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Unarmed is a very close range melee attack that consists of punching, kicking, and throwing.
{{Skill infobox
|title            = Unarmed
|image            = [[File:Unarmed_skill.png|111px]]
|caption          = The skill of fighting with your body and minimal weapons.
|skilltype        = Combat Skill <!-- Combat Skill, Trade Skill, Beast Skill (EX: Beast Speech, but NOT Lycanthropy), Other Skill (Used for skills that don't fit the other categories) -->
|maxlevel        = 90 <!-- List without bonus levels -->
|req              =  <!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->
|skilltrainers    = [[Flia]], [[Hogan]], [[Furlak]], [[Pegast]] <!-- List skill trainers, 3 max -->
Leave a quote about the skill here. This can be the in-game description, but that info must be placed below as well.  Adds a bit of flavor to the article as well.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
'''Unarmed''' is a melee attack skill that focuses on crowd control and damage. Most abilities involve, punching, kicking, or throwing your opponent.  
All players have access to this skill as soon as they begin.
Many Unarmed abilities will require you to actually be unarmed. This means no staff, beaker, bow, orb, flask, shield, etc. There are two exceptions: a Cestus (MainHand) or a Claw (OffHand). Neither of these will count as you being 'armed.' Animals can use all Unarmed abilities, but not if they have weapons (other than Cestus and Claw) equipped. Check Trivia at the bottom of page for exceptions to the above statement!
=== In-Game Description ===
Mastery of the martial arts. Not especially damaging, but with great controlling and stunning abilities. Generally requires one or both hands to be empty, although you can use kicks even with other items wielded.
=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===
{| class="sortable wikitable"
<!-- A list of methods to learn and level the skill -->
!Ability Name
All players start with Unarmed on [[Anagoge]] (the tutorial island).
| Punch || Punch with a fist.  Requires at least one open hand. || 00
| Kick ||  || 01
| Barrage ||  || 03
| Cobra Strike ||  || 05
| Hip Throw ||  || 07
| Punch 2 ||  || 10
* [[Flia]] teaches Headbutt 1-3 and Bodyslam 1-3.
* [[Hogan]] teaches Mamba Strike 1-3 and Bruising Blow 1-3.
* [[Furlak]] will unlock levels 51-60, 61-70, and teaches level 51+ abilities.
* [[Pegast]] unlocks 71-80.
* Levels 81-90 are unlocked by [[Emersil the Ever-Gloating]] deep beneath [[Povus]].
{| class="sortable" style="width:100%; border:1px solid silver;margin:0 0 1em;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" rules=all
== Connected Skills ==
|- style="background: #ec81bf;"
===== Sub-Skills: =====
! align="left" style="width:120px;"|<span style="cursor:pointer;">'''Ability'''</span> || style="width:120px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Learn From'''</span> || style="width:100px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Req.'''</span> || align="left"|Misc. Notes
* None
===== Secondary Skills: =====
* [[Meditation]]
: Meditation is Unarmed's secondary, or supplementary skill. Meditating at Meditation Pillars scattered around the world will give you the ability to use a certain [[Meditation_Combos|combo]], based on which recipe you use, as well one or two random combos that change daily. For example, the Level 3 Meditation recipe will grant "Combo: Fists of Rage". If you use Punch+Punch+Barrage in that order, the final step (Barrage) will deal 10 extra damage.
: The duration of Meditation buffs can be extended by meditating on Meditation Stools, learned through [[Carpentry]].
===== Related Skills: =====
* None
===== Synergy Levels: =====
Bonus [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Unarmed]] can be obtained from the following skills and levels:
:; [[Endurance]]
:: Level 30, Level 45
:; [[Hoplology]]
:: Level 30
:; [[Interpretive Dance]]
:: Level 59
:; [[Staff]]
:: Level 19, Level 39, Level 60
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Combat Skills]]
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
<Add list of Unarmed combos here>
=== Weapons ===
==== Main-hand ====
  category  = Items/UnarmedWeapon
  category = Items/MainHand
  reset      = categories
  columns = 5
  mode = userformat
  format = ,\n* {{Item|%PAGE%}},,
==== Off-hand ====
  category  = Items/UnarmedWeapon
  category = Items/OffHand
  reset      = categories
  columns = 5
  mode = userformat
  format = ,\n* {{Item|%PAGE%}},,
===Other Equipment===
<!-- Special equipment that is intended to be used by the skill goes here, including belts. -->
{{belt|Belt of the Unarmed Fighter}} increases the Base Damage dealt with Unarmed by 8%. Can be created with [[Toolcrafting]] 22.
{{belt|Belt of the Monk}} increases Base Damage dealt with Unarmed and [[Mentalism]] combat skills by 6%. Can be bought from Echur.
{{belt|Belt of the Sneak}} increases Base Damage dealt with Unarmed and [[Psychology]] combat skills by 6%. Can be bought from Echur.
{{belt|Belt of the Wraith}} increases Base Damage dealt with Unarmed and [[Necromancy]] combat skills by 6%. Can be found through rare drops and chests.
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Treasure Effects}}
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Stat Bonuses}}
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
== Unarmed Experience Table ==
{{Spoiler|Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Unarmed|
== Trivia ==
There are some unarmed skills that require 1 free hand, and some that can be used with 2 equipped weapons.
;Those skills are as follows:
;Requires 2 hands (empty or cestus/claw):
:Hip Throw, Cobra/Mamba Strike, (Claw) Barrage
;Requires 1 hand (with either nothing or cestus/claw) to use:
:Punch, Jab, Infuriating Fist, Bruising Blow
;Requires no hands (can have anything equipped):
:Front Kick, Headbutt, Knee Kick, Body Slam
Unarmed is the oldest skill, id 1.

Latest revision as of 15:27, 9 February 2025

Button Cyan.png
Unarmed skill.png
The skill of fighting with your body and minimal weapons.
Skill Type:
Combat Skill
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:

Leave a quote about the skill here. This can be the in-game description, but that info must be placed below as well. Adds a bit of flavor to the article as well.

Unarmed Overview

Unarmed is a melee attack skill that focuses on crowd control and damage. Most abilities involve, punching, kicking, or throwing your opponent.

Many Unarmed abilities will require you to actually be unarmed. This means no staff, beaker, bow, orb, flask, shield, etc. There are two exceptions: a Cestus (MainHand) or a Claw (OffHand). Neither of these will count as you being 'armed.' Animals can use all Unarmed abilities, but not if they have weapons (other than Cestus and Claw) equipped. Check Trivia at the bottom of page for exceptions to the above statement!

In-Game Description

Mastery of the martial arts. Not especially damaging, but with great controlling and stunning abilities. Generally requires one or both hands to be empty, although you can use kicks even with other items wielded.

Training Unarmed

All players start with Unarmed on Anagoge (the tutorial island).

  • Flia teaches Headbutt 1-3 and Bodyslam 1-3.
  • Hogan teaches Mamba Strike 1-3 and Bruising Blow 1-3.
  • Furlak will unlock levels 51-60, 61-70, and teaches level 51+ abilities.
  • Pegast unlocks 71-80.
  • Levels 81-90 are unlocked by Emersil the Ever-Gloating deep beneath Povus.

Connected Skills

  • None
Secondary Skills:
Meditation is Unarmed's secondary, or supplementary skill. Meditating at Meditation Pillars scattered around the world will give you the ability to use a certain combo, based on which recipe you use, as well one or two random combos that change daily. For example, the Level 3 Meditation recipe will grant "Combo: Fists of Rage". If you use Punch+Punch+Barrage in that order, the final step (Barrage) will deal 10 extra damage.
The duration of Meditation buffs can be extended by meditating on Meditation Stools, learned through Carpentry.
Related Skills:
  • None
Synergy Levels:

Bonus Synergy Levels for Unarmed can be obtained from the following skills and levels:

Level 30, Level 45
Level 30
Interpretive Dance
Level 59
Level 19, Level 39, Level 60

