Mushroom Farming

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Mushroom Farming
The specialized skill of growing mushrooms in grow-boxes.
Skill Type:
Trade Skill
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:

The specialized skill of growing mushrooms in grow-boxes.

Mushroom Farming Overview

Mushroom Farming is a new skill introduced July 2017. This skill requires Mycology of 60 to learn.

In-Game Description

The specialized skill of growing mushrooms in grow-boxes.

Training Mushroom Farming

Connected Skills

  • None.
Secondary Skills:
  • Mycology - Mycology is the Parent skill of Mushroom Farming.
  • Carpentry - Carpentry is needed to make the mushroom grow-boxes
  • Alchemy - Mushroom suspensions made by alchemy are needed to make the mushroom grow-boxes
Related Skills:
  • Myconic - Myconic is another Mushroom related skill.

Recipe Lists

Mushroom Farming Complete Recipe List

Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the Mushroom Farming skill.

Lvl Name First-Time XP XP Ingredients Results Description [Expand] Source
0 Mushroom Box 50 10 icon_5787.png Oak Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5145.png Parasol Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Mushroom Box x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
When placed in a damp cave, this box can be used to grow a crop of mushrooms. Leveling
0 Mushroom Substrate: Dirt 80 10 icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5019.png Mushroom Substrate (Dirt) x1 Create fertilizer for a mushroom grow-box. Leveling
1 Lucky Mushroom Box 30 6 icon_5787.png Oak Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5146.png Mycena Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Lucky Mushroom Box x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can be used to grow a crop of mushrooms.
Chance for Second Mushroom Type: 33%
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
3 Mushroom Substrate: Bone 120 15 icon_5292.png Bone Meal x3 icon_5292.png Mushroom Substrate (Bone) x1 Create fertilizer for a mushroom grow-box. Leveling
3 Practice Mushroom Box (12 Hour) 45 9 icon_5787.png Oak Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5145.png Parasol Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Practice Mushroom Box (12 Hour) x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can grow multiple crops of mushrooms.
Box Duration: 12 hours
Grow Time: 25% slower per crop
XP: +33% more per mushroom
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
6 Lucky Mushroom Box (12 hour) 65 13 icon_5787.png Oak Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5148.png Field Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Lucky Mushroom Box (12 hour) x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can grow multiple crops of mushrooms.
Box Duration: 12 hours
Chance for Second Mushroom Type: 33% per crop
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
7 Mushroom Substrate: Meat 160 20 Meat x1
Meat x1
Meat x1
icon_5535.png Mushroom Substrate (Meat) x1 Create fertilizer for a mushroom grow-box. Leveling
11 Mushroom Substrate: Organs 200 25 Body Organ x1
Body Organ x1
Body Organ x1
icon_5168.png Mushroom Substrate (Organs) x1 Create fertilizer for a mushroom grow-box. Leveling
15 Mushroom Substrate: Limbs 240 30 Limb or Extremity x1
Limb or Extremity x1
Limb or Extremity x1
icon_5082.png Mushroom Substrate (Limbs) x1 Create fertilizer for a mushroom grow-box. Leveling
18 Practice Mushroom Box (24 Hour) 150 30 icon_5787.png Oak Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5149.png Blusher Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Practice Mushroom Box (24 Hour) x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can grow multiple crops of mushrooms.
Box Duration: 24 hours
Grow Time: 25% slower per crop
XP: +33% more per mushroom
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
19 Mushroom Substrate: Exotic (Type A) 280 35 icon_5308.png Evil Grass x1
icon_5290.png Worm Tooth x1
icon_5185.png Giant Hairball x1
icon_5308.png Mushroom Substrate (Exotic) x1 Create fertilizer for a mushroom grow-box. Leveling
24 Mushroom Substrate: Exotic (Type B) 320 40 icon_5065.png Ectoplasm x1
icon_5551.png Lac x1
icon_5350.png Fulgurite x1
icon_5308.png Mushroom Substrate (Exotic) x1 Create fertilizer for a mushroom grow-box. Leveling
25 Epic Crop Mushroom Box 200 40 icon_5787.png Maple Mushroom Box Frame x2
icon_5149.png Blusher Mushroom Suspension x2
icon_5788.png Epic Crop Mushroom Box x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x2
When placed in a damp cave, this box can be used to grow a large crop of mushrooms.
Grow Time: 100% slower than normal
Yield: +200% more mushrooms than normal
Note: this box requires 2 doses of substrate
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
25 Fast Mushroom Box 200 40 icon_5787.png Maple Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5148.png Field Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Fast Mushroom Box x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can be used to grow a crop of mushrooms.
Grow Time: 20% faster than normal
XP Penalty: -50% XP per mushroom
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
26 Lucky Mushroom Box (24 hour) 205 41 icon_5787.png Maple Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5149.png Blusher Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Lucky Mushroom Box (24 hour) x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can grow multiple crops of mushrooms.
Box Duration: 24 hours
Chance for Second Mushroom Type: 33% per crop
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
30 High-Yield Mushroom Box (48 hours) 235 47 icon_5787.png Maple Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5146.png Blood Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_5788.png High-Yield Mushroom Box (48 hours) x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can grow multiple crops of mushrooms.
Box Duration: 48 hours
Grow Time: 50% slower for each crop
Yield: +100% mushrooms per crop
Chance for Second Mushroom Type: 15% per crop
Note: this box requires 2 doses of substrate
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
33 Practice Mushroom Box (48 Hour) 255 51 icon_5787.png Maple Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5146.png Blood Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Practice Mushroom Box (48 Hour) x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can grow multiple crops of mushrooms.
Box Duration: 48 hours
Grow Time: 25% slower per crop
XP: +33% more per mushroom
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
44 Lucky Mushroom Box (48 hour) 335 67 icon_5787.png Cedar Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5148.png Coral Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Lucky Mushroom Box (48 hour) x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can grow multiple crops of mushrooms.
Box Duration: 48 hours
Chance for Second Mushroom Type: 33% per crop
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
45 Very Fast Mushroom Box 340 68 icon_5787.png Cedar Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5146.png Blood Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Very Fast Mushroom Box x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can be used to grow a crop of mushrooms.
Grow Time: 40% faster than normal
XP Penalty: -50% XP per mushroom
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip
50 Practice Mushroom Box (72 Hour) 375 75 icon_5787.png Cedar Mushroom Box Frame x1
icon_5145.png Groxmax Mushroom Suspension x1
icon_5788.png Practice Mushroom Box (72 Hour) x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
This box can grow multiple crops of mushrooms.
Box Duration: 72 hours
Grow Time: 25% slower per crop
XP: +33% more per mushroom
Training: Hemmit Magmagrip

