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History of the Council.

Mastery of ancient knowledge.

Lore is a skill linked to the mastery of Words of Power. It can also be increased by examining interactive objects in the world. Lore unlocks small, but permanent bonuses to elemental damage (fire/electricity) and Max Power.

A new character can gain Word of Power 2 quite easily simply by examining the lore items in Serbule Keep (oddly enough Word of Power 0, which uses cheaper ingredients is acquired from Marna and requires Favor).

Lore Recipes

See Words of Power article for the word recipes.

Lore Complete Recipe List

Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the Lore skill.

Lvl Name First-Time XP XP Ingredients Results Description [Expand] Source
0 Advanced Augury 50 0 icon_5659.png Incense x3
Corpse Trophy x1
Advanced Augury Study the bones, organs, or body parts of a deceased creature to get a hint about your future. You may not like what you see, but the odds of a good omen are in your favor. This augury tends to have more potent futures -- both good and ill -- than the Basic Augury. It is also more sensitive to the body part used, with more possible outcomes for certain parts. Training: Ashk
0 Apply Glamour to Item (via Berry) 0 0 icon_6480.png Glamour Berry x1
Item to Glamour x1
Item to Copy Appearance From x1
Apply Glamour to Item (via Berry) Makes one piece of equipment permanently look like another piece of equipment.

The glamoured item will have the same dye coloration as the item it's copied from. You cannot re-dye a glamoured item.

If the new appearance is specific to an animal form (e.g. werewolf armor), the glamour only applies when worn in that animal form.
0 Apply Glamour to Item (via Gourd) 0 0 Item to Glamour x1
Item to Copy Appearance From x1
Glamour Gourd x1
Apply Glamour to Item (via Gourd) Makes one piece of equipment permanently look like another piece of equipment.

The glamoured item will have the same dye coloration as the item it's copied from. You cannot re-dye a glamoured item.

If the new appearance is specific to an animal form (e.g. werewolf armor), the glamour only applies when worn in that animal form.
0 Basic Augury 50 0 icon_5013.png Salt x3
icon_5659.png Incense x1
Corpse Trophy x1
Basic Augury Study the bones, organs, or body parts of a deceased creature to get a hint about your future. You may not like what you see, but the odds of a good omen are in your favor. This augury tends to have more potent futures -- both good and ill -- than the Beginner's Augury. Training: Ashk
0 Beginner's Augury 50 0 icon_5013.png Salt x5
Corpse Trophy x1
Beginner's Augury Study the bones, organs, or body parts of a deceased creature to get a hint about your future. You may not like what you see, but the odds of a good omen are in your favor. Training: Ashk
0 Check Active Warden Alerts 0 0 None Check Active Warden Alerts Tune your mind to the secret communications of the Wardens. Quest: Getting Warden Alerts Working
0 Coat Glowy Yellow Crystals 25 0 icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x2
icon_5510.png Nice Phlogiston x5
icon_5702.png Coated Glowy Yellow Crystal x2 Covers dangerous crystals in magical dust, allowing them to be transported safely.
* In-game, this recipe is displayed under Transmutation.
Quest: Safer Crystal Transport
0 Drink Nectar (as a Butterfly) 0 0 Flower or Flower Arrangement x1 Drink Nectar (as a Butterfly) Consume a flower (or flower arrangement). For 30 minutes after, the Mentalism abilities Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave have increased potency. The increase depends on the quality of the flower(s) consumed.

You must be a butterfly to use this technique, and you must meet the flower(s)'s skill requirements, if any.
Training: Yavazek
0 Elven Infertility Cantrip 25 0 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1 For one hour, you are rendered completely infertile, as well as becoming immune to crotch-rot, jungle worm, and nearly all other sexually transmitted diseases. Hang Out: Echur
Hang Out: Joeh
0 Elven Sexual Energy Cantrip 25 0 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5182.png Sulfur x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x2
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1 For one hour, your genitalia are infused with pleasure-creating energies. Hang Out: Rita
0 Expert Augury 50 0 icon_5659.png Incense x6
Corpse Trophy x1
Expert Augury Study the bones, organs, or body parts of a deceased creature to get a hint about your future. You may not like what you see, but the odds of a good omen are in your favor. This augury tends to have more potent futures -- both good and ill -- than the Advanced Augury. Like the Advanced Augury, it is sensitive to the body part used, with more possible outcomes for certain parts. Training: Ashk
0 Human Anti-Drowsy Cantrip 25 0 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5015.png Fire Dust x1
icon_5002.png Mycena Mushroom x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1 For one hour, you are immune to sleep effects. Hang Out: Sir Coth
0 Human Hair-Cleaning Cantrip 25 0 icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5042.png Bluebell x1
Human Hair-Cleaning Cantrip Your hair becomes shiny and clean, without the need for water or soap. Just shake it out really well... Hang Out: Rita
0 Perceive Spawn Premonitions (2 secs) 50 0 icon_5659.png Incense x1
icon_5213.png Topaz x1
Corpse Trophy x1
Perceive Spawn Premonitions (2 secs) Perform a mind-altering ritual so that you can perceive newly-spawned monsters 2 seconds before they actually appear.

The effect does not wear off, but whenever you die there's a 5% chance that it will end.
Training: Ashk
0 Perceive Spawn Premonitions (4 secs) 50 0 icon_5659.png Incense x3
icon_5213.png Topaz x2
Corpse Trophy x1
Perceive Spawn Premonitions (4 secs) Perform a mind-altering ritual so that you can perceive newly-spawned monsters 4 seconds before they actually appear.