Unarmed Complete Ability List

Icon Level Name Description Special Effects Stats Source
icon_2119.png 0 Punch Punch with a fist. Requires at least one open hand.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 6 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 2
Unknown Source: Not Found
icon_2155.png 1 Front Kick A kick that sends the enemy flying backwards. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 11 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 11 Crushing
Power Cost: 6
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
icon_2203.png 1 Jab A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 6 Crushing
Enemy Rage: -12
Power Cost: 4
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Jab
icon_2102.png 3 Barrage A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. (Your hands must be empty.)
This is a Nice Attack
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 16 Crushing Power Cost: 13
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3323.png 3 Headbutt Bash an opponent with your head. You can use Headbutt instead of Barrage in combos. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 18 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 18 Crushing
Power Cost: 13
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Headbutt
Training: Flia
icon_2105.png 5 Cobra Strike Strike a vital point. If you can find an opening in their defenses, also stuns the target.
This is a Core Attack
Stuns opponent if their armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Damage: 13 Crushing Power Cost: 4
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Accuracy: +5%
icon_2110.png 7 Hip Throw Fling an opponent away from you. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 28 Crushing Power Cost: 14
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
icon_2240.png 7 Mamba Strike Jab a vital organ, causing traumatic injury. If the opponent's armor is weak, they will take additional damage. You can use Mamba Strike instead of Cobra Strike in combos. Deals +33% Trauma damage if target's armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Health Dmg: 15 Trauma Power Cost: 5
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Training: Hogan
icon_2119.png 9 Punch 2 Punch with a fist. Requires at least one open hand.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 12 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 2
icon_2155.png 12 Front Kick 2 A kick that sends the enemy flying backwards. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 23 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 23 Crushing
Power Cost: 10
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
icon_2203.png 12 Jab 2 A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 20 Crushing
Enemy Rage: -40
Power Cost: 7
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Jab 2
icon_2102.png 15 Barrage 2 A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. (Your hands must be empty.)
This is a Nice Attack
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 33 Crushing Power Cost: 19
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_2204.png 15 Knee Kick A sudden painful kick. You can use Knee Kick in place of Front Kick in combos. Damage: 41 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 41 Crushing
Power Cost: 19
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Knee Kick
icon_3323.png 15 Headbutt 2 Bash an opponent with your head. You can use Headbutt instead of Barrage in combos. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 41 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 41 Crushing
Power Cost: 19
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Headbutt 2
Training: Flia
icon_2241.png 15 Bruising Blow A punch that damages the target's innards, leaving them more susceptible to further attack.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target takes 15% more damage from Crushing for 20 seconds Damage: 24 Crushing Power Cost: 11
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Hogan
icon_2119.png 19 Punch 3 Punch with a fist. Requires at least one open hand.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 18 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 2
icon_2105.png 20 Cobra Strike 2 Strike a vital point. If you can find an opening in their defenses, also stuns the target.
This is a Core Attack
Stuns opponent if their armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Damage: 28 Crushing Power Cost: 8
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Accuracy: +10%
icon_3322.png 23 Bodyslam Slam into an opponent, causing damage. You can use Bodyslam instead of Hip Throw in combos.
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 116 Crushing Power Cost: 54
Range: 5
Cooldown: 45
Item: Unarmed: Bodyslam
Training: Flia
icon_2155.png 24 Front Kick 3 A kick that sends the enemy flying backwards. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 38 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 38 Crushing
Power Cost: 14
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
icon_2110.png 25 Hip Throw 2 Fling an opponent away from you. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 58 Crushing Power Cost: 24
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
icon_2240.png 27 Mamba Strike 2 Jab a vital organ, causing traumatic injury. If the opponent's armor is weak, they will take additional damage. You can use Mamba Strike instead of Cobra Strike in combos. Deals +33% Trauma damage if target's armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Health Dmg: 37 Trauma Power Cost: 10
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Training: Hogan
icon_2102.png 28 Barrage 3 A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. (Your hands must be empty.)
This is a Nice Attack
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 57 Crushing Power Cost: 26
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_2203.png 30 Jab 3 A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 44 Crushing
Enemy Rage: -88
Power Cost: 11
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Jab 3
icon_2204.png 30 Knee Kick 2 A sudden painful kick. You can use Knee Kick in place of Front Kick in combos. Damage: 86 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 86 Crushing
Power Cost: 27
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Knee Kick 2
icon_3323.png 30 Headbutt 3 Bash an opponent with your head. You can use Headbutt instead of Barrage in combos. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 86 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 86 Crushing
Power Cost: 27
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Headbutt 3
Training: Flia
icon_2241.png 30 Bruising Blow 2 A punch that damages the target's innards, leaving them more susceptible to further attack.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target takes 15% more damage from Crushing for 20 seconds Damage: 51 Crushing Power Cost: 16
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Hogan
icon_3322.png 33 Bodyslam 2 Slam into an opponent, causing damage. You can use Bodyslam instead of Hip Throw in combos.
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 181 Crushing Power Cost: 66
Range: 5
Cooldown: 45
Item: Unarmed: Bodyslam 2
Training: Flia
icon_2155.png 35 Front Kick 4 A kick that sends the enemy flying backwards. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 62 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 62 Crushing
Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
icon_2119.png 36 Punch 4 Punch with a fist. Requires at least one open hand.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 39 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 2
icon_2110.png 37 Hip Throw 3 Fling an opponent away from you. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 96 Crushing Power Cost: 31
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
icon_2105.png 40 Cobra Strike 3 Strike a vital point. If you can find an opening in their defenses, also stuns the target.
This is a Core Attack
Stuns opponent if their armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Damage: 67 Crushing Power Cost: 14
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Accuracy: +15%
icon_2204.png 40 Knee Kick 3 A sudden painful kick. You can use Knee Kick in place of Front Kick in combos. Damage: 130 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 130 Crushing
Power Cost: 33
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Knee Kick 3
icon_2203.png 40 Jab 4 A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 67 Crushing
Enemy Rage: -134
Power Cost: 14
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Jab 4
Training: Hogan
icon_3627.png 40 Infuriating Fist Punch a nerve or vulnerable spot that causes great pain in the target, leading them to focus on you. In combos, you can use Infuriating Fist in place of Punch. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 78 Crushing
Taunts: 400
Power Cost: 16
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_3323.png 40 Headbutt 4 Bash an opponent with your head. You can use Headbutt instead of Barrage in combos. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 130 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 130 Crushing
Power Cost: 33
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Headbutt 4
Training: Flia
icon_3322.png 43 Bodyslam 3 Slam into an opponent, causing damage. You can use Bodyslam instead of Hip Throw in combos.
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 278 Crushing Power Cost: 77
Range: 5
Cooldown: 45
Item: Unarmed: Bodyslam 3
Training: Flia
icon_2102.png 45 Barrage 4 A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. (Your hands must be empty.)
This is a Nice Attack
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 117 Crushing Power Cost: 35
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_2241.png 45 Bruising Blow 3 A punch that damages the target's innards, leaving them more susceptible to further attack.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target takes 15% more damage from Crushing for 20 seconds Damage: 97 Crushing Power Cost: 20
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Hogan
icon_2240.png 47 Mamba Strike 3 Jab a vital organ, causing traumatic injury. If the opponent's armor is weak, they will take additional damage. You can use Mamba Strike instead of Cobra Strike in combos. Deals +33% Trauma damage if target's armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Health Dmg: 75 Trauma Power Cost: 15
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Training: Hogan
icon_2119.png 48 Punch 5 Punch with a fist. Requires at least one open hand.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 67 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 2
icon_2155.png 49 Front Kick 5 A kick that sends the enemy flying backwards. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 116 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 116 Crushing
Power Cost: 22
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
icon_2204.png 50 Knee Kick 4 A sudden painful kick. You can use Knee Kick in place of Front Kick in combos. Damage: 200 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 200 Crushing
Power Cost: 37
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Knee Kick 4
icon_2203.png 50 Jab 5 A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 103 Crushing
Enemy Rage: -206
Power Cost: 16
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Jab 5
icon_3627.png 50 Infuriating Fist 2 Punch a nerve or vulnerable spot that causes great pain in the target, leading them to focus on you. In combos, you can use Infuriating Fist in place of Punch. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 120 Crushing
Taunts: 500
Power Cost: 19
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_2110.png 50 Hip Throw 4 Fling an opponent away from you. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 170 Crushing Power Cost: 37
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
icon_3323.png 50 Headbutt 5 Bash an opponent with your head. You can use Headbutt instead of Barrage in combos. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 200 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 200 Crushing
Power Cost: 37
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Headbutt 5
Training: Flia
icon_3486.png 51 Slashing Strike A punch with a claw weapon (or animal claws). Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from
DoT: 10 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 124 Slashing Power Cost: 19
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Training: Furlak
icon_3487.png 51 Claw Barrage A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. This is a variant of Barrage. (You must be wielding two unarmed weapons or be an empty-handed animal with claws.) Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 175 Slashing Power Cost: 38
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_3322.png 52 Bodyslam 4 Slam into an opponent, causing damage. You can use Bodyslam instead of Hip Throw in combos.
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 405 Crushing Power Cost: 86
Range: 5
Cooldown: 45
Training: Furlak
icon_2240.png 53 Mamba Strike 4 Jab a vital organ, causing traumatic injury. If the opponent's armor is weak, they will take additional damage. You can use Mamba Strike instead of Cobra Strike in combos. Deals +33% Trauma damage if target's armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Health Dmg: 93 Trauma Power Cost: 16
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Training: Furlak
icon_2119.png 56 Punch 6 Punch with a fist. Requires at least one open hand.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 88 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 2
Training: Furlak
icon_2102.png 58 Barrage 5 A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. (Your hands must be empty.)
This is a Nice Attack
