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! Name !! Description !! Meditation Recipe
! Name !! Description !! Meditation Recipe
  | Combo: Armor Render || Combo: Kick+Cobra Strike+Hip Throw: final step deals 90 extra damage to enemy's armor.  
  | Combo: Armor Render || Combo: Kick+Cobra Strike+Hip Throw: final step deals 90 extra damage to enemy's armor. || #38, #39
  | Combo: Armor Rip || Combo: Cobra Strike+Hip Throw+Punch: final step deals 40 extra damage to enemy's armor. || #4
  | Combo: Armor Rip || Combo: Cobra Strike+Hip Throw+Punch: final step deals 40 extra damage to enemy's armor. || #4
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  | Combo: Feet of Flames || Combo: Cobra Strike+Barrage+Kick: final step ignites the target, dealing 60 damage over 6 seconds. || #5
  | Combo: Feet of Flames || Combo: Cobra Strike+Barrage+Kick: final step ignites the target, dealing 60 damage over 6 seconds. || #5
  | Combo: Firestorm || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick+Punch: final step affects all targets within 5 meters and ignites them, dealing 90 damage over 15 seconds.  
  | Combo: Firestorm || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick+Punch: final step affects all targets within 5 meters and ignites them, dealing 120 damage over 6 seconds. || #40, #41
  | Combo: Fist Storm || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Punch: final step deals 60 extra damage.  
  | Combo: Fist Storm || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Punch: final step deals 60 extra damage. || #36, #37
  | Combo: Fists of Rage || Combo: Punch+Punch+Barrage: final step deals 25 extra damage. || #3
  | Combo: Fists of Rage || Combo: Punch+Punch+Barrage: final step deals 25 extra damage. || #3
Line 107: Line 107:
  | Combo: Inner Focus || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick: final step heals you for 25 health. || #6, #7
  | Combo: Inner Focus || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick: final step heals you for 25 health. || #6, #7
  | Combo: Inner Focus 2 || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick: final step heals you for 65 health.  
  | Combo: Inner Focus 2 || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick: final step heals you for 65 health. ||
  | Combo: Inner Calm || Combo: Kick+Any Melee+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals 25 extra damage and heals you for 35 health. || #30, #31
  | Combo: Inner Calm || Combo: Kick+Any Melee+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals 25 extra damage and heals you for 35 health. || #30, #31
  | Combo: Kidney Ripper || Combo: Kick+Barrage+Punch+Kick: final step deals 120 extra damage that bypasses armor.  
  | Combo: Kidney Ripper || Combo: Kick+Barrage+Any Melee+Kick: final step deals 150 extra damage. || #46, #47
  | Combo: Lightning Kick || Combo: Kick+Any Melee+Any Melee+Kick: final step stuns the enemy. || #10, #11
  | Combo: Lightning Kick || Combo: Kick+Any Melee+Any Melee+Kick: final step stuns the enemy. || #10, #11
  | Combo: Manager || Combo: Kick+Punch+Barrage: final step deals 125 extra damage.  
  | Combo: Manager || Combo: Kick+Punch+Barrage: final step deals 125 extra damage. || #32, #33
  | Combo: Perfected Basics || Combo: Punch+Any Melee+Any Melee+Punch: final step deals 50 extra damage. || #14, #15
  | Combo: Perfected Basics || Combo: Punch+Any Melee+Any Melee+Punch: final step deals 50 extra damage. || #14, #15
Line 121: Line 121:
  | Combo: Pierce the Heart || Combo: Kick+Cobra Strike+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals 50 extra damage that bypasses armor. || #22, #23
  | Combo: Pierce the Heart || Combo: Kick+Cobra Strike+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals 50 extra damage that bypasses armor. || #22, #23
  | Combo: Recuperation || Combo: Cobra Strike+Barrage+Kick: final step restores 60 armor to you.  
  | Combo: Recuperation || Combo: Cobra Strike+Barrage+Kick: final step restores 80 armor to you. || #42, #43
  | Combo: Serpent's Coil || Combo: Barrage+Cobra Strike+Punch: final step deals 30 extra damage. || #8, #9
  | Combo: Serpent's Coil || Combo: Barrage+Cobra Strike+Punch: final step deals 30 extra damage. || #8, #9
  | Combo: Soul Siphon || Combo: Punch+Barrage+Punch+Cobra Strike: final step deals 20 extra damage and heals you for 60 health.  
  | Combo: Soul Siphon || Combo: Punch+Barrage+Punch+Cobra Strike: final step deals 50 extra damage and heals you for 60 health. || #44, #45
  | Combo: Spleenstrike || Combo: Punch+Kick+Cobra Strike+Punch: final step deals 75 extra damage that bypasses armor.  
  | Combo: Spleenstrike || Combo: Punch+Kick+Cobra Strike+Punch: final step deals 75 extra damage that bypasses armor. || #34, #35
  | Combo: Stunlock || Combo: Barrage+Cobra Strike+Any Melee+Any Melee+Punch: final step stuns the enemy and deals 80 extra damage.  
  | Combo: Stunlock || Combo: Barrage+Cobra Strike+Any Melee+Any Melee+Punch: final step stuns the enemy and deals 100 extra damage. || #50, #51
  | Combo: Stunning Foot || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Any Melee+Kick: final step stuns the enemy and deals 25 extra damage. || #18, #19
  | Combo: Stunning Foot || Combo: Barrage+Punch+Any Melee+Kick: final step stuns the enemy and deals 25 extra damage. || #18, #19
  | Combo: Thunderkick || Combo: Cobra Strike+Punch+Punch+Kick: final step deals 150 extra damage.  
  | Combo: Thunderkick || Combo: Cobra Strike+Any Melee+Punch+Kick: final step deals 200 extra damage. || #48, #49
  | Combo: Vengeful Stop || Combo: Cobra Strike+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals 70 extra damage and restores 25 armor.  
  | Combo: Vengeful Stop || Combo: Cobra Strike+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals 70 extra damage and restores 25 armor.  