Mushroom Farming Mechanics


Each mushroom grows better in a specific substrate. It grows adequately in one of the low level substrates (Dirt, Bone or Meat), and very well in one of the high level substrates (Organs, Limbs or Exotic).

Some substrates can be produced from any item with a certain keyword:

Some higher level mushroom boxes require multiple doses of substrate, instead of just one.

Moon Phases

Mushrooms also grow robustly if harvested during two (specific to the mushroom) out of the eight moon phases, and poorly in two others. Moon phase in game matches real life, based on GMT time zone. The current moon phase can be checked with the Moon Phase Check Lore recipe.

Mushroom Boxes

Mushroom boxes are made with Carpentry and Mushroom Farming recipes. Lucky boxes have a 33% chance for harvesting a second type of mushroom and can last once, 12 hours or 24 hours. Practice boxes have a slower grow time, but yield more XP per mushroom. Fast boxes grow mushrooms 20% faster than normal, but have a -50% XP penalty per mushroom.

Box Duration and Clearing Boxes

Some mushroom boxes have a duration (other boxes typically grow only a single crop). For these boxes, the player will be able to start a new cycle as long as there is any time left on the box. If this new cycle uses up the remaining time on the box, the in-game interface will inform you that this will be the last crop this box will be fit to grow.

At any time, the player may opt to clean out a mushroom box. For a box with duration remaining, a new crop may then be started, requiring a new starter mushroom, and a new dose of substrate (or multiple doses, depending on box type).

Number of Boxes

A number of boxes can be placed simultaneously, depending on Mushroom Farming level:

  • Two boxes to start
  • Three boxes at Level 41


Growing Time

The table below summarizes the best substrates, appropriate moon phases and normal growing time for all mushrooms.

