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Ashk the Answerer

Button Blue.png
Ashk the Answerer
He's examining a piece of entrail.
Near the main entrance.
Beast Speak:
Speaks With:
Skill Trainer:
Meditation, Pathology, Carpentry, Lore
Offers Storage

A visiting goblin taught me the basics of shamanism, and I knew at once that it could be combined with the power of the mind. After years of experimentation, I am proud to say that it works! I can read the future! Of course, I can only read the very near future right now... but some day I shall be able to auger years into the future


Ashk is a Rakshasa soothsayer and merchant in Rahu. With appropriate favor, and unless you're already under the effect of one of the soothsaying recipes, he will offer the following dialogue.

Ah, Player, it's good to see you again! Do you need your fortune read? For you, it's free.

I would like you to tell me my future.

For you, my friend, there is no charge. Stand perfectly still! Are you ready?

I'm ready!

(Ashk begins to read your future)

There you have it! If you wish for me to read your future again, come back another day.



Near the gate coming from the Ilmari Desert. On the left side as you enter the city.


Items Sold[view/edit]

 37 councils   [Neutral] 
 1 councils   [Neutral] 
 3 councils   [Neutral] 
 5 councils   [Neutral] 
 10 councils   [Neutral] 
 400 councils   [Comfortable] 
 600 councils   [Friends] 
 800 councils   [Friends] 
 1000 councils   [Close Friends] 
 20 councils   [Neutral] 
 300 councils   [Neutral] 
 7 councils   [Neutral] 
 30 councils   [Neutral] 
 15 councils   [Neutral] 
 37 councils   [Friends] 
 75 councils   [Close Friends] 
 112 councils   [Close Friends] 
 15 councils   [Neutral] 
 22 councils   [Neutral] 

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • All Equipment (includes belts)
  • Transmutation/Augmentation-related items
  • Animal Remnants

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Neutral 25 1,250
Comfortable 100 5,000
Friends 200 10,000
Close Friends 20,000
Best Friends 40,000
Like Family 1100 50,000
Soul Mates 1100 50,000


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Likes Equipment with Mentalism prerequisites Hint
  • Loves Animal Horns Hint
  • Loves Animal Stingers Hint
  • Likes Animal Teeth Hint

Favor Rewards

Ashk the Answerer rewards his friends with Storage, beginning at [Comfortable] favor.

Hang Outs

Let Ashk evaluate your animal body for potential soothsaying knowledge (5h) [Comfortable] Hint

I hope that wasn't too embarrassing. I've collected all of your measurements. Assuming you're an average specimen of your species, it's safe to say that your kind is quite valuable for augury! Of course, you'd have to die first. Ha ha ha! Sorry. That was in poor taste. I have no intention of killing you! I might buy your corpse after you die, but that's it! Um, here, take these baubles. They're shiny, aren't they? Off you go now!

Help Ashk prepare animal guts for soothsaying (3h)

Is that the bucket of spleens? Good. I keep them separate. In your basic soothsaying, spleens are just like any other organ. But in my most advanced augury techniques, spleens are quite valuable! Thank you for everything. Here, keep one!

Let Ashk practice new soothsaying techniques on you (8h)

It worked! The long-form augury allowed me to choose a very specific future for you. I chose to make you more fleet of foot in the near future.

This technique could be huge! Of course, since it took eight hours of you standing perfectly still while I used a dozen chickens' worth of entrails, it's not really a very practical business practice tool... but still, knowledge is always good.

  • Augury: Swift (1 hour) - (+3 out-of-combat sprint speed)
  • 80 favor with Ashk

Be awkwardly intimate with Ashk (4h) [Soulmates] Hint

  •  ? favor with Ashk
  • Ashk's Tail-Ring of remembrance +20 health 10% chance to miraculously avoid death. Hint



Unlock Level Cost Favor
 50    20,000 councils   [Friends] 
 60    50,000 councils   [?] 
Unlock Level Cost Favor
 50    20,000 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #52  52    6,010 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #53  53    6,040 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #54  54    6,072 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #55  55    6,102 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #56  56    7,052 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #57  57    7,084 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #58  58    7,114 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #59  59    7,114 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #60  60    7,176 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #61  61    9,046 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #62  62    9,076 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #63  63    9,108 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #64  64    9,138 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Meditation #65  65    9,168 councils   [Friends] 

Soothsaying Training

At Close Friends, Ashk will offer you training in Augury recipes if you are able to defeat a creature for him, the Eye of Fate.

In the desert near Rahu, look for a giant skull embedded in the face of a cliff. Ignore the skull and look for a large staff in the sand near the base of the cliff. Stand near the staff and say something like, "I'm going to start soothsaying now!" That should get the eye to emerge. Be ready! It is no ordinary foe. You will likely need help. Slay the creature and you shall have my utmost appreciation.

Ashk the Answerer

Once the summoned creature is defeated, Ashk will offer training of Augury recipes in his Training menu. Learning Augury requires Meditation 50.

Unlock Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Beginner's Augury  0    2760 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Basic Augury  0    8280 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Advanced Augury  0    13800 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Expert Augury  0    23000 councils   [Neutral] 



Ashk the Answerer offers Consignment at [Friends].
Mark up fee of 10%, stocking fee of 50 Councils.
Max 2 active consignments (Equipment, corpse trophies, augmentation-related materials).
Max 4 consignments per week.


Ashk the Answerer offers storage at [Comfortable] Favor.
0 slots at [Neutral].
8 slots at [Comfortable].
16 slots at [Friends].
24 slots at [Close Friends].
32 slots at [Best Friends].
40 slots at [Like Family].
48 slots at [Soul Mates].



I read the future from different body parts depending on what seems most important at the time. Bones help augur safety, while a nice heart can help foresee whether you will find great treasures. A horn can ensure that you learn more from your lessons... and so forth.


Upon reaching Favor level Close Friends:

Ah (your name), we are good to each other. You keep me grounded in the now, and I keep you thinking about the future.