 100 - Debilitating Blow hastens the current reuse timer of Decapitate by 9 seconds Rare Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

of Explosive Cuts Level 100 - Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +50 damage Uncommon Hands

Click Expand to reveal

of Fast Decapitation Level 100 - Decapitate deals +250 damage and reuse timer is -12 seconds Rare Hands

Click Expand to reveal

Belaying of Belaying Level 100 - Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 840 Uncommon Head, Legs

Click Expand to reveal

Repositioning Level 100 - Parry restores 30 health Uncommon Necklace, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

of Deflective Swordplay Level 100 - Parry and Riposte Damage +63% Uncommon Chest

Click Expand to reveal

of Masterful Parrying Level 100 - Parry hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing an additional +40 damage Uncommon Hands

Click Expand to reveal

Repositioning Level 100 - Riposte restores 69 armor Uncommon MainHand, Head

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +24/tick for 30 seconds Uncommon MainHand, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +10000 Epic OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

of Feinting Level 100 - Wind Strike deals +142 damage and causes your next attack to deal +142 damage Uncommon Legs, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

Platestriker Level 100 - Wind Strike and Heart Piercer deal 224 armor damage Uncommon Legs, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

of the Wind Level 100 - Wind Strike deals +46% damage and gives you +20 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have) Rare Necklace, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

of Finishing Elements Level 30 - Finishing Blow gives you 25% resistance to Elemental damage (Fire, Cold, Electricity) for 10 seconds Rare OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

Wind Dancer's Level 30 - Wind Strike gives you +50% projectile evasion for 10 seconds Rare MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +37% Rare Chest, Feet

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of Stunning Decapitations Level 100 - Decapitate deals +300 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target Uncommon Legs

Click Expand to reveal

Paladin's Level 1 - Flashing Strike deals +35% damage and gives you 50% resistance to Darkness damage for 7 seconds Uncommon Chest

Click Expand to reveal

of Resurgence Level 100 - Finishing Blow restores 85 Power to you Uncommon Head, Hands

Click Expand to reveal

of Finishing Blows Level 100 - Finishing Blow Damage +56% Uncommon Legs, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

of Final Swordplay Level 100 - Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +264 Uncommon Feet, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

of Foretold Finishes Level 100 - Finishing Blow causes your next attack to deal +380 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage Rare Chest, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

of Murder Frenzies Level 100 - If Finishing Blow or Decapitate kills its target, you gain +63% direct damage for 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself) Epic Hands

Click Expand to reveal

of Decapitations Level 100 - Decapitate Damage +57.5% Uncommon Legs, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Decapitate increases your Max Health +137 for 60 seconds (and heals 137) Uncommon Chest, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Decapitate deals +1200 damage to non-Elite targets Uncommon Head, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Decapitate deals +245 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately. Epic MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

of Flashing Life Level 100 - Flashing Strike heals you for 75 health Uncommon OffHand, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Flashing Strike Damage +62% Uncommon Legs, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

of Flashing Life Level 100 - Flashing Strike deals +580 damage to undead Uncommon Head, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Heart Piercer heals you for 52 health Uncommon OffHand, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

of De-escalating Heart Piercing Level 100 - Heart Piercer removes (up to) 264 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage Uncommon Chest, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

of Heart Piercing Level 100 - Heart Piercer deals +22% piercing damage and heals you for 27 health Uncommon Ring, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

Precision Healer's Level 100 - Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 22 Health to you Uncommon OffHand, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Precision Pierce Damage +80 Uncommon Chest, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

of Perfectly Timed Piercing Level 100 - Precision Pierce deals +157% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds Uncommon Chest, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +80 damage Uncommon Hands, Legs

Click Expand to reveal

Level 1 - Chance to Ignore Stuns +30% when Sword is active Rare Feet, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

of Body Damage Level 100 - Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +50% while Sword skill active Uncommon Head, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

of Hacking Blades Level 100 - Hacking Blade Direct Damage +46% Uncommon Head, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

Hacking Level 100 - Hacking Blade deals +240 Trauma damage over 6 seconds Uncommon Feet, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

Hacking Level 100 - Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 186 Trauma damage over 6 seconds Uncommon Necklace, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 545 Uncommon Hands, Legs

Click Expand to reveal

Debilitating Level 100 - Debilitating Blow Damage +67% Uncommon Head, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

Debilitating Level 100 - Debilitating Blow deals +55 damage and causes your Core Attacks to deal +98 damage for 7 seconds Uncommon Necklace, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Debilitating Blow deals +75 damage and causes target's Rage attacks to deal -20% damage for 10 seconds Rare MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Sword Accuracy +25 Uncommon MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

Level 100 - Sword Damage to Vulnerable Enemies +287 Uncommon MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

Sword Stat Bonuses

These bonuses will only be applied when this skill is active.

