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Silver Scallop

Revision as of 23:19, 5 March 2023 by TamiqBot (talk | contribs) (Updating drops, v380)
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Silver Scallop
An especially beautiful shell.
Value: 200

Stack Size:

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering



This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Fae (Race Skill)
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
1 Turn Junk Into Crystal Ice Miscellaneous Junk x1
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
50 Quality Musical Conch (Enchanted) icon_6325.png Amazing Conch x1
icon_6306.png Auger Shell x2
icon_6307.png Silver Scallop x1
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_5296.png Quality Musical Conch x1
53 Quality Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted) icon_6325.png Amazing Conch x1
icon_6306.png Auger Shell x2
icon_6307.png Silver Scallop x1
icon_5205.png Maximized Onyx x1
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_5296.png Quality Musical Conch x1
60 Great Musical Conch (Enchanted) icon_6325.png Amazing Conch x1
icon_6306.png Auger Shell x3
icon_6307.png Silver Scallop x2
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_5296.png Great Musical Conch x1
63 Great Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted) icon_6325.png Amazing Conch x1
icon_6306.png Auger Shell x3
icon_6307.png Silver Scallop x2
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_5296.png Great Musical Conch x1
70 Amazing Musical Conch (Enchanted) icon_6325.png Perfect Conch x1
icon_6307.png Silver Scallop x1
icon_6320.png Vertan Murex Shell x1
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_5296.png Amazing Musical Conch x1
73 Amazing Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted) icon_6325.png Perfect Conch x1
icon_6307.png Silver Scallop x1
icon_6320.png Vertan Murex Shell x1
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_5296.png Amazing Musical Conch x1
80 Astounding Musical Conch (Enchanted) icon_6325.png Perfect Conch x1
icon_6317.png Fae Auger Shell x1
icon_6307.png Silver Scallop x2
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_5296.png Astounding Musical Conch x1
83 Astounding Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted) icon_6325.png Perfect Conch x1
icon_6317.png Fae Auger Shell x1
icon_6307.png Silver Scallop x2
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_5296.png Astounding Musical Conch x1


NPC Location Preferences
Corey The Croaker The Winter Nexus Likes (Vendor Trash)
Way Myconian Cave in Serbule Likes (Vendor Trash)
Squidlips Near the Druid Camp in Sun Vale Likes (Seