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Strange Deer

Revision as of 13:27, 9 May 2022 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Miscellaneous)
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Main Page Headers Bg.png
Strange Deer
Strange Deer.jpg
Slashing, Piercing
Very Effective:
Poison, Trauma
Very Ineffective:
Strange Deer are Deer based crystal beings that seemingly spawn as a security measure for the Crystal Cavern. Although Deer-like, they are classified as Constructs in-game. It is assumed that Dalvos created this warning system. When spawned, Strange Deer will charge the nearest player in an attempt to light them on fire. Good thing the crystal is only a few feet from water!


Vitals: Health 130 Armor 47 Rage 154
Location: Found outside the Crystal Cavern.
Time Conditions: Only spawns during Get Crystal Samples.

Combat Abilities

icon_2152.png Crushing Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_2152.png Heavy Fire Damage


Reported Loot