Level Bonus [Expand] Totals
1 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +2
Max Power +2
2 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +4
Max Power +5
3 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +6
Max Power +7
4 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +8
Max Power +10
5 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +10
Max Power +12
6 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +12
Max Power +15
7 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +14
Max Power +17
8 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +16
Max Power +20
9 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +18
Max Power +22
10 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +20
Max Power +25
11 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +22
Max Power +27
12 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +24
Max Power +29
13 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +26
Max Power +31
14 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +28
Max Power +33
15 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +30
Max Power +35
16 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +32
Max Power +37
17 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +34
Max Power +39
18 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +36
Max Power +41
19 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +38
Max Power +43
20 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +40
Max Power +45
21 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +42
Max Power +47
22 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +44
Max Power +49
23 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +46
Max Power +51
24 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +48
Max Power +53
25 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +50
Max Power +55
26 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +52
Max Power +57
27 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +54
Max Power +59
28 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +56
Max Power +61
29 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +58
Max Power +63
30 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +60
Max Power +65
31 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +62
Max Power +67
32 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +64
Max Power +69
33 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +66
Max Power +71
34 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +68
Max Power +73
35 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +70
Max Power +75
36 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +72
Max Power +76
37 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +74
Max Power +77
38 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +76
Max Power +78
39 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +78
Max Power +79
40 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +80
Max Power +80
41 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +82
Max Power +81
42 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +84
Max Power +82
43 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +86
Max Power +83
44 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +88
Max Power +84
45 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +90
Max Power +85
46 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +92
Max Power +86
47 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +94
Max Power +87
48 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +96
Max Power +88
49 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +98
Max Power +89
50 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +100
Max Power +90
51 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +102
Max Power +91
52 Max Health +2 Max Health +104
Max Power +91
53 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +106
Max Power +92
54 Max Health +2 Max Health +108
Max Power +92
55 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +110
Max Power +93
56 Max Health +2 Max Health +112
Max Power +93
57 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +114
Max Power +94
58 Max Health +2 Max Health +116
Max Power +94
59 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +118
Max Power +95
60 Max Health +2 Max Health +120
Max Power +95
61 Max Health +2 Max Health +122
Max Power +95
62 Max Health +2 Max Health +124
Max Power +95
63 Max Health +2 Max Health +126
Max Power +95
64 Max Health +2 Max Health +128
Max Power +95
65 Max Health +2 Max Health +130
Max Power +95
66 Max Health +2 Max Health +132
Max Power +95
67 Max Health +2 Max Health +134
Max Power +95
68 Max Health +2 Max Health +136
Max Power +95
69 Max Health +2 Max Health +138
Max Power +95
70 Max Health +2 Max Health +140
Max Power +95
71 Max Health +2 Max Health +142
Max Power +95
72 Max Health +2 Max Health +144
Max Power +95
73 Max Health +2 Max Health +146
Max Power +95
74 Max Health +2 Max Health +148
Max Power +95
75 Max Health +2 Max Health +150
Max Power +95
76 Max Health +2 Max Health +152
Max Power +95
77 Max Health +2 Max Health +154
Max Power +95
78 Max Health +2 Max Health +156
Max Power +95
79 Max Health +2 Max Health +158
Max Power +95
80 Max Health +2 Max Health +160
Max Power +95
81 Max Health +2 Max Health +162
Max Power +95
82 Max Health +2 Max Health +164
Max Power +95
83 Max Health +2 Max Health +166
Max Power +95
84 Max Health +2 Max Health +168
Max Power +95
85 Max Health +2 Max Health +170
Max Power +95
86 Max Health +2 Max Health +172
Max Power +95
87 Max Health +2 Max Health +174
Max Power +95
88 Max Health +2 Max Health +176
Max Power +95
89 Max Health +2 Max Health +178
Max Power +95
90 Max Health +2 Max Health +180
Max Power +95
91 Max Health +2 Max Health +182
Max Power +95
92 Max Health +2 Max Health +184
Max Power +95
93 Max Health +2 Max Health +186
Max Power +95
94 Max Health +2 Max Health +188
Max Power +95
95 Max Health +2 Max Health +190
Max Power +95
96 Max Health +2 Max Health +192
Max Power +95
97 Max Health +2 Max Health +194
Max Power +95
98 Max Health +2 Max Health +196
Max Power +95
99 Max Health +2 Max Health +198
Max Power +95
100 Max Health +2 Max Health +200
Max Power +95

Sword Level Up Rewards

Level [Expand] Reward
1 Gain Ability: Parry
3 Gain Ability: Many Cuts
5 Gain Ability: Wind Strike
7 Gain Ability: Finishing Blow
9 Gain Ability: Debilitating Blow
10 Gain Ability: Hacking Blade
12 Gain Ability: Sword Slash 2
15 Gain Ability: Many Cuts 2
18 Gain Ability: Parry 2
20 Gain Ability: Wind Strike 2
25 +1 to Knife Fighting
27 Gain Ability: Many Cuts 3
28 Gain Ability: Debilitating Blow 2
30 Gain Ability: Finishing Blow 2
31 Gain Ability: Hacking Blade 2
33 Gain Ability: Sword Slash 3
34 +1 to Endurance
35 Gain Ability: Parry 3
36 Gain Ability: Wind Strike 3
40 Gain Ability: Many Cuts 4
42 +1 to Staff
43 Gain Ability: Debilitating Blow 3
44 +1 to Shield
45 Gain Ability: Parry 4
47 Gain Ability: Sword Slash 4
48 Gain Ability: Wind Strike 4
49 Gain Ability: Hacking Blade 3
50 Gain Ability: Finishing Blow 3
55 +1 to Knife Fighting


Write a little about this history of the skill, or things that don't belong in above areas
