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Revision as of 17:01, 1 May 2024 by Phalaeo (talk | contribs) (General Loot)
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Main Page Headers Bg.png
Fire, Poison, Trauma
Tigers are the first Feline type creature a player is likely to come into contact with. Even so, they're not not to be taken lightly, as they will often swarm players who aggro them in groups of three and do a fair amount of damage even by themselves.


Vitals: Health 186 Armor 89 Rage 238
Location: Near the northern dock and along the eastern hills.
Serbule Hills
Vitals: Health 186 Armor 89 Rage 238
Location: Roaming the entire region.
Vitals: Health 186 Armor 89 Rage 238
Location: Just inside the zone, towards the South, around the Serbule portal.

Combat Abilities

icon_2130.png Slashing Damage
icon_2117.png Slashing Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_2117.png Heavy Slashing Damage


Reported Loot

NOTE: This monster appears in multiple zones. All versions of the monster drop the same General Loot, but the equipment and book/scroll loot may vary from one zone to another

General Loot

General Loot

Serbule Loot

Level 10 Equipment
Level 10 Augments

Serbule Hills Loot

  • Loot specific to the Serbule Hills variant goes here.

Eltibule Loot

  • Loot specific to the Eltibule variant goes here.

Animal Handling Stats

Animal Handling Level to Tame: 20
Maximum Bond Level: 80
Maximum Happiness: 100
Weak Against: Fire, Poison, Trauma
Resists: Nature
Basic Attack:
icon_2130.png Slashing Damage
(7 damage),
icon_2117.png Slashing Damage
(10 damage)
Sic 'Em Attack:
Level 1-14: icon_2136.png Heavy Slashing Damage (14 damage)
Level 15-29: icon_2136.png Heavy Slashing Damage (34 damage)
Level 30-44: icon_2136.png Heavy Slashing Damage (73 damage)
Level 45-59: icon_2136.png Heavy Slashing Damage (137 damage)
Level 60-74: icon_2136.png Heavy Slashing Damage (231 damage)
Level 75+: icon_2136.png Heavy Slashing Damage (332 damage)
Special Trick:
Level 1-14: icon_3619.png Very Heavy Slashing Damage (25 damage)
Level 15-29: icon_3619.png Very Heavy Slashing Damage (62 damage)
Level 30-44: icon_3619.png Very Heavy Slashing Damage (131 damage)
Level 45-59: icon_3619.png Very Heavy Slashing Damage (248 damage)
Level 60-74: icon_3619.png Very Heavy Slashing Damage (418 damage)
Level 75+: icon_3619.png Very Heavy Slashing Damage (600 damage)
Vitals at Tamed (20) Health TODO Armor TODO