Anagoge Island

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Anagoge Island
Map of Anagoge Island (click for larger size)
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File:Anagoge Island.png
Quest Given

Welcome! This is a game about exploration, and your first task is to find a way off this island. We'll give you 60 seconds of combat training and then set you off to explore on your own.

There's a backpack nearby with some useful stuff. Pick it up!

— Welcome Message

Anagoge Island is a remote storm-blown island off the coast of the Council Lands of Alharth. Few sailors are willing to tempt the treacherous waters, preferring to stick to the coast of the nearby Serbule region. In recent years, an increased number of mind-wiped adventurers have been showing up in Serbule and the surrounding duchies. Many of these individuals claim to have washed ashore on Anagoge with nothing but the clothes on their back. While mostly barren, Anagoge Island is rumored to have been the site of a Council Academy for those deemed Prodigies. Unlucky sailors report that ruins dot the coastline, and a lighthouse marks the center of the island. Marooned Adventurers who attempt to swim off the island will be met with deadly sharks and strong currents.

Anagoge Island is the starting area in Project:Gorgon for Humans, Elves, and Rakshasa. You will have the opportunity to learn a few basic skills before reaching the neighboring lands of Serbule and Serbule Hills. There are two methods to leave the island, although it is advised to find the island's inhabitants first.

Neighboring Regions


Returning to Anagoge Island

Points of Interest

The Lighthouse

An old Elf named Elmetaph makes his home in the Lighthouse in the North-West hills of the island. Once a teacher, Elmetaph may be your best hope at escaping the island. He sure has a lot of books.


Elmetaph's Teachings

Riger's Shack

Riger, a depressed elf, lives out of a small dilapidated shack near the Anagoge Island dock.


A solution to Riger's woe.

Lawara's camp

Lawara is another amnesiac resident of Anagoge Island. She lives out of a small tent, staying alive through her retained knowledge of cooking porridge. Near her campfire, there is a locked chest she has been unable to open.

Strange platform

A raised, broken platform etched with strange symbols.

Pedestal Puzzle

The Pedestal Puzzle was designed to test the critical thinking skills of students under Elmetaph's tutelage. It still seems operational. Perhaps a student left a clue somewhere...


Click for location of the Student's Clue


Click for solution to the Pedestal Puzzle


Click to see reward to Pedestal Puzzle

Teleportation Platform

A raised, glowing platform etched with meaningless symbols. If only you knew anything about Teleportation, you might be able to use it to escape.


Finding Extra Teleportation Necessities


There are four obelisks constructed on the island by the Council. They were once used to help account for fluctuation in the region's Ley Lines, to assist in long-range Teleportation.


A solution for Elmetaph.

The Enchanted Dummy

Another trial for Academy students, the Enchanted Dummy tests the magical affinity of test takers. The wooden dummy is immune to Physical Attacks, and appears to have withstood the passage of time.


Magical Trickery


      Anagoge Training, Records, and Storage Facility

      The Anagoge Records Facility once served as a backup of Council records of Academy students. Faculty areas, storage rooms, and a golem maintained record complex are buried under the island.

      Teleportation Circles

      There are two Council constructed Teleportation Circles on Anagoge Island. Unfortunately, one appears to be damaged beyond repair.

      • Found among the southern hills of the island.

      Anagoge Island Inhabitants

      Friendly NPCs

      Event NPCs

      There are no Event related NPCs on Anagoge Island.

      Friendly NPCs in Anagoge Island Dungeons


        Special Foes

        There are no monsters on Anagoge Island that grant Notoriety when defeated.










        Minerals & Metal




        NOTE: I can not stress enough that a big part of this game is about exploration and discovery. Please approach the game with that mindset whenever possible.

        That being said, if it is NOT your first time on the island and you just wanna use a "Speed Pass" to get to the main game as fast as possible, then follow the steps hidden below.

        New Character Checklist

        Anagoge Island offers many opportunities to learn new skills, recipes, and abilities.