Sir Coth

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Revision as of 23:25, 20 February 2023 by Litrevan (talk | contribs) (Favor (Category:Favor/Small Talk, Category:Favor/Hang Outs) in respective sections. Location Serbule Keep)
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Button Blue.png
Sir Coth
Sir Coth.jpg
A frumpy man in resplendent armor who hates elves.
Near the northern gate.
Walks around turning lamps on at night.
Beast Speak:

Welcome to Serbule, the den of elvish perversion. I hope you have a strong stomach for immorality!

Sir Coth was part of the Human team that traveled with Praetor Nelson Ballard on the mission to build Serbule Keep. He serves as town Sheriff and retains extreme loyalty to all Council rules and regulations.

Once you do the first two Quests he gives, you will reach Comfortable favor with him and his Hang Outs and Shop will appear.


Serbule Keep
North gate near the stables


Items Sold[view/edit]

 7 councils   [Friends] 
 12 councils   [Close Friends] 
 60 councils   [Best Friends] 
 120 councils   [Like Family] 
 12 councils   [Close Friends] 

Items Purchased [view/edit]

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item [Expand] Weekly Pool
Comfortable 100 5,000
Friends 200 10,000
Close Friends 400 20,000
Best Friends 800 40,000
Like Family 1,000 50,000
Soul Mates 1,200 60,000


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Likes All Art Hint
  • Likes Flawless Animal Skins Hint
  • Likes Ivory [Friends?] Hint
  • Hates Potions [Friends?]

Hang Outs


Patrol the town perimeter (4h)


Help polish Sir Coth's armor


Talk about how beautiful Rita is (60m)


Argue about whether elves have souls (2h)


Spy on the elves in town to see what they're planning (5h)


  • Graveyard Cleanup To start this quest, talk to Sir Coth in Serbule. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor.
    • Kill Skeleton Archers
    • Talk to Sir Coth
  • Sewer Rats

    To start this quest, talk to Sir Coth in Serbule. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor.

    • Kill Sewer Rats
    • Talk to Sir Coth
  • Sir Coth's Obsession

    To start this quest, talk to Sir Coth in Serbule. The quest is available at [Comfortable] favor.

    • Ask Rita about Sir Coth
    • Talk to Sir Coth

    Response to player

  • Talking Mantises

    To start this quest, talk to Sir Coth in Serbule. The quest is available at [Comfortable] favor.

    • Kill Augmented Mantis Slaves
    • Talk to Sir Coth


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - (Lv 25)
[Like Family] Favor -


Yes, I've heard that Serbule was created after the Council flooded Dwyndarre with hell-bats, burning the place to the ground. A convenient lie, isn't it? If true, it would turn the Council's generosity into an act of apology. And if I know one thing about the Council, it's this: they never apologize.

Sir Coth