Mushroom Mycology Req Growing Time Adequate in Very well in Moon phase (robustly) Moon phase (poorly)
 ??? 2 hrs Dirt Organs Full Moon, Waning Crescent Moon New Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon
 ??? 3 hrs Bone Limbs Waxing Crescent Moon, First-Quarter Moon Waning Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon
 ??? 4 hrs Meat Exotic New Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon Waxing Crescent Moon, Full Moon
 ??? 5 hrs Bone Organs Waxing Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon First-Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon
 ??? 5 hrs Dirt Exotic New Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon Full Moon, Waning Crescent Moon
 ??? 6 hrs Meat Exotic New Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon Waxing Crescent Moon, Full Moon
 ??? 7 hrs Dirt Organs Full Moon, Waning Crescent Moon New Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon
 ??? 8 hrs Meat Organs Full Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon New Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon
 ??? 8 hrs Dirt Limbs Waxing Crescent Moon, Last-Quarter Moon First-Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon
 ??? 9 hrs Meat Limbs First-Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon Last-Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon
 ??? 10 hrs Bone Limbs Waxing Crescent Moon, First-Quarter Moon Waning Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon
 ??? 11 hrs Bone Organs Waxing Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon First-Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon
 ??? 12 hrs Bone Limbs Waning Crescent Moon, Last-Quarter Moon First-Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon
 ??? 12 hrs Meat Exotic Full Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon New Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon
64 13 hrs Dirt Exotic New Moon, Waning Crescent Moon Last-Quarter Moon
70 14 hrs Meat Organs First-Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon Last-Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon
77 15 hrs Bone Organs Waxing Crescent Moon, Full Moon New Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon
75 16 hrs Bone Organs Waxing Crescent Moon, First-Quarter Moon Waxing Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon
85 16 hrs Meat Exotic New Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon Waning Crescent, Full Moon


I head to New Prestonbule Cave, and remove some
from storage. I use a Carpentry recipe to produce two
. I also remove some
from storage and along with the water and dirt in my inventory, i'm able to produce the other intermediate ingredients and finally two
. Having already checked that it is the New Moon (and consulted an online reference so I know it will still be the New Moon at harvest time when it counts), I plan to grow
, as these grow robustly during the New Moon. They grow best in
, so I pull a stack of that out of storage, along with a couple of Fly Amanitas to get the boxes started.

I choose a location a little out of the way near a wall, where I will remember where my boxes are. I deploy both boxes, adding one mushroom to each, along with the two doses of substrate the interface informs me each box requires. I can now see that the boxes have 48 hours remaining and that this crop will be done in 22.5 hours (the 15 hour base * 150% because High Yield Boxes have 50% slower growth).

I make a note of the time window. I need to come back after 22.5 hours so the crop will be ready, but ideally with another 22.5 hours still "on the clock". From the 48 hour total, this gives me 28 - 2 * 22.5 = a 3 hour window. If I make it back in time, i'll be able to grow a second crop, and then a third if I again harvest that second crop before the 48 hours has expired. If I harvest the first crop after 25.5 hours, there will be less than 22.5 hours left, and I will only be able to produce one more crop of Fly Amanita with these boxes.

Mushroom Farming Level Up Rewards

Level [Expand] Reward
0 Learn Recipe: Mushroom Substrate: Dirt
1 Learn Recipe: Mushroom Box
3 Learn Recipe: Mushroom Substrate: Bone
7 Learn Recipe: Mushroom Substrate: Meat
11 Learn Recipe: Mushroom Substrate: Organs
15 Learn Recipe: Mushroom Substrate: Limbs
19 Learn Recipe: Mushroom Substrate: Exotic (Type A)
24 Learn Recipe: Mushroom Substrate: Exotic (Type B)
41 +1 Max Active Mushroom Boxes (total 3)

Mushroom Farming Experience Table


Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Mushroom Farming


  • Mushroom Farming was actually one of the first skills planned for the game, at Skill ID #7.
  • There is a bug upon first learning the skill. Two recipes, Mushroom Box and Mushroom Substrate: Dirt, are supposed to be added to the player's arsenal. But Mushroom Substrate: Dirt recipe is not added (in many players' experiences). After quitting and restarting the game, the recipe appears normally.