Revision as of 16:34, 14 January 2020

Daily Combos

Name Description
Daily Combo Combo: Hip Throw+Barrage+Punch: final step deals 200% additional damage, applied to enemy's armor.
Daily Combo Combo: Cobra Strike+Barrage+Punch: final step deals triple damage.
Daily Combo Combo: Punch+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals double damage.
Daily Combo Combo: Punch+Punch+Cobra Strike: final step Deals +50% damage and psychoanalyzes the target, making it more difficult to use its Rage attacks.
Daily Combo Combo: Kick+Punch+Punch: final step hits all enemies within 5 meters.
Daily Combo Combo: Barrage+Cobra Strike+Hip Throw+Kick: final step affects all enemies within 10 meters.
Daily Combo Combo: Cobra Strike+Punch+Kick+Barrage: final step slows the enemy's run speed by 25%.
Daily Combo Combo: Kick+Barrage+Cobra Strike: final step affects all enemies within 5 meters.
Daily Combo Combo: Kick+Punch+Kick: final step heals you for 20% of your max health.
Daily Combo Combo: Punch+Barrage+Punch+Hip Throw: final step stuns the enemy.

Pillar Combos

Name Description Location
Combo: Breather Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick+Cobra Strike: final step heals you for 25% of your max health. Serbule, Gazluk
Combo: Bruising Strike Combo: Bruising Blow+Punch+Cobra Strike: final step affects all targets within 5 meters and deals 60 extra damage. Sun Vale, Kur Mountains, Fae Realm
Combo: Cobra of Life Combo: Kick+Punch+Punch+Cobra Strike: final step heals you for 20% of your max health. Sun Vale, Kur Mountains
Combo: Crowd Stun Combo: Kick+Barrage+Punch: final step stuns the enemy and deals 50 extra damage. Rahu
Combo: Crowd Surprise Combo: Kick+Punch+Cobra Strike: final step hits all enemies within 5 meters. Serbule, Serbule Hills, Gazluk, Fae Realm
Combo: Crushing Cobra Combo: Punch+Barrage+Cobra Strike: final step deals double damage. Serbule, Serbule Hills
Combo: Eternal Vigil Combo: BruisingBlow+CobraStrike+Hip Throw+Punch: final step heals you for 30 health and 40 armor.
Combo: Fiery Cobra Fae Realm
Combo: Furious Chaos Combo: BruisingBlow+Kick+Hip Throw: final step hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +150 damage.
Combo: Hamstringer Combo: Punch+Barrage+Kick: final step slows the enemy's run speed by 75%. Serbule Hills, Eltibule
Combo: Headtoss Combo: BruisingBlow+Kick+Hip Throw: final step stuns the enemy and deals 120 extra damage.
Combo: Heartstopper Combo: Bruising Blow+Punch+Kick: final step deals +50% damage. Ilmari
Combo: Kicker Combo: Punch+Punch+Kick: final step slows the enemy's run speed by 45%. Serbule
Combo: Laggard Strike Combo: Punch+Barrage+Cobra Strike: final step deals 50 extra damage and slows the enemy's run speed by 45%. Sun Vale, Kur Mountains
Combo: Nervewreck Combo: Cobra Strike+Barrage+Hip Throw: final step stuns the enemy. Serbule Hills, Eltibule, Fae Realm
Combo: Pow Combo: Hip Throw+Cobra Strike+Punch: final step deals double damage. Serbule Hills, Eltibule
Combo: Punchmaster Combo: Punch+Punch+Punch: final step deals double damage. Serbule
Combo: Rending Fist Combo: Kick+Punch+Punch+Cobra Strike: final step deals 200% additional armor damage. Eltibule, Red Wing Casino
Combo: Sapping Vigor Combo: Hip Throw+Punch+Cobra Strike+Kick: final step restores 20 power to you. Ilmari
Combo: Simplicity of Fate Combo: Punch+Punch: final step deals +50% damage. Rahu
Combo: Stunning Bruises Combo: Cobra Strike+Bruising Blow+Barrage: final step stuns the enemy. Sun Vale, Kur Mountains
Combo: Tame the Horde Combo: Hip Throw+Kick+Any Melee+Kick: final step affects all enemies within 5 meters. Gazluk
Combo: Toss and Barrage Combo: Hip Throw+Punch+Punch+Barrage: final step deals +50% damage. Sun Vale, Kur Mountains, Gazluk, Fae Realm
Combo: Wrath of the Fist Combo: Punch+Cobra Strike+Hip Throw+Punch: final step hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +25% damage. Rahu, Fae Realm