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 185 Crushing Power Cost: 41
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_2105.png 60 Cobra Strike 4 Strike a vital point. If you can find an opening in their defenses, also stuns the target.
This is a Core Attack
Stuns opponent if their armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Damage: 140 Crushing Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Accuracy: +20%
Training: Furlak
icon_2241.png 60 Bruising Blow 4 A punch that damages the target's innards, leaving them more susceptible to further attack.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target takes 15% more damage from Crushing for 20 seconds Damage: 164 Crushing Power Cost: 25
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_3627.png 60 Infuriating Fist 3 Punch a nerve or vulnerable spot that causes great pain in the target, leading them to focus on you. In combos, you can use Infuriating Fist in place of Punch. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 164 Crushing
Taunts: 600
Power Cost: 21
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_2204.png 60 Knee Kick 5 A sudden painful kick. You can use Knee Kick in place of Front Kick in combos. Damage: 273 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 273 Crushing
Power Cost: 42
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Knee Kick 5
icon_3323.png 60 Headbutt 6 Bash an opponent with your head. You can use Headbutt instead of Barrage in combos. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 273 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 273 Crushing
Power Cost: 42
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Training: Furlak
icon_2203.png 60 Jab 6 A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 140 Crushing
Enemy Rage: -280
Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Jab 6
icon_3486.png 61 Slashing Strike 2 A punch with a claw weapon (or animal claws). Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from
DoT: 20 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 168 Slashing Power Cost: 22
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Training: Furlak
icon_2155.png 63 Front Kick 6 A kick that sends the enemy flying backwards. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 176 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 176 Crushing
Power Cost: 26
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Furlak
icon_3487.png 63 Claw Barrage 2 A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. This is a variant of Barrage. (You must be wielding two unarmed weapons or be an empty-handed animal with claws.) Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 248 Slashing Power Cost: 44
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_3322.png 64 Bodyslam 5 Slam into an opponent, causing damage. You can use Bodyslam instead of Hip Throw in combos.
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 569 Crushing Power Cost: 98
Range: 5
Cooldown: 45
Training: Furlak
icon_2240.png 65 Mamba Strike 5 Jab a vital organ, causing traumatic injury. If the opponent's armor is weak, they will take additional damage. You can use Mamba Strike instead of Cobra Strike in combos. Deals +33% Trauma damage if target's armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Health Dmg: 131 Trauma Power Cost: 19
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Training: Furlak
icon_2110.png 66 Hip Throw 5 Fling an opponent away from you. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 268 Crushing Power Cost: 45
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
Training: Furlak
icon_2119.png 68 Punch 7 Punch with a fist. Requires at least one open hand.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 119 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 2
Training: Furlak
icon_2102.png 70 Barrage 6 A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. (Your hands must be empty.)
This is a Nice Attack
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 251 Crushing Power Cost: 47
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_2105.png 70 Cobra Strike 5 Strike a vital point. If you can find an opening in their defenses, also stuns the target.
This is a Core Attack
Stuns opponent if their armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Damage: 179 Crushing Power Cost: 20
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Accuracy: +23%
Training: Furlak
icon_2203.png 70 Jab 7 A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 179 Crushing
Enemy Rage: -358
Power Cost: 20
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Jab 7
icon_2204.png 70 Knee Kick 6 A sudden painful kick. You can use Knee Kick in place of Front Kick in combos. Damage: 348 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 348 Crushing
Power Cost: 47
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Knee Kick 6
icon_3323.png 70 Headbutt 7 Bash an opponent with your head. You can use Headbutt instead of Barrage in combos. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 348 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 348 Crushing
Power Cost: 47
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Training: Furlak
icon_2241.png 70 Bruising Blow 5 A punch that damages the target's innards, leaving them more susceptible to further attack.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target takes 15% more damage from Crushing for 20 seconds Damage: 209 Crushing Power Cost: 28
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_3627.png 70 Infuriating Fist 4 Punch a nerve or vulnerable spot that causes great pain in the target, leading them to focus on you. In combos, you can use Infuriating Fist in place of Punch. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 209 Crushing
Taunts: 700
Power Cost: 24
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_3486.png 71 Slashing Strike 3 A punch with a claw weapon (or animal claws). Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from
DoT: 30 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 214 Slashing Power Cost: 24
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Training: Furlak
Training: Pegast
icon_3487.png 74 Claw Barrage 3 A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. This is a variant of Barrage. (You must be wielding two unarmed weapons or be an empty-handed animal with claws.) Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 323 Slashing Power Cost: 49
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Furlak
icon_2155.png 75 Front Kick 7 A kick that sends the enemy flying backwards. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 235 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 235 Crushing
Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Training: Pegast
icon_3322.png 76 Bodyslam 6 Slam into an opponent, causing damage. You can use Bodyslam instead of Hip Throw in combos.
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 758 Crushing Power Cost: 112
Range: 5
Cooldown: 45
Training: Pegast
icon_2110.png 77 Hip Throw 6 Fling an opponent away from you. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 346 Crushing Power Cost: 51
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
Training: Pegast
icon_2240.png 77 Mamba Strike 6 Jab a vital organ, causing traumatic injury. If the opponent's armor is weak, they will take additional damage. You can use Mamba Strike instead of Cobra Strike in combos. Deals +33% Trauma damage if target's armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Health Dmg: 173 Trauma Power Cost: 22
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Training: Pegast
icon_2119.png 80 Punch 8 Punch with a fist. Requires at least one open hand.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 157 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 2
Training: Pegast
icon_2105.png 80 Cobra Strike 6 Strike a vital point. If you can find an opening in their defenses, also stuns the target.
This is a Core Attack
Stuns opponent if their armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Damage: 224 Crushing Power Cost: 23
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Accuracy: +26%
Training: Pegast
icon_2203.png 80 Jab 8 A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 224 Crushing
Enemy Rage: -448
Power Cost: 23
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Jab 8
icon_2204.png 80 Knee Kick 7 A sudden painful kick. You can use Knee Kick in place of Front Kick in combos. Damage: 436 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 436 Crushing
Power Cost: 53
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Knee Kick 7
icon_3323.png 80 Headbutt 8 Bash an opponent with your head. You can use Headbutt instead of Barrage in combos. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 436 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 436 Crushing
Power Cost: 53
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Training: Pegast
icon_2241.png 80 Bruising Blow 6 A punch that damages the target's innards, leaving them more susceptible to further attack.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target takes 15% more damage from Crushing for 20 seconds Damage: 262 Crushing Power Cost: 31
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Pegast
icon_3627.png 80 Infuriating Fist 5 Punch a nerve or vulnerable spot that causes great pain in the target, leading them to focus on you. In combos, you can use Infuriating Fist in place of Punch. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 262 Crushing
Taunts: 800
Power Cost: 27
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Pegast
icon_3486.png 81 Slashing Strike 4 A punch with a claw weapon (or animal claws). Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from
DoT: 40 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 266 Slashing Power Cost: 27
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Training: Pegast
icon_2102.png 83 Barrage 7 A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. (Your hands must be empty.)
This is a Nice Attack
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 332 Crushing Power Cost: 54
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Training: Pegast
icon_3487.png 85 Claw Barrage 4 A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. This is a variant of Barrage. (You must be wielding two unarmed weapons or be an empty-handed animal with claws.) Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 406 Slashing Power Cost: 55
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Unarmed: Claw Barrage 4
icon_2155.png 87 Front Kick 8 A kick that sends the enemy flying backwards. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 298 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 298 Crushing
Power Cost: 34
Range: 5
Cooldown: 7
Item: Unarmed: Front Kick 8
icon_2110.png 88 Hip Throw 7 Fling an opponent away from you. Flings opponent backwards
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 428 Crushing Power Cost: 57
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
Item: Unarmed: Hip Throw 7
icon_3322.png 88 Bodyslam 7 Slam into an opponent, causing damage. You can use Bodyslam instead of Hip Throw in combos.
This is an Epic Attack
Damage: 958 Crushing Power Cost: 126
Range: 5
Cooldown: 45
Item: Unarmed: Bodyslam 7
icon_2240.png 89 Mamba Strike 7 Jab a vital organ, causing traumatic injury. If the opponent's armor is weak, they will take additional damage. You can use Mamba Strike instead of Cobra Strike in combos. Deals +33% Trauma damage if target's armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Health Dmg: 218 Trauma Power Cost: 25
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Item: Unarmed: Mamba Strike 7
icon_2105.png 90 Cobra Strike 7 Strike a vital point. If you can find an opening in their defenses, also stuns the target.
This is a Core Attack
Stuns opponent if their armor is below 33%; Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from Damage: 270 Crushing Power Cost: 25
Range: 5
Cooldown: 8
Accuracy: +29%
Item: Unarmed: Cobra Strike 7
icon_2203.png 90 Jab 9 A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 270 Crushing
Enemy Rage: -540
Power Cost: 25
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Jab 9
icon_2204.png 90 Knee Kick 8 A sudden painful kick. You can use Knee Kick in place of Front Kick in combos. Damage: 526 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 526 Crushing
Power Cost: 58
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Knee Kick 8
icon_3323.png 90 Headbutt 9 Bash an opponent with your head. You can use Headbutt instead of Barrage in combos. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 526 Crushing
Dmg to Vulnerable: 526 Crushing
Power Cost: 58
Range: 5
Cooldown: 12
Item: Unarmed: Headbutt 9
icon_2241.png 90 Bruising Blow 7 A punch that damages the target's innards, leaving them more susceptible to further attack.
This is a Signature Debuff ability
Target takes 15% more damage from Crushing for 20 seconds Damage: 315 Crushing Power Cost: 35
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Unarmed: Bruising Blow 7
icon_3627.png 90 Infuriating Fist 6 Punch a nerve or vulnerable spot that causes great pain in the target, leading them to focus on you. In combos, you can use Infuriating Fist in place of Punch. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 315 Crushing
Taunts: 900
Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Item: Unarmed: Infuriating Fist 6
icon_3486.png 91 Slashing Strike 5 A punch with a claw weapon (or animal claws). Dispels the strongest Damage-over-Time effect you are currently suffering from
DoT: 50 Trauma, 6 times over 6 seconds
Damage: 321 Slashing Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 5
Item: Unarmed: Slashing Strike 5
icon_2119.png 92 Punch 9 Punch with a fist. Requires at least one open hand.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 196 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 2
Item: Unarmed: Punch 9