The effect does not wear off, but whenever you die there's a 5% chance that it will end.
Training: Ashk
0 Rakshasa Argument Curing Cantrip 25 0 icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5013.png Salt x2
icon_5468.png Sugar x2
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1 For one hour, you do not feel any urge to fight or argue with loved ones, no matter how stupid, callous, or irresponsible they may behave. Hang Out: Kleave
0 Send Item to Saddlebag 0 0 Item to send x1 Send Item to Saddlebag Sends an item to your mystic saddlebag. Only usable when you have a mystic saddlebag equipped.  ???
0 Word of Power 50 0 icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5033.png Crab Meat x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1 Attempt to research and discover a two-syllable Word of Power Leveling
Training: Flia
Training: Marna
Training: Velkort
0 Word of Power Scroll 50 0 icon_5041.png Flour x1
icon_5022.png Potato x1
icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
icon_4003.png Word of Power Scroll (level 1) x1
Attempt to research and discover a two-syllable Word of Power, and write it into a sealed scroll for safe keeping. Training: Flia
Training: Marna
Training: Velkort
2 Apply Beaker Augment 25 0 Beaker x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Beaker Augment Enhance a beaker by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
2 Apply Dagger Augment 25 0 Dagger x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Dagger Augment Enhance a dagger by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
2 Apply Fire Staff Augment 25 0 Fire Staff x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Fire Staff Augment Enhance a fire staff by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
2 Apply Hammer Augment 25 0 Hammer x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Hammer Augment Enhance a hammer by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
2 Apply Katar Augment 25 0 Unarmed Main-Hand Weapon x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Katar Augment Enhance a punching weapon by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
2 Apply Staff Augment 25 0 Staff x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Staff Augment Enhance a staff by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
2 Apply Sword Augment 25 0 Sword x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Sword Augment Enhance a sword by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
2 Moon Phase Check 50 0 None Moon Phase Check Consult your references to figure out the current phase of the moon. Item: Phases of the Moon
3 Apply Bow Augment 25 0 Bow x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Bow Augment Enhance a bow by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
3 Apply Claw Augment 25 0 Claw x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Claw Augment Enhance a claw by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
3 Apply Flask Augment 25 0 Flask x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Flask Augment Enhance a flask by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
3 Apply Orb Augment 25 0 Orb x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Orb Augment Enhance an orb by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
3 Apply Shield Augment 25 0 Shield x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Shield Augment Enhance a shield by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
3 Word of Power 2 100 0 icon_5187.png Cat Eyeball x1
icon_5042.png Bluebell x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x1
Word of Power 2 Attempt to research and discover a three-syllable Word of Power Item: Recipe: Words of Power 2
4 Apply Chest Augment 25 0 Chest Armor x1
Chest-Armor Augment x1
Apply Chest Augment Enhance a shirt or chest armor by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
4 Apply Hands Augment 25 0 Gloves x1
Gloves-Armor Augment x1
Apply Hands Augment Enhance gloves by applying a special Augment to them. Training: Nightshade
4 Apply Head Augment 25 0 Helm x1
Helm Augment x1
Apply Head Augment Enhance a helmet or mask by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
4 Apply Legs Augment 25 0 Leg Armor x1
Leg-Armor Augment x1
Apply Legs Augment Enhance a pair of pants or leggings by applying a special Augment to them. Training: Nightshade
4 Apply Shoes Augment 25 0 Shoes x1
Shoes Augment x1
Apply Shoes Augment Enhance a pair of boots or shoes by applying a special Augment to them. Training: Nightshade
4 Word of Power 2 Scroll 100 0 icon_5065.png Ectoplasm x1
icon_5042.png Bluebell x1
icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_4003.png Word of Power Scroll (level 2) x1 Attempt to research and discover a three-syllable Word of Power, and write it into a sealed scroll for safe keeping. Item: Recipe: Words of Power 2 (transcribed)
5 Apply Crossbow Augment 25 0 Crossbow x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Crossbow Augment Enhance a crossbow by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
5 Apply Dirk Augment 25 0 Dirk x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Dirk Augment Enhance a dirk by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
5 Apply Horn Augment 25 0 Horn x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Horn Augment Enhance a bardic horn by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
5 Apply Lute Augment 25 0 Lute x1
Main-Hand Augment x1
Apply Lute Augment Enhance a bardic lute by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
5 Apply Necklace Augment 25 0 Necklace x1
Necklace Augment x1
Apply Necklace Augment Enhance a necklace by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
5 Apply Ring Augment 25 0 Ring x1
Ring Augment x1
Apply Ring Augment Enhance a ring by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
5 Apply Wand Augment 25 0 Wand x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Wand Augment Enhance a wand by applying a special Augment to it. Training: Nightshade
5 Word of Power 3 150 0 icon_5308.png Evil Grass x1
icon_5182.png Sulfur x1
icon_5885.png Basic Holistic Ink x1
Word of Power 3 Attempt to research and discover a four-syllable Word of Power Leveling
7 Word of Power 4 200 0 icon_5054.png Basic Fish Scales x1
icon_5150.png Milk Cap Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5885.png Advanced Holistic Ink x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1 Attempt to research and discover a five-syllable Word of Power Leveling
9 Word of Power 5 250 0 icon_5081.png Nightmare Flesh x1
icon_5155.png Memory Inhibitor x1
icon_5885.png Expert Holistic Ink x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1 Attempt to research and discover a six-syllable Word of Power Leveling

Lore items

List of Lore