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Arthropod Anatomy

Revision as of 11:52, 19 May 2016 by Kingfury (talk | contribs) (added level rewards)

Arthropods (creature type) include spiders, insects, and scorpions.

Arthropod Anatomy (a sub-skill of Anatomy) knowledge is gained by using the Autopsy Kit on creatures of this type.



All hat-wearing mantises are intelligent to some degree.

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Known Creatures




Level Rewards

  • Level 36: Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 12%} Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 12%)
  • Level 40: Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 4%) Archery chance of critical hit: +1% (total 5%)
  • Level 42: Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 12%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 14%)
  • Level 45: +1 to Anatomy Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 15%)
  • Level 48: Archery chance of critical hit: +1% (total 6%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 16%)
  • Level 49: Sklnnlng yields exotic items: +2% (total 14%)
  • Level 50: Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 5%)