Unarmed Mechanics


<Add list of Unarmed combos here>




Other Equipment

Item-icon-belt.png Belt of the Unarmed Fighter increases the Base Damage dealt with Unarmed by 8%. Can be created with Toolcrafting 22.

Item-icon-belt.png Belt of the Monk increases Base Damage dealt with Unarmed and Mentalism combat skills by 6%. Can be bought from Echur.

Item-icon-belt.png Belt of the Sneak increases Base Damage dealt with Unarmed and Psychology combat skills by 6%. Can be bought from Echur.

Item-icon-belt.png Belt of the Wraith increases Base Damage dealt with Unarmed and Necromancy combat skills by 6%. Can be found through rare drops and chests.

Unarmed Treasure Effects

See also: Unarmed/Treasure Effects:By Slot

See also: Unarmed/Treasure Effects:By Ability

Prefix Suffix Max-Level Version Rarity Slot Other Versions
Martial of Deadly Fists Level 100 - Unarmed Base Damage +50% Uncommon Head, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Unarmed Damage +5
  • Level 20
Unarmed Base Damage +10%
  • Level 30
Unarmed Base Damage +15%
  • Level 40
Unarmed Base Damage +20%
  • Level 50
Unarmed Base Damage +25%
  • Level 60
Unarmed Base Damage +30%
  • Level 70
Unarmed Base Damage +35%
  • Level 80
Unarmed Base Damage +40%
  • Level 90
Unarmed Base Damage +45%
  • Level 100
Unarmed Base Damage +50%
Punching of Punches Level 100 - Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +80 Uncommon Chest, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +8
  • Level 20
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +16
  • Level 30
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +24
  • Level 40
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +32
  • Level 50
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +40
  • Level 60
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +48
  • Level 70
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +56
  • Level 80
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +64
  • Level 90
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +72
  • Level 100
Jab and Infuriating Fist Damage +80
of Refreshing Punches Level 100 - Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 22 Health to you Uncommon OffHand, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 3 Health to you
  • Level 20
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 5 Health to you
  • Level 30
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 7 Health to you
  • Level 40
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 9 Health to you
  • Level 50
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 12 Health to you
  • Level 60
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 14 Health to you
  • Level 70
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 16 Health to you
  • Level 80
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 18 Health to you
  • Level 90
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 20 Health to you
  • Level 100
Punch, Jab, and Infuriating Fist restore 22 Health to you
of Knee-Kicking Level 100 - Knee Kick Damage +56% Uncommon Chest, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Knee Kick Damage +6%
  • Level 10
Knee Kick Damage +8%
  • Level 15
Knee Kick Damage +11%
  • Level 20
Knee Kick Damage +13%
  • Level 25
Knee Kick Damage +16%
  • Level 30
Knee Kick Damage +18%
  • Level 35
Knee Kick Damage +21%
  • Level 40
Knee Kick Damage +23%
  • Level 45
Knee Kick Damage +26%
  • Level 50
Knee Kick Damage +28%
  • Level 55
Knee Kick Damage +30%
  • Level 60
Knee Kick Damage +32%
  • Level 65
Knee Kick Damage +35%
  • Level 70
Knee Kick Damage +38%
  • Level 75
Knee Kick Damage +41%
  • Level 80
Knee Kick Damage +44%
  • Level 85
Knee Kick Damage +47%
  • Level 90
Knee Kick Damage +50%
  • Level 95
Knee Kick Damage +53%
  • Level 100
Knee Kick Damage +56%
of Naked Fury Level 100 - Unarmed attacks deal +24% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left Rare Legs, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Unarmed attacks deal +2 damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 10
Unarmed attacks deal +4 damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 15
Unarmed attacks deal +6% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 20
Unarmed attacks deal +7% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 25
Unarmed attacks deal +8% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 30
Unarmed attacks deal +9% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 35
Unarmed attacks deal +10% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 40
Unarmed attacks deal +11% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 45
Unarmed attacks deal +12% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 50
Unarmed attacks deal +13% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 55
Unarmed attacks deal +14% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 60
Unarmed attacks deal +15% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 65
Unarmed attacks deal +16% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 70
Unarmed attacks deal +18% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 75
Unarmed attacks deal +19% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 80
Unarmed attacks deal +20% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 85
Unarmed attacks deal +21% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 90
Unarmed attacks deal +22% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 95
Unarmed attacks deal +23% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 100
Unarmed attacks deal +24% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
of Armor Hatred Level 100 - Unarmed attacks deal +52 Armor damage Uncommon Head, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Unarmed attacks deal +7 Armor damage
  • Level 20
Unarmed attacks deal +12 Armor damage
  • Level 30
Unarmed attacks deal +17 Armor damage
  • Level 40
Unarmed attacks deal +22 Armor damage
  • Level 50
Unarmed attacks deal +27 Armor damage
  • Level 60
Unarmed attacks deal +32 Armor damage
  • Level 70
Unarmed attacks deal +37 Armor damage
  • Level 80
Unarmed attacks deal +42 Armor damage
  • Level 90
Unarmed attacks deal +47 Armor damage
  • Level 100
Unarmed attacks deal +52 Armor damage
of Accurate Martial Arts Level 100 - Unarmed attacks deal +9 damage and have +20 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have) Uncommon MainHand, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Unarmed attacks deal +1 damage and have +1 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 10
Unarmed attacks deal +1 damage and have +2 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 15
Unarmed attacks deal +2 damage and have +3 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 20
Unarmed attacks deal +2 damage and have +4 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 25
Unarmed attacks deal +3 damage and have +5 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 30
Unarmed attacks deal +3 damage and have +6 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 35
Unarmed attacks deal +4 damage and have +7 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 40
Unarmed attacks deal +4 damage and have +8 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 45
Unarmed attacks deal +5 damage and have +9 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 50
Unarmed attacks deal +5 damage and have +10 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 55
Unarmed attacks deal +6 damage and have +11 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 60
Unarmed attacks deal +7 damage and have +12 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 65
Unarmed attacks deal +8 damage and have +13 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 70
Unarmed attacks deal +9 damage and have +14 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 75
Unarmed attacks deal +9 damage and have +15 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 80
Unarmed attacks deal +9 damage and have +16 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 85
Unarmed attacks deal +9 damage and have +17 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 90
Unarmed attacks deal +9 damage and have +18 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 95
Unarmed attacks deal +9 damage and have +19 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
  • Level 100
Unarmed attacks deal +9 damage and have +20 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
of Evasion Level 100 - While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 80 Armor Uncommon Head, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 4 Armor
  • Level 10
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 8 Armor
  • Level 15
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 12 Armor
  • Level 20
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 16 Armor
  • Level 25
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 20 Armor
  • Level 30
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 24 Armor
  • Level 35
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 28 Armor
  • Level 40
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 32 Armor
  • Level 45
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 36 Armor
  • Level 50
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 40 Armor
  • Level 55
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 44 Armor
  • Level 60
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 48 Armor
  • Level 65
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 52 Armor
  • Level 70
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 56 Armor
  • Level 75
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 60 Armor
  • Level 80
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 64 Armor
  • Level 85
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 68 Armor
  • Level 90
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 72 Armor
  • Level 95
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 76 Armor
  • Level 100
While Unarmed skill is active: you gain +4% Melee Evasion and any time you Evade a Melee attack you recover 80 Armor
of Evasive Maneuvers Level 100 - While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +165 damage Uncommon Head, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +24 damage
  • Level 10
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +31 damage
  • Level 15
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +38 damage
  • Level 20
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +45 damage
  • Level 25
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +52 damage
  • Level 30
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +59 damage
  • Level 35
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +66 damage
  • Level 40
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +73 damage
  • Level 45
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +80 damage
  • Level 50
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +87 damage
  • Level 55
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +94 damage
  • Level 60
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +101 damage
  • Level 65
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +109 damage
  • Level 70
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +117 damage
  • Level 75
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +125 damage
  • Level 80
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +133 damage
  • Level 85
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +141 damage
  • Level 90
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +149 damage
  • Level 95
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +157 damage
  • Level 100
While Unarmed skill is active: any time you Evade an attack, your next attack deals +165 damage
of Angst Fists Level 100 - While Unarmed skill is active: 21% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 300% rate Uncommon Chest, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
While Unarmed skill is active: 10% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 100% rate
  • Level 10
While Unarmed skill is active: 10% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 120% rate
  • Level 15
While Unarmed skill is active: 12% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 120% rate
  • Level 20
While Unarmed skill is active: 12% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 140% rate
  • Level 25
While Unarmed skill is active: 14% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 140% rate
  • Level 30
While Unarmed skill is active: 14% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 160% rate
  • Level 35
While Unarmed skill is active: 15% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 160% rate
  • Level 40
While Unarmed skill is active: 15% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 180% rate
  • Level 45
While Unarmed skill is active: 16% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 180% rate
  • Level 50
While Unarmed skill is active: 16% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 200% rate
  • Level 55
While Unarmed skill is active: 17% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 200% rate
  • Level 60
While Unarmed skill is active: 17% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 220% rate
  • Level 65
While Unarmed skill is active: 18% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 230% rate
  • Level 70
While Unarmed skill is active: 18% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 240% rate
  • Level 75
While Unarmed skill is active: 19% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 250% rate
  • Level 80
While Unarmed skill is active: 19% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 260% rate
  • Level 85
While Unarmed skill is active: 20% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 270% rate
  • Level 90
While Unarmed skill is active: 20% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 280% rate
  • Level 95
While Unarmed skill is active: 21% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 290% rate
  • Level 100
While Unarmed skill is active: 21% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 300% rate
Anti-Darkness of Dark and Angry Fists Level 100 - While Unarmed skill is active: 28.5% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 380% rate Uncommon Legs, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
While Unarmed skill is active: 13% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 100% rate
  • Level 10
While Unarmed skill is active: 14% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 110% rate
  • Level 15
While Unarmed skill is active: 15% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 120% rate
  • Level 20
While Unarmed skill is active: 16% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 130% rate
  • Level 25
While Unarmed skill is active: 17% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 140% rate
  • Level 30
While Unarmed skill is active: 18% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 150% rate
  • Level 35
While Unarmed skill is active: 19% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 160% rate
  • Level 40
While Unarmed skill is active: 20% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 170% rate
  • Level 45
While Unarmed skill is active: 21% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 180% rate
  • Level 50
While Unarmed skill is active: 22% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 190% rate
  • Level 55
While Unarmed skill is active: 23% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 210% rate
  • Level 60
While Unarmed skill is active: 24% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 220% rate
  • Level 65
While Unarmed skill is active: 25% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 240% rate
  • Level 70
While Unarmed skill is active: 25.5% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 260% rate
  • Level 75
While Unarmed skill is active: 26% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 280% rate
  • Level 80
While Unarmed skill is active: 26.5% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 300% rate
  • Level 85
While Unarmed skill is active: 27% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 320% rate
  • Level 90
While Unarmed skill is active: 27.5% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 340% rate
  • Level 95
While Unarmed skill is active: 28% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 360% rate
  • Level 100
While Unarmed skill is active: 28.5% of all Darkness and Psychic damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch, Jab, or Infuriating Fist at a 380% rate
Infuriating Level 100 - Taunt From Attack Damage +100% when Unarmed is active Uncommon Head, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Taunt From Attack Damage +5% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 10
Taunt From Attack Damage +10% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 15
Taunt From Attack Damage +15% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 20
Taunt From Attack Damage +20% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 25
Taunt From Attack Damage +25% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 30
Taunt From Attack Damage +30% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 35
Taunt From Attack Damage +35% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 40
Taunt From Attack Damage +40% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 45
Taunt From Attack Damage +45% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 50
Taunt From Attack Damage +50% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 55
Taunt From Attack Damage +55% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 60
Taunt From Attack Damage +60% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 65
Taunt From Attack Damage +65% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 70
Taunt From Attack Damage +70% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 75
Taunt From Attack Damage +75% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 80
Taunt From Attack Damage +80% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 85
Taunt From Attack Damage +85% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 90
Taunt From Attack Damage +90% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 95
Taunt From Attack Damage +95% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 100
Taunt From Attack Damage +100% when Unarmed is active
of Mambas Level 100 - Mamba Strike Reuse Time -2 seconds Uncommon OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -0.2 seconds
  • Level 20
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -0.4 seconds
  • Level 30
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -0.6 seconds
  • Level 40
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -0.8 seconds
  • Level 50
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -1 seconds
  • Level 60
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -1.2 seconds
  • Level 70
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -1.4 seconds
  • Level 80
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -1.6 seconds
  • Level 90
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -1.8 seconds
  • Level 100
Mamba Strike Reuse Time -2 seconds
of Internal Injuries Level 100 - Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +84 Uncommon OffHand, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +12
  • Level 20
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +20
  • Level 30
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +28
  • Level 40
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +36
  • Level 50
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +44
  • Level 60
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +52
  • Level 70
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +60
  • Level 80
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +68
  • Level 90
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +76
  • Level 100
Mamba Strike and Front Kick damage +84
of Evasive Mambas Level 100 - Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +10% for 10 seconds Uncommon Head

