| |
![]() Her eyes are bright with excitement
as she gossips with Blanche. | |
Region: | |
Town: | |
Location: | Outside the inn.
Anatomy: | |
Species: | Elf
Beast Speak: | No
“Hi sweetie, how are you? You're looking gorgeous!
— Rita
Rita is a sex-addicted Elf who hangs out on the Chortling Beaver's front porch, enjoying numerous salacious discussions with Blanche.
- Blanche: I have the juiciest gossip! But you have to keep it a secret.
- Rita: Of course! Is it about Salmay?
- Blanche: No... it's Ivyn! I heard he hasn't been with an elf in six months!
- Rita: That's not healthy! What has he done instead? Humans?
Small Talk [view/edit]
- Dislikes Food
- Likes Flowers Hint
- Likes Clothing (non-armored)
- Loves Slippers
- Likes Interesting Reading Material
Favor Rewards
Reward at [Comfortable]:
Referral to Harry the Wolf as a friend, allows access to Lycanthropy via a quest.
Reward at [Friends]:
“You've been such a good friend. Here, I wanted you to have this. It's brought me luck over the years.
Hang Outs
Help Rita braid her hair (60 min)
Help Rita make navel rings (4 hours)
- 35 [favor]
- (Max Cleanliness +1)
Take a hike through the woods and then have sex (12 hr)
“That was fun! You were pretty good! But practice what I showed you for next time, okay?
- 95 [favor] with Rita
Recipe: Elven Sexual Energy Cantrip
Spy on Marna to discover her hair secrets (8 hr)
“She must have known we were watching her! That's why she used that creepy cantrip: to throw us off the trail. Elves wouldn't use that, it's slummy Human magic. We need to spy on her again later.
- 65 [favor] with Rita
Recipe: Human Hair-Cleaning Cantrip
Help Rita make soap (5 hr)
“It's a lot of work, I know! But don't let other races know. Elves take pride in making beauty look easy"
- 42 [favor] with Rita
- 50 Alchemy XP
Floral Soap
Play with the giant rats in town (2 hr)
- Rita's Curiosity
To start this quest, talk to Rita in Serbule. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor.
- Ask Marna about her hair
- Talk to Rita
Response to player
“Well hello! What? My hair? Oh that's easy: I use an alchemical potion twice a month. I should make some extra bottles and sell it! You look like you could use a bottle, if you don't mind my saying.
- Rita's Shell Request
To start this quest, talk to Rita in Serbule. The quest is available at [Close Friends] favor.
- Obtain a
- Talk to Rita
- Rita's Soap
To start this quest, talk to Rita in Serbule. The quest is available at [Comfortable] favor.
- Deliver Herbal Soap to Helena
- Talk to Rita
Response to player
“A gift from Rita? Thanks! I guess she had fun at the... what is this, soap?!
Ha ha. Tell Rita to go suckle a treant, will you?
- Rita Needs Slippers
To start this quest, talk to Rita in Serbule. The quest is available at [Friends] favor.
- Obtain a pair of
- Talk to Rita
- Rita Wants Flowers
To start this quest, talk to Rita in Serbule. The quest is available at [Tolerated] favor.
- Obtain Flowers (6)
- Talk to Rita
Interpretive Dance Variant
Rita is the teacher for Dance 2 (variant B). At least three musicians must be playing instruments near Rita to convince them to demonstrate their dance.
Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - | (lv 30) |
[Like Family] Favor - | (lv 30), 5x |