Recipe Combos

Name Description Meditation Recipe
Combo: Armor Render Combo: Kick+Cobra Strike+Hip Throw: final step deals 90 extra damage to enemy's armor. #38, #39
Combo: Armor Rip Combo: Cobra Strike+Hip Throw+Punch: final step deals 40 extra damage to enemy's armor. #4
Combo: Basher Combo: Punch+Kick+Any Melee+Hip Throw: final step deals 5 extra damage and affects all enemies within 5 meters. #12, #13
Combo: Crippler Combo: Barrage+Punch+Hip Throw: final step slows the enemy's run speed by 45%. #26, #27
Combo: Crowd Crusher Combo: Cobra Strike+Punch+Hip Throw+Punch: final step deals 50 extra damage and affects all enemies within 5 meters. #28, #29
Combo: Defuser Combo: Hip Throw+Punch+Kick: final step deals 60 extra damage. #16, #17
Combo: Defuser 2 Combo: Hip Throw+Punch+Kick: final step deals 120 extra damage.
Combo: Feet of Flames Combo: Cobra Strike+Barrage+Kick: final step ignites the target, dealing 60 damage over 6 seconds. #5
Combo: Firestorm Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick+Punch: final step affects all targets within 5 meters and ignites them, dealing 120 damage over 6 seconds. #40, #41
Combo: Fist Storm Combo: Barrage+Punch+Punch: final step deals 60 extra damage. #36, #37
Combo: Fists of Rage Combo: Punch+Punch+Barrage: final step deals 25 extra damage. #3
Combo: Flaming Fist Combo: Cobra Strike+Punch+Punch: final step ignites the target, dealing 90 damage over 6 seconds. #20, #21
Combo: Inner Focus Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick: final step heals you for 25 health. #6, #7
Combo: Inner Focus 2 Combo: Barrage+Punch+Kick: final step heals you for 65 health.
Combo: Inner Calm Combo: Kick+Any Melee+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals 25 extra damage and heals you for 35 health. #30, #31
Combo: Kidney Ripper Combo: Kick+Barrage+Any Melee+Kick: final step deals 150 extra damage. #46, #47
Combo: Lightning Kick Combo: Kick+Any Melee+Any Melee+Kick: final step stuns the enemy. #10, #11
Combo: Manager Combo: Kick+Punch+Barrage: final step deals 125 extra damage. #32, #33
Combo: Perfected Basics Combo: Punch+Any Melee+Any Melee+Punch: final step deals 50 extra damage. #14, #15
Combo: Pierce the Heart Combo: Kick+Cobra Strike+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals 50 extra damage that bypasses armor. #22, #23
Combo: Recuperation Combo: Cobra Strike+Barrage+Kick: final step restores 80 armor to you. #42, #43
Combo: Serpent's Coil Combo: Barrage+Cobra Strike+Punch: final step deals 30 extra damage. #8, #9
Combo: Soul Siphon Combo: Punch+Barrage+Punch+Cobra Strike: final step deals 50 extra damage and heals you for 60 health. #44, #45
Combo: Spleenstrike Combo: Punch+Kick+Cobra Strike+Punch: final step deals 75 extra damage that bypasses armor. #34, #35
Combo: Stunlock Combo: Barrage+Cobra Strike+Any Melee+Any Melee+Punch: final step stuns the enemy and deals 100 extra damage. #50, #51
Combo: Stunning Foot Combo: Barrage+Punch+Any Melee+Kick: final step stuns the enemy and deals 25 extra damage. #18, #19
Combo: Thunderkick Combo: Cobra Strike+Any Melee+Punch+Kick: final step deals 200 extra damage. #48, #49
Combo: Vengeful Stop Combo: Cobra Strike+Punch+Hip Throw: final step deals 70 extra damage and restores 25 armor.
Combo: Whirlwind of Flame Combo: Punch+Kick+Barrage+Any Melee+Hip Throw: final step affects all enemies within 5 meters and ignites them, dealing 72 damage over 6 seconds. #24, #25
Combo: Whirlwind of Flame 2 Combo: Punch+Kick+Barrage+Punch+Hip Throw: final step affects all enemies within 20 meters and ignites them, dealing 60 damage over 15 seconds.