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +5.5% for 10 seconds
  • Level 20
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +6% for 10 seconds
  • Level 30
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +6.5% for 10 seconds
  • Level 40
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +7% for 10 seconds
  • Level 50
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +7.5% for 10 seconds
  • Level 60
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +8% for 10 seconds
  • Level 70
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +8.5% for 10 seconds
  • Level 80
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +9% for 10 seconds
  • Level 90
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +9.5% for 10 seconds
  • Level 100
Mamba Strike boosts your Melee Evasion +10% for 10 seconds
of Mambvasion Level 100 - Mamba Strike deals +67 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +5.5% for 6 seconds Uncommon MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Mamba Strike deals +13 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +1% for 6 seconds
  • Level 20
Mamba Strike deals +19 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +1.5% for 6 seconds
  • Level 30
Mamba Strike deals +25 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +2% for 6 seconds
  • Level 40
Mamba Strike deals +31 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +2.5% for 6 seconds
  • Level 50
Mamba Strike deals +37 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +3% for 6 seconds
  • Level 60
Mamba Strike deals +43 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +3.5% for 6 seconds
  • Level 70
Mamba Strike deals +49 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +4% for 6 seconds
  • Level 80
Mamba Strike deals +55 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +4.5% for 6 seconds
  • Level 90
Mamba Strike deals +61 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +5% for 6 seconds
  • Level 100
Mamba Strike deals +67 Damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +5.5% for 6 seconds
Kicking of Kicking Level 100 - Kick Damage +100 Uncommon Legs, MainHand, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Kick Damage +5
  • Level 10
Kick Damage +10
  • Level 15
Kick Damage +15
  • Level 20
Kick Damage +20
  • Level 25
Kick Damage +25
  • Level 30
Kick Damage +30
  • Level 35
Kick Damage +35
  • Level 40
Kick Damage +40
  • Level 45
Kick Damage +45
  • Level 50
Kick Damage +50
  • Level 55
Kick Damage +55
  • Level 60
Kick Damage +60
  • Level 65
Kick Damage +65
  • Level 70
Kick Damage +70
  • Level 75
Kick Damage +75
  • Level 80
Kick Damage +80
  • Level 85
Kick Damage +85
  • Level 90
Kick Damage +90
  • Level 95
Kick Damage +95
  • Level 100
Kick Damage +100
Platefooted Level 100 - Kick attacks restore 50 Armor Uncommon Chest, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Kick attacks restore 12 Armor
  • Level 10
Kick attacks restore 14 Armor
  • Level 15
Kick attacks restore 16 Armor
  • Level 20
Kick attacks restore 18 Armor
  • Level 25
Kick attacks restore 20 Armor
  • Level 30
Kick attacks restore 22 Armor
  • Level 35
Kick attacks restore 24 Armor
  • Level 40
Kick attacks restore 26 Armor
  • Level 45
Kick attacks restore 28 Armor
  • Level 50
Kick attacks restore 30 Armor
  • Level 55
Kick attacks restore 32 Armor
  • Level 60
Kick attacks restore 34 Armor
  • Level 65
Kick attacks restore 36 Armor
  • Level 70
Kick attacks restore 38 Armor
  • Level 75
Kick attacks restore 40 Armor
  • Level 80
Kick attacks restore 42 Armor
  • Level 85
Kick attacks restore 44 Armor
  • Level 90
Kick attacks restore 46 Armor
  • Level 95
Kick attacks restore 48 Armor
  • Level 100
Kick attacks restore 50 Armor
of Reflective Kicks Level 100 - Kick attacks deal +17% damage and grant you 10% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds Uncommon Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Kick attacks deal +4% damage and grant you 1% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
  • Level 20
Kick attacks deal +5% damage and grant you 2% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
  • Level 30
Kick attacks deal +6% damage and grant you 3% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
  • Level 40
Kick attacks deal +7% damage and grant you 4% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
  • Level 50
Kick attacks deal +8% damage and grant you 5% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
  • Level 60
Kick attacks deal +9% damage and grant you 6% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
  • Level 70
Kick attacks deal +11% damage and grant you 7% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
  • Level 80
Kick attacks deal +13% damage and grant you 8% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
  • Level 90
Kick attacks deal +15% damage and grant you 9% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
  • Level 100
Kick attacks deal +17% damage and grant you 10% Physical Damage Reflection for 15 seconds
Front-Kicker's of Front-Kicking Level 100 - Front Kick Damage +50% Uncommon Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Front Kick Damage +5%
  • Level 20
Front Kick Damage +10%
  • Level 30
Front Kick Damage +15%
  • Level 40
Front Kick Damage +20%
  • Level 50
Front Kick Damage +25%
  • Level 60
Front Kick Damage +30%
  • Level 70
Front Kick Damage +35%
  • Level 80
Front Kick Damage +40%
  • Level 90
Front Kick Damage +45%
  • Level 100
Front Kick Damage +50%
Hip-Shattering of Hip-Shattering Level 100 - Kick attacks deal +22% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45% Epic OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Kick attacks deal +5% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
  • Level 20
Kick attacks deal +7% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
  • Level 30
Kick attacks deal +9% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
  • Level 40
Kick attacks deal +11% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
  • Level 50
Kick attacks deal +13% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
  • Level 60
Kick attacks deal +14% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
  • Level 70
Kick attacks deal +16% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
  • Level 80
Kick attacks deal +18% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
  • Level 90
Kick attacks deal +20% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
  • Level 100
Kick attacks deal +22% damage and slow target's movement speed by 45%
of Kicking While Nude Level 100 - Kick attacks deal +42% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left Uncommon Legs, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Kick attacks deal +9% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 10
Kick attacks deal +10% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 15
Kick attacks deal +11% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 20
Kick attacks deal +12% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 25
Kick attacks deal +13% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 30
Kick attacks deal +14% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 35
Kick attacks deal +16% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 40
Kick attacks deal +18% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 45
Kick attacks deal +20% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 50
Kick attacks deal +22% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 55
Kick attacks deal +24% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 60
Kick attacks deal +26% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 65
Kick attacks deal +28% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 70
Kick attacks deal +30% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 75
Kick attacks deal +32% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 80
Kick attacks deal +34% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 85
Kick attacks deal +36% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 90
Kick attacks deal +38% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 95
Kick attacks deal +40% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
  • Level 100
Kick attacks deal +42% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
of Kicking Away Toxins Level 100 - While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 360% rate Uncommon Hands, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
While Unarmed skill active: 10% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 100% rate
  • Level 10
While Unarmed skill active: 11% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 110% rate
  • Level 15
While Unarmed skill active: 12% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 120% rate
  • Level 20
While Unarmed skill active: 13% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 130% rate
  • Level 25
While Unarmed skill active: 14% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 140% rate
  • Level 30
While Unarmed skill active: 15% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 150% rate
  • Level 35
While Unarmed skill active: 16% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 160% rate
  • Level 40
While Unarmed skill active: 17% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 170% rate
  • Level 45
While Unarmed skill active: 18% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 180% rate
  • Level 50
While Unarmed skill active: 19% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 190% rate
  • Level 55
While Unarmed skill active: 20% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 200% rate
  • Level 60
While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 210% rate
  • Level 65
While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 220% rate
  • Level 70
While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 240% rate
  • Level 75
While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 260% rate
  • Level 80
While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 280% rate
  • Level 85
While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 300% rate
  • Level 90
While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 320% rate
  • Level 95
While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 340% rate
  • Level 100
While Unarmed skill active: 21% of all Acid, Poison, and Nature damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Kick at a 360% rate
of Reckless Barrages Level 100 - Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +27% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds Uncommon Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +2% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 10
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +3% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 15
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +4% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 20
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +5% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 25
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +6% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 30
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +7% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 35
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +8% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 40
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +9% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 45
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +10% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 50
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +11% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 55
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +12% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 60
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +13% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 65
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +14% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 70
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +15% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 75
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +17% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 80
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +19% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 85
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +21% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 90
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +23% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 95
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +25% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
  • Level 100
Barrage hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +27% damage, but reuse timer is +3 seconds
Mindfist Level 100 - Barrage and Headbutt make the target 23% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself) Rare Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 5% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
  • Level 20
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 7% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
  • Level 30
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 9% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
  • Level 40
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 11% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
  • Level 50
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 13% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
  • Level 60
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 15% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
  • Level 70
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 17% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
  • Level 80
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 19% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
  • Level 90
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 21% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
  • Level 100
Barrage and Headbutt make the target 23% more vulnerable to Psychic damage for 20 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
of Headbutt Bubbles Level 100 - Headbutt deals +28% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 480 damage is mitigated) Rare Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Headbutt deals +1% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 100 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 10
Headbutt deals +2% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 120 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 15
Headbutt deals +3% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 140 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 20
Headbutt deals +4% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 160 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 25
Headbutt deals +5% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 180 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 30
Headbutt deals +6% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 200 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 35
Headbutt deals +7% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 220 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 40
Headbutt deals +8% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 240 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 45
Headbutt deals +9% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 260 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 50
Headbutt deals +10% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 280 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 55
Headbutt deals +11% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 300 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 60
Headbutt deals +12% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 320 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 65
Headbutt deals +14% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 340 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 70
Headbutt deals +16% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 360 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 75
Headbutt deals +18% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 380 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 80
Headbutt deals +20% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 400 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 85
Headbutt deals +22% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 420 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 90
Headbutt deals +24% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 440 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 95
Headbutt deals +26% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 460 damage is mitigated)
  • Level 100
Headbutt deals +28% damage and conjures a magical field that mitigates 15% of all physical damage you take for 10 seconds (or until 480 damage is mitigated)
of Deadly Barrages Level 100 - Barrage Damage +70% Uncommon Legs, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Barrage Damage +5%
  • Level 10
Barrage Damage +8%
  • Level 15
Barrage Damage +11%
  • Level 20
Barrage Damage +14%
  • Level 25
Barrage Damage +17%
  • Level 30
Barrage Damage +20%
  • Level 35
Barrage Damage +23%
  • Level 40
Barrage Damage +26%
  • Level 45
Barrage Damage +29%
  • Level 50
Barrage Damage +32%
  • Level 55
Barrage Damage +35%
  • Level 60
Barrage Damage +38%
  • Level 65
Barrage Damage +42%
  • Level 70
Barrage Damage +46%
  • Level 75
Barrage Damage +50%
  • Level 80
Barrage Damage +54%
  • Level 85
Barrage Damage +58%
  • Level 90
Barrage Damage +62%
  • Level 95
Barrage Damage +66%
  • Level 100
Barrage Damage +70%
of Fiery Barrages Level 100 - Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 268 Fire damage over 8 seconds Uncommon Legs, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 32 Fire damage over 8 seconds
  • Level 20
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 56 Fire damage over 8 seconds
  • Level 30
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 80 Fire damage over 8 seconds
  • Level 40
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 104 Fire damage over 8 seconds
  • Level 50
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 128 Fire damage over 8 seconds
  • Level 60
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 156 Fire damage over 8 seconds
  • Level 70
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 184 Fire damage over 8 seconds
  • Level 80
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 212 Fire damage over 8 seconds
  • Level 90
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 240 Fire damage over 8 seconds
  • Level 100
Barrage and Headbutt ignite the target, causing them to take 268 Fire damage over 8 seconds
of Headbutting Level 100 - Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +140 Uncommon Legs, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +10
  • Level 10
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +16
  • Level 15
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +22
  • Level 20
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +28
  • Level 25
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +34
  • Level 30
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +40
  • Level 35
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +46
  • Level 40
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +52
  • Level 45
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +58
  • Level 50
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +64
  • Level 55
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +70
  • Level 60
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +76
  • Level 65
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +84
  • Level 70
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +92
  • Level 75
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +100
  • Level 80
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +108
  • Level 85
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +116
  • Level 90
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +124
  • Level 95
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +132
  • Level 100
Headbutt and Knee Kick Damage +140
of Calloused Barrages Level 100 - Barrage costs -30 Power and restores 31 Armor to you Uncommon Head, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Barrage costs -1 Power and restores 3 Armor to you
  • Level 10
Barrage costs -2 Power and restores 4 Armor to you
  • Level 15
Barrage costs -3 Power and restores 6 Armor to you
  • Level 20
Barrage costs -4 Power and restores 7 Armor to you
  • Level 25
Barrage costs -5 Power and restores 8 Armor to you
  • Level 30
Barrage costs -6 Power and restores 9 Armor to you
  • Level 35
Barrage costs -7 Power and restores 10 Armor to you
  • Level 40
Barrage costs -8 Power and restores 11 Armor to you
  • Level 45
Barrage costs -10 Power and restores 12 Armor to you
  • Level 50
Barrage costs -12 Power and restores 13 Armor to you
  • Level 55
Barrage costs -14 Power and restores 14 Armor to you
  • Level 60
Barrage costs -16 Power and restores 15 Armor to you
  • Level 65
Barrage costs -18 Power and restores 17 Armor to you
  • Level 70
Barrage costs -20 Power and restores 19 Armor to you
  • Level 75
Barrage costs -21 Power and restores 21 Armor to you
  • Level 80
Barrage costs -23 Power and restores 23 Armor to you
  • Level 85
Barrage costs -24 Power and restores 25 Armor to you
  • Level 90
Barrage costs -26 Power and restores 27 Armor to you
  • Level 95
Barrage costs -28 Power and restores 29 Armor to you
  • Level 100
Barrage costs -30 Power and restores 31 Armor to you
of Headbutting Level 100 - Headbutt Damage +56% Uncommon Chest, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Headbutt Damage +10%
  • Level 10
Headbutt Damage +12%
  • Level 15
Headbutt Damage +14%
  • Level 20
Headbutt Damage +16%
  • Level 25
Headbutt Damage +18%
  • Level 30
Headbutt Damage +20%
  • Level 35
Headbutt Damage +22%
  • Level 40
Headbutt Damage +24%
  • Level 45
Headbutt Damage +26%
  • Level 50
Headbutt Damage +28%
  • Level 55
Headbutt Damage +30%
  • Level 60
Headbutt Damage +32%
  • Level 65
Headbutt Damage +35%
  • Level 70
Headbutt Damage +38%
  • Level 75
Headbutt Damage +41%
  • Level 80
Headbutt Damage +44%
  • Level 85
Headbutt Damage +47%
  • Level 90
Headbutt Damage +50%
  • Level 95
Headbutt Damage +53%
  • Level 100
Headbutt Damage +56%
Level 100 - Claw Barrage Damage +147 Uncommon Chest, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Claw Barrage Damage +14
  • Level 10
Claw Barrage Damage +21
  • Level 15
Claw Barrage Damage +28
  • Level 20
Claw Barrage Damage +35
  • Level 25
Claw Barrage Damage +42
  • Level 30
Claw Barrage Damage +49
  • Level 35
Claw Barrage Damage +56
  • Level 40
Claw Barrage Damage +63
  • Level 45
Claw Barrage Damage +70
  • Level 50
Claw Barrage Damage +77
  • Level 55
Claw Barrage Damage +84
  • Level 60
Claw Barrage Damage +91
  • Level 65
Claw Barrage Damage +98
  • Level 70
Claw Barrage Damage +105
  • Level 75
Claw Barrage Damage +112
  • Level 80
Claw Barrage Damage +119
  • Level 85
Claw Barrage Damage +126
  • Level 90
Claw Barrage Damage +133
  • Level 95
Claw Barrage Damage +140
  • Level 100
Claw Barrage Damage +147
of Hip Throwing Level 100 - Hip Throw Damage +66% Rare Chest, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Hip Throw Damage +10%
  • Level 10
Hip Throw Damage +12%
  • Level 15
Hip Throw Damage +14%
  • Level 20
Hip Throw Damage +16%
  • Level 25
Hip Throw Damage +18%
  • Level 30
Hip Throw Damage +20%
  • Level 35
Hip Throw Damage +22%
  • Level 40
Hip Throw Damage +24%
  • Level 45
Hip Throw Damage +26%
  • Level 50
Hip Throw Damage +28%
  • Level 55
Hip Throw Damage +31%
  • Level 60
Hip Throw Damage +34%
  • Level 65
Hip Throw Damage +38%
  • Level 70
Hip Throw Damage +42%
  • Level 75
Hip Throw Damage +46%
  • Level 80
Hip Throw Damage +50%
  • Level 85
Hip Throw Damage +54%
  • Level 90
Hip Throw Damage +58%
  • Level 95
Hip Throw Damage +62%
  • Level 100
Hip Throw Damage +66%
of Hip Throwing Level 100 - Hip Throw deals +200 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage Uncommon Necklace, Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Hip Throw deals +10 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 10
Hip Throw deals +20 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 15
Hip Throw deals +30 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 20
Hip Throw deals +40 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 25
Hip Throw deals +50 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 30
Hip Throw deals +60 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 35
Hip Throw deals +70 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 40
Hip Throw deals +80 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 45
Hip Throw deals +90 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 50
Hip Throw deals +100 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 55
Hip Throw deals +110 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 60
Hip Throw deals +120 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 65
Hip Throw deals +130 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 70
Hip Throw deals +140 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 75
Hip Throw deals +150 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 80
Hip Throw deals +160 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 85
Hip Throw deals +170 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 90
Hip Throw deals +180 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 95
Hip Throw deals +190 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
  • Level 100
Hip Throw deals +200 damage, plus bonus Armor-specific damage equal to 15% of the attack's total regular damage
of Anger Tossing Level 100 - Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +30% damage and generate -530 Rage Rare Head, Legs

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +5% damage and generate -20 Rage
  • Level 10
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +6% damage and generate -40 Rage
  • Level 15
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +7% damage and generate -60 Rage
  • Level 20
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +8% damage and generate -80 Rage
  • Level 25
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +9% damage and generate -100 Rage
  • Level 30
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +10% damage and generate -120 Rage
  • Level 35
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +11% damage and generate -140 Rage
  • Level 40
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +12% damage and generate -160 Rage
  • Level 45
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +13% damage and generate -180 Rage
  • Level 50
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +14% damage and generate -200 Rage
  • Level 55
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +15% damage and generate -225 Rage
  • Level 60
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +16% damage and generate -250 Rage
  • Level 65
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +17% damage and generate -285 Rage
  • Level 70
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +18% damage and generate -320 Rage
  • Level 75
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +20% damage and generate -355 Rage
  • Level 80
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +22% damage and generate -390 Rage
  • Level 85
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +24% damage and generate -425 Rage
  • Level 90
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +26% damage and generate -460 Rage
  • Level 95
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +28% damage and generate -495 Rage
  • Level 100
Hip Throw and Bodyslam deal +30% damage and generate -530 Rage
of Impossible Hip Throws Level 100 - Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +20% damage, but Power cost is +20 Rare Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters, but Power cost is +20
  • Level 20
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +4% damage, but Power cost is +20
  • Level 30
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +6% damage, but Power cost is +20
  • Level 40
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +8% damage, but Power cost is +20
  • Level 50
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +10% damage, but Power cost is +20
  • Level 60
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +12% damage, but Power cost is +20
  • Level 70
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +14% damage, but Power cost is +20
  • Level 80
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +16% damage, but Power cost is +20
  • Level 90
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +18% damage, but Power cost is +20
  • Level 100
Hip Throw hits all enemies within 8 meters and deals +20% damage, but Power cost is +20
Bodyslamming of Bodyslamming Level 100 - Bodyslam Damage +59% Uncommon MainHand, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Bodyslam Damage +6%
  • Level 10
Bodyslam Damage +8%
  • Level 15
Bodyslam Damage +10%
  • Level 20
Bodyslam Damage +12%
  • Level 25
Bodyslam Damage +14%
  • Level 30
Bodyslam Damage +17%
  • Level 35
Bodyslam Damage +20%
  • Level 40
Bodyslam Damage +23%
  • Level 45
Bodyslam Damage +26%
  • Level 50
Bodyslam Damage +29%
  • Level 55
Bodyslam Damage +32%
  • Level 60
Bodyslam Damage +35%
  • Level 65
Bodyslam Damage +38%
  • Level 70
Bodyslam Damage +41%
  • Level 75
Bodyslam Damage +44%
  • Level 80
Bodyslam Damage +47%
  • Level 85
Bodyslam Damage +50%
  • Level 90
Bodyslam Damage +53%
  • Level 95
Bodyslam Damage +56%
  • Level 100
Bodyslam Damage +59%
of Invincible Bodyslamming Level 100 - Bodyslam deals +100 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds Uncommon Head

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Bodyslam deals +10 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
  • Level 20
Bodyslam deals +20 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
  • Level 30
Bodyslam deals +30 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
  • Level 40
Bodyslam deals +40 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
  • Level 50
Bodyslam deals +50 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
  • Level 60
Bodyslam deals +60 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
  • Level 70
Bodyslam deals +70 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
  • Level 80
Bodyslam deals +80 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
  • Level 90
Bodyslam deals +90 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
  • Level 100
Bodyslam deals +100 damage and grants you immunity to direct damage for 3 seconds
of Toxic Bruising Level 100 - Bruising Blow causes the target to take +30% damage from Poison for 20 seconds Uncommon Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +3% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
  • Level 20
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +6% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
  • Level 30
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +9% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
  • Level 40
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +12% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
  • Level 50
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +15% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
  • Level 60
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +18% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
  • Level 70
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +21% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
  • Level 80
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +24% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
  • Level 90
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +27% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
  • Level 100
Bruising Blow causes the target to take +30% damage from Poison for 20 seconds
of Slamming Weaklings Level 100 - Bodyslam deals +535 damage to non-Elite enemies Uncommon Necklace, MainHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Bodyslam deals +60 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 10
Bodyslam deals +85 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 15
Bodyslam deals +110 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 20
Bodyslam deals +135 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 25
Bodyslam deals +160 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 30
Bodyslam deals +185 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 35
Bodyslam deals +210 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 40
Bodyslam deals +235 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 45
Bodyslam deals +260 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 50
Bodyslam deals +285 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 55
Bodyslam deals +310 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 60
Bodyslam deals +335 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 65
Bodyslam deals +360 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 70
Bodyslam deals +385 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 75
Bodyslam deals +410 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 80
Bodyslam deals +435 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 85
Bodyslam deals +460 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 90
Bodyslam deals +485 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 95
Bodyslam deals +510 damage to non-Elite enemies
  • Level 100
Bodyslam deals +535 damage to non-Elite enemies
of Healslamming Level 100 - Bodyslam heals you for 162 health Uncommon Chest, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Bodyslam heals you for 10 health
  • Level 10
Bodyslam heals you for 18 health
  • Level 15
Bodyslam heals you for 26 health
  • Level 20
Bodyslam heals you for 34 health
  • Level 25
Bodyslam heals you for 42 health
  • Level 30
Bodyslam heals you for 50 health
  • Level 35
Bodyslam heals you for 58 health
  • Level 40
Bodyslam heals you for 66 health
  • Level 45
Bodyslam heals you for 74 health
  • Level 50
Bodyslam heals you for 82 health
  • Level 55
Bodyslam heals you for 90 health
  • Level 60
Bodyslam heals you for 98 health
  • Level 65
Bodyslam heals you for 106 health
  • Level 70
Bodyslam heals you for 114 health
  • Level 75
Bodyslam heals you for 122 health
  • Level 80
Bodyslam heals you for 130 health
  • Level 85
Bodyslam heals you for 138 health
  • Level 90
Bodyslam heals you for 146 health
  • Level 95
Bodyslam heals you for 154 health
  • Level 100
Bodyslam heals you for 162 health
Serpentine of Cobra Striking Level 100 - Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +63% Uncommon Legs, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +6%
  • Level 10
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +9%
  • Level 15
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +12%
  • Level 20
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +15%
  • Level 25
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +18%
  • Level 30
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +21%
  • Level 35
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +24%
  • Level 40
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +27%
  • Level 45
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +30%
  • Level 50
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +33%
  • Level 55
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +36%
  • Level 60
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +39%
  • Level 65
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +42%
  • Level 70
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +45%
  • Level 75
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +48%
  • Level 80
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +51%
  • Level 85
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +54%
  • Level 90
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +57%
  • Level 95
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +60%
  • Level 100
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike Damage +63%
Level 100 - Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +105 for 7 seconds Uncommon Chest, Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +10 for 7 seconds
  • Level 10
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +15 for 7 seconds
  • Level 15
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +20 for 7 seconds
  • Level 20
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +25 for 7 seconds
  • Level 25
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +30 for 7 seconds
  • Level 30
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +35 for 7 seconds
  • Level 35
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +40 for 7 seconds
  • Level 40
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +45 for 7 seconds
  • Level 45
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +50 for 7 seconds
  • Level 50
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +55 for 7 seconds
  • Level 55
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +60 for 7 seconds
  • Level 60
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +65 for 7 seconds
  • Level 65
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +70 for 7 seconds
  • Level 70
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +75 for 7 seconds
  • Level 75
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +80 for 7 seconds
  • Level 80
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +85 for 7 seconds
  • Level 85
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +90 for 7 seconds
  • Level 90
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +95 for 7 seconds
  • Level 95
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +100 for 7 seconds
  • Level 100
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike boost your Nice Attack and Signature Debuff ability damage +105 for 7 seconds
of Cobra Scales Level 100 - Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 54 Armor to you Uncommon Chest, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 10 Armor to you
  • Level 10
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 12 Armor to you
  • Level 15
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 14 Armor to you
  • Level 20
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 16 Armor to you
  • Level 25
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 18 Armor to you
  • Level 30
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 20 Armor to you
  • Level 35
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 22 Armor to you
  • Level 40
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 24 Armor to you
  • Level 45
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 26 Armor to you
  • Level 50
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 28 Armor to you
  • Level 55
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 30 Armor to you
  • Level 60
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 32 Armor to you
  • Level 65
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 34 Armor to you
  • Level 70
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 36 Armor to you
  • Level 75
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 39 Armor to you
  • Level 80
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 42 Armor to you
  • Level 85
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 45 Armor to you
  • Level 90
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 48 Armor to you
  • Level 95
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 51 Armor to you
  • Level 100
Cobra Strike and Mamba Strike restore 54 Armor to you
of Evasive Cobras Level 100 - Cobra Strike deals +100 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +14.5% for 7 seconds Uncommon Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Cobra Strike deals +5 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 10
Cobra Strike deals +10 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +5.5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 15
Cobra Strike deals +15 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +6% for 7 seconds
  • Level 20
Cobra Strike deals +20 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +6.5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 25
Cobra Strike deals +25 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +7% for 7 seconds
  • Level 30
Cobra Strike deals +30 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +7.5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 35
Cobra Strike deals +35 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +8% for 7 seconds
  • Level 40
Cobra Strike deals +40 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +8.5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 45
Cobra Strike deals +45 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +9% for 7 seconds
  • Level 50
Cobra Strike deals +50 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +9.5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 55
Cobra Strike deals +55 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +10% for 7 seconds
  • Level 60
Cobra Strike deals +60 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +10.5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 65
Cobra Strike deals +65 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +11% for 7 seconds
  • Level 70
Cobra Strike deals +70 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +11.5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 75
Cobra Strike deals +75 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +12% for 7 seconds
  • Level 80
Cobra Strike deals +80 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +12.5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 85
Cobra Strike deals +85 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +13% for 7 seconds
  • Level 90
Cobra Strike deals +90 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +13.5% for 7 seconds
  • Level 95
Cobra Strike deals +95 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +14% for 7 seconds
  • Level 100
Cobra Strike deals +100 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +14.5% for 7 seconds
Level 100 - Unarmed Accuracy +25 Uncommon OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 0
Unarmed Accuracy +5
  • Level 5
Unarmed Accuracy +6
  • Level 10
Unarmed Accuracy +7
  • Level 15
Unarmed Accuracy +8
  • Level 20
Unarmed Accuracy +9
  • Level 25
Unarmed Accuracy +10
  • Level 30
Unarmed Accuracy +11
  • Level 35
Unarmed Accuracy +12
  • Level 40
Unarmed Accuracy +13
  • Level 45
Unarmed Accuracy +14
  • Level 50
Unarmed Accuracy +15
  • Level 55
Unarmed Accuracy +16
  • Level 60
Unarmed Accuracy +17
  • Level 65
Unarmed Accuracy +18
  • Level 70
Unarmed Accuracy +19
  • Level 75
Unarmed Accuracy +20
  • Level 80
Unarmed Accuracy +21
  • Level 85
Unarmed Accuracy +22
  • Level 90
Unarmed Accuracy +23
  • Level 95
Unarmed Accuracy +24
  • Level 100
Unarmed Accuracy +25
Bruising of Bruises Level 100 - Bruising Blow Damage +71% Uncommon MainHand, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Bruising Blow Damage +9%
  • Level 10
Bruising Blow Damage +12%
  • Level 15
Bruising Blow Damage +15%
  • Level 20
Bruising Blow Damage +18%
  • Level 25
Bruising Blow Damage +21%
  • Level 30
Bruising Blow Damage +24%
  • Level 35
Bruising Blow Damage +27%
  • Level 40
Bruising Blow Damage +30%
  • Level 45
Bruising Blow Damage +33%
  • Level 50
Bruising Blow Damage +36%
  • Level 55
Bruising Blow Damage +39%
  • Level 60
Bruising Blow Damage +42%
  • Level 65
Bruising Blow Damage +45%
  • Level 70
Bruising Blow Damage +49%
  • Level 75
Bruising Blow Damage +52%
  • Level 80
Bruising Blow Damage +55%
  • Level 85
Bruising Blow Damage +59%
  • Level 90
Bruising Blow Damage +63%
  • Level 95
Bruising Blow Damage +67%
  • Level 100
Bruising Blow Damage +71%
of Bruising Slams Level 100 - Bruising Blow deals +40% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds Uncommon Legs, Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Bruising Blow hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 1 second
  • Level 10
Bruising Blow deals +2% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 1 second
  • Level 15
Bruising Blow deals +3% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 2 seconds
  • Level 20
Bruising Blow deals +4% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 2 seconds
  • Level 25
Bruising Blow deals +5% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 3 seconds
  • Level 30
Bruising Blow deals +6% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 3 seconds
  • Level 35
Bruising Blow deals +7% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 3 seconds
  • Level 40
Bruising Blow deals +8% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 3 seconds
  • Level 45
Bruising Blow deals +9% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 4 seconds
  • Level 50
Bruising Blow deals +10% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 4 seconds
  • Level 55
Bruising Blow deals +13% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 4 seconds
  • Level 60
Bruising Blow deals +16% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds
  • Level 65
Bruising Blow deals +19% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds
  • Level 70
Bruising Blow deals +22% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds
  • Level 75
Bruising Blow deals +25% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds
  • Level 80
Bruising Blow deals +28% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds
  • Level 85
Bruising Blow deals +31% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds
  • Level 90
Bruising Blow deals +34% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds
  • Level 95
Bruising Blow deals +37% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds
  • Level 100
Bruising Blow deals +40% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Bodyslam by 5 seconds
of Healthy Bruises Level 100 - Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 36 Health Uncommon Legs, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 2 Health
  • Level 10
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 3 Health
  • Level 15
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 5 Health
  • Level 20
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 6 Health
  • Level 25
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 8 Health
  • Level 30
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 9 Health
  • Level 35
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 11 Health
  • Level 40
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 13 Health
  • Level 45
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 15 Health
  • Level 50
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 17 Health
  • Level 55
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 18 Health
  • Level 60
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 20 Health
  • Level 65
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 22 Health
  • Level 70
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 24 Health
  • Level 75
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 26 Health
  • Level 80
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 28 Health
  • Level 85
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 30 Health
  • Level 90
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 32 Health
  • Level 95
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 34 Health
  • Level 100
Bruising Blow and Headbutt restore 36 Health
Bruising of Traumatic Bruises Level 100 - Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +14.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds Uncommon Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 5
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 10
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +5.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 15
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +6% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 20
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +6.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 25
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +7% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 30
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +7.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 35
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +8% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 40
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +8.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 45
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +9% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 50
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +9.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 55
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +10% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 60
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +10.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 65
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +11% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 70
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +11.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 75
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +12% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 80
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +12.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 85
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +13% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 90
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +13.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 95
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +14% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
  • Level 100
Bruising Blow deals Trauma damage instead of Crushing, and targets suffer +14.5% damage from other Trauma attacks for 20 seconds
Slashing of Slashing Strikes Level 100 - Slashing Strike Damage +37% Uncommon OffHand, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 35
Slashing Strike Damage +7%
  • Level 40
Slashing Strike Damage +10%
  • Level 45
Slashing Strike Damage +14%
  • Level 50
Slashing Strike Damage +17%
  • Level 55
Slashing Strike Damage +21%
  • Level 60
Slashing Strike Damage +24%
  • Level 70
Slashing Strike Damage +28%
  • Level 80
Slashing Strike Damage +31%
  • Level 90
Slashing Strike Damage +34%
  • Level 100
Slashing Strike Damage +37%
of Bleeding Slashes Level 100 - Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +150 Trauma damage over 6 seconds Uncommon MainHand, Necklace

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 35
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +42 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 40
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +54 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 45
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +66 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 50
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +78 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 55
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +90 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 60
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +102 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 70
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +114 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 80
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +126 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 90
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +138 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 100
Slashing Strike and Claw Barrage deal +150 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
Slashing of Evasive Slashes Level 100 - Slashing Strike deals +64 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +5.25% for 5 seconds Uncommon OffHand, Head

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 35
Slashing Strike deals +12 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +2% for 5 seconds
  • Level 40
Slashing Strike deals +16 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +2.25% for 5 seconds
  • Level 45
Slashing Strike deals +20 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +2.5% for 5 seconds
  • Level 50
Slashing Strike deals +24 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +2.75% for 5 seconds
  • Level 55
Slashing Strike deals +28 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +3% for 5 seconds
  • Level 60
Slashing Strike deals +32 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +3.25% for 5 seconds
  • Level 65
Slashing Strike deals +36 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +3.5% for 5 seconds
  • Level 70
Slashing Strike deals +40 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +3.75% for 5 seconds
  • Level 75
Slashing Strike deals +44 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +4% for 5 seconds
  • Level 80
Slashing Strike deals +48 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +4.25% for 5 seconds
  • Level 85
Slashing Strike deals +52 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +4.5% for 5 seconds
  • Level 90
Slashing Strike deals +56 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +4.75% for 5 seconds
  • Level 95
Slashing Strike deals +60 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +5% for 5 seconds
  • Level 100
Slashing Strike deals +64 damage and boosts your Melee Evasion +5.25% for 5 seconds
Level 100 - Slashing Strike deals +19% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2.5 seconds Uncommon Chest, Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 35
Slashing Strike deals +6% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2 seconds
  • Level 40
Slashing Strike deals +7% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2 seconds
  • Level 45
Slashing Strike deals +8% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2 seconds
  • Level 50
Slashing Strike deals +9% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2 seconds
  • Level 55
Slashing Strike deals +10% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2 seconds
  • Level 60
Slashing Strike deals +11% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2 seconds
  • Level 65
Slashing Strike deals +12% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2 seconds
  • Level 70
Slashing Strike deals +13% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2 seconds
  • Level 75
Slashing Strike deals +14% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2.5 seconds
  • Level 80
Slashing Strike deals +15% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2.5 seconds
  • Level 85
Slashing Strike deals +16% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2.5 seconds
  • Level 90
Slashing Strike deals +17% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2.5 seconds
  • Level 95
Slashing Strike deals +18% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2.5 seconds
  • Level 100
Slashing Strike deals +19% damage and hastens the current reuse timer of Hip Throw by 2.5 seconds
Level 100 - Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +50 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you. Uncommon Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 10
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +5 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
  • Level 20
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +10 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
  • Level 30
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +15 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
  • Level 40
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +20 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
  • Level 50
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +25 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
  • Level 60
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +30 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
  • Level 70
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +35 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
  • Level 80
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +40 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
  • Level 90
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +45 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
  • Level 100
Cobra Strike, Mamba Strike, and Slashing Strike deal +50 damage and can be used while stunned. Doing so removes the stun effect from you.
Level 100 - Slashing Strike deals +64 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +16% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.) Uncommon Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 35
Slashing Strike deals +12 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +5% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 40
Slashing Strike deals +16 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +5.5% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 45
Slashing Strike deals +20 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +6% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 50
Slashing Strike deals +24 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +6.5% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 55
Slashing Strike deals +28 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +7% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 60
Slashing Strike deals +32 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +8% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 65
Slashing Strike deals +36 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +9% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 70
Slashing Strike deals +40 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +10% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 75
Slashing Strike deals +44 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +11% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 80
Slashing Strike deals +48 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +12% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 85
Slashing Strike deals +52 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +13% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 90
Slashing Strike deals +56 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +14% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 95
Slashing Strike deals +60 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +15% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
  • Level 100
Slashing Strike deals +64 damage and worsens the target's Slashing Vulnerability +16% for 60 seconds. (This effect does not stack with itself.)
Level 51 - Chance to Ignore Knockbacks +30% when Unarmed is active Rare Feet, OffHand

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 1
Chance to Ignore Knockbacks +25% when Unarmed is active
  • Level 51
Chance to Ignore Knockbacks +30% when Unarmed is active
Level 100 - Infuriating Fist deals +52% damage and taunts +560 Uncommon OffHand, Ring

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 35
Infuriating Fist deals +13% damage and taunts +40
  • Level 40
Infuriating Fist deals +16% damage and taunts +80
  • Level 45
Infuriating Fist deals +19% damage and taunts +120
  • Level 50
Infuriating Fist deals +22% damage and taunts +160
  • Level 55
Infuriating Fist deals +25% damage and taunts +200
  • Level 60
Infuriating Fist deals +28% damage and taunts +240
  • Level 65
Infuriating Fist deals +31% damage and taunts +280
  • Level 70
Infuriating Fist deals +34% damage and taunts +320
  • Level 75
Infuriating Fist deals +37% damage and taunts +360
  • Level 80
Infuriating Fist deals +40% damage and taunts +400
  • Level 85
Infuriating Fist deals +43% damage and taunts +440
  • Level 90
Infuriating Fist deals +46% damage and taunts +480
  • Level 95
Infuriating Fist deals +49% damage and taunts +520
  • Level 100
Infuriating Fist deals +52% damage and taunts +560
of Traumatic Furious Punches Level 100 - Infuriating Fist taunts +540 and deals 222 Trauma damage over 6 seconds Uncommon Feet

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 35
Infuriating Fist taunts +280 and deals 30 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 40
Infuriating Fist taunts +300 and deals 42 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 45
Infuriating Fist taunts +320 and deals 54 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 50
Infuriating Fist taunts +340 and deals 66 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 55
Infuriating Fist taunts +360 and deals 78 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 60
Infuriating Fist taunts +380 and deals 90 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 65
Infuriating Fist taunts +400 and deals 102 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 70
Infuriating Fist taunts +420 and deals 114 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 75
Infuriating Fist taunts +440 and deals 132 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 80
Infuriating Fist taunts +460 and deals 150 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 85
Infuriating Fist taunts +480 and deals 168 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 90
Infuriating Fist taunts +500 and deals 186 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 95
Infuriating Fist taunts +520 and deals 204 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
  • Level 100
Infuriating Fist taunts +540 and deals 222 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
of Elite Fury Level 100 - Infuriating Fist damage +73 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -8% damage to you. Uncommon Head, Chest

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 35
Infuriating Fist damage +8 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -5% damage to you.
  • Level 40
Infuriating Fist damage +13 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -5% damage to you.
  • Level 45
Infuriating Fist damage +18 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -5% damage to you.
  • Level 50
Infuriating Fist damage +23 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -5% damage to you.
  • Level 55
Infuriating Fist damage +28 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -5% damage to you.
  • Level 60
Infuriating Fist damage +33 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -5% damage to you.
  • Level 65
Infuriating Fist damage +38 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -6% damage to you.
  • Level 70
Infuriating Fist damage +43 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -6% damage to you.
  • Level 75
Infuriating Fist damage +48 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -7% damage to you.
  • Level 80
Infuriating Fist damage +53 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -7% damage to you.
  • Level 85
Infuriating Fist damage +58 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -7% damage to you.
  • Level 90
Infuriating Fist damage +63 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -8% damage to you.
  • Level 95
Infuriating Fist damage +68 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -8% damage to you.
  • Level 100
Infuriating Fist damage +73 and for 10 seconds all Elite attacks deal -8% damage to you.
Level 100 - Infuriating Fist damage +131. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing Uncommon Hands

Click Expand to reveal

  • Level 35
Infuriating Fist damage +50. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 40
Infuriating Fist damage +55. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 45
Infuriating Fist damage +60. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 50
Infuriating Fist damage +65. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 55
Infuriating Fist damage +70. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 60
Infuriating Fist damage +75. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 65
Infuriating Fist damage +82. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 70
Infuriating Fist damage +89. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 75
Infuriating Fist damage +96. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 80
Infuriating Fist damage +103. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 85
Infuriating Fist damage +110. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 90
Infuriating Fist damage +117. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 95
Infuriating Fist damage +124. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing
  • Level 100
Infuriating Fist damage +131. Damage becomes Trauma instead of Crushing

Unarmed Stat Bonuses

These bonuses will only be applied when this skill is active.

Level Bonus Totals
1 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +2
Max Power +2
2 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +4
Max Power +5
3 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +6
Max Power +7
4 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +8
Max Power +10
5 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +10
Max Power +12
6 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +12
Max Power +15
7 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +14
Max Power +17
8 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +16
Max Power +20
9 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +18
Max Power +22
10 Max Health +2
Max Power +3
Max Health +20
Max Power +25
11 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +22
Max Power +27
12 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +24
Max Power +29
13 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +26
Max Power +31
14 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +28
Max Power +33
15 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +30
Max Power +35
16 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +32
Max Power +37
17 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +34
Max Power +39
18 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +36
Max Power +41
19 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +38
Max Power +43
20 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +40
Max Power +45
21 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +42
Max Power +47
22 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +44
Max Power +49
23 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +46
Max Power +51
24 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +48
Max Power +53
25 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +50
Max Power +55
26 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +52
Max Power +57
27 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +54
Max Power +59
28 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +56
Max Power +61
29 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +58
Max Power +63
30 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +60
Max Power +65
31 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +62
Max Power +67
32 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +64
Max Power +69
33 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +66
Max Power +71
34 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +68
Max Power +73
35 Max Health +2
Max Power +2
Max Health +70
Max Power +75
36 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +72
Max Power +76
37 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +74
Max Power +77
38 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +76
Max Power +78
39 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +78
Max Power +79
40 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +80
Max Power +80
41 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +82
Max Power +81
42 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +84
Max Power +82
43 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +86
Max Power +83
44 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +88
Max Power +84
45 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +90
Max Power +85
46 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +92
Max Power +86
47 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +94
Max Power +87
48 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +96
Max Power +88
49 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +98
Max Power +89
50 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +100
Max Power +90
51 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +102
Max Power +91
52 Max Health +2 Max Health +104
Max Power +91
53 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +106
Max Power +92
54 Max Health +2 Max Health +108
Max Power +92
55 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +110
Max Power +93
56 Max Health +2 Max Health +112
Max Power +93
57 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +114
Max Power +94
58 Max Health +2 Max Health +116
Max Power +94
59 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
Max Health +118
Max Power +95
60 Max Health +2 Max Health +120
Max Power +95
61 Max Health +2 Max Health +122
Max Power +95
62 Max Health +2 Max Health +124
Max Power +95
63 Max Health +2 Max Health +126
Max Power +95
64 Max Health +2 Max Health +128
Max Power +95
65 Max Health +2 Max Health +130
Max Power +95
66 Max Health +2 Max Health +132
Max Power +95
67 Max Health +2 Max Health +134
Max Power +95
68 Max Health +2 Max Health +136
Max Power +95
69 Max Health +2 Max Health +138
Max Power +95
70 Max Health +2 Max Health +140
Max Power +95
71 Max Health +2 Max Health +142
Max Power +95
72 Max Health +2 Max Health +144
Max Power +95
73 Max Health +2 Max Health +146
Max Power +95
74 Max Health +2 Max Health +148
Max Power +95
75 Max Health +2 Max Health +150
Max Power +95
76 Max Health +2 Max Health +152
Max Power +95
77 Max Health +2 Max Health +154
Max Power +95
78 Max Health +2 Max Health +156
Max Power +95
79 Max Health +2 Max Health +158
Max Power +95
80 Max Health +2 Max Health +160
Max Power +95
81 Max Health +2 Max Health +162
Max Power +95
82 Max Health +2 Max Health +164
Max Power +95
83 Max Health +2 Max Health +166
Max Power +95
84 Max Health +2 Max Health +168
Max Power +95
85 Max Health +2 Max Health +170
Max Power +95
86 Max Health +2 Max Health +172
Max Power +95
87 Max Health +2 Max Health +174
Max Power +95
88 Max Health +2 Max Health +176
Max Power +95
89 Max Health +2 Max Health +178
Max Power +95
90 Max Health +2 Max Health +180
Max Power +95
91 Max Health +2 Max Health +182
Max Power +95
92 Max Health +2 Max Health +184
Max Power +95
93 Max Health +2 Max Health +186
Max Power +95
94 Max Health +2 Max Health +188
Max Power +95
95 Max Health +2 Max Health +190
Max Power +95
96 Max Health +2 Max Health +192
Max Power +95
97 Max Health +2 Max Health +194
Max Power +95
98 Max Health +2 Max Health +196
Max Power +95
99 Max Health +2 Max Health +198
Max Power +95
100 Max Health +2 Max Health +200
Max Power +95

Unarmed Level Up Rewards

Level Reward
1 Gain Ability: Front Kick
3 Gain Ability: Barrage
5 Gain Ability: Cobra Strike
7 Gain Ability: Hip Throw
9 Gain Ability: Punch 2
10 +1 to Rabbit
12 Gain Ability: Front Kick 2
15 Gain Ability: Barrage 2
16 +1 to Deer
19 Gain Ability: Punch 3
20 Gain Ability: Cobra Strike 2
21 +1 to Staff
23 +1 to Endurance
24 Gain Ability: Front Kick 3
25 Gain Ability: Hip Throw 2
26 +1 to Hammer
27 +1 to Cow
28 Gain Ability: Barrage 3
33 +1 to Knife Fighting
35 Gain Ability: Front Kick 4
36 Gain Ability: Punch 4
37 Gain Ability: Hip Throw 3
38 +1 to Rabbit
40 Gain Ability: Cobra Strike 3
43 +1 to Meditation
45 Gain Ability: Barrage 4
46 +1 to Staff
48 Gain Ability: Punch 5
49 +1 to Spirit Fox
Gain Ability: Front Kick 5
50 Gain Ability: Hip Throw 4
55 +1 to Knife Fighting

Unarmed Experience Table

Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Unarmed

Level Experience Total Experience
1 10 10
2 17 27
3 38 65
4 61 126
5 102 228
6 138 366
7 198 564
8 242 806
9 321 1127
10 384 1511
11 482 1993
12 548 2541
13 675 3216
14 775 3991
15 938 4929
16 1072 6001
17 1284 7285
18 1474 8759
19 1749 10508
20 1951 12459
21 2304 14763
22 2618 17381
23 3039 20420
24 3411 23831
25 4003 27834
26 4469 32303
27 5168 37471
28 5840 43311
29 6736 50047
30 7606 57653
31 8844 66497
32 9855 76352
33 11441 87793
34 12928 100721
35 14853 115574
36 16778 132352
37 18952 151304
38 21486 172790
39 24435 197225
40 27295 224520
41 30724 255244
42 34269 289513
43 38375 327888
44 42996 370884
45 48193 419077
46 53744 472821
47 60126 532947
48 66951 599898
49 74953 674851
50 83730 758581
51 93278 851859
52 104609 956468
53 117085 1073553
54 131925 1205478
55 148420 1353898
56 167421 1521319
57 188650 1709969
58 213903 1923872
59 242269 2166141
60 275967 2442108
61 312948 2755056
62 355550 3110606
63 404523 3515129
64 460713 3975842
65 525075 4500917
66 598688 5099605
67 682763 5782368
68 778669 6561037
69 887940 7448977
70 1012308 8461285
71 1153715 9615000
72 1314344 10929344
73 1496649 12425993
74 1703383 14129376
75 1937635 16067011
76 2202870 18269881
77 2502977 20772858
78 2842310 23615168
79 3225753 26840921
80 3658774 30499695
81 4147500 34647195
82 4698787 39345982
83 5320311 44666293
84 6020661 50686954
85 6809446 57496400
86 7697409 65193809
87 8696566 73890375
88 9820346 83710721
89 11083757 94794478
90 12503569 107298047
91 14098512 121396559
92 15889507 137286066
93 17899912 155185978
94 20155802 175341780
95 22686282 198028062
96 25523827 223551889
97 28704673 252256562
98 32269237 284525799
99 36262597 320788396
100 40735019 361523415


There are some unarmed skills that require 1 free hand, and some that can be used with 2 equipped weapons.

Those skills are as follows
Requires 2 hands (empty or cestus/claw)
Hip Throw, Cobra/Mamba Strike, (Claw) Barrage
Requires 1 hand (with either nothing or cestus/claw) to use
Punch, Jab, Infuriating Fist, Bruising Blow
Requires no hands (can have anything equipped)
Front Kick, Headbutt, Knee Kick, Body Slam

Unarmed is the oldest skill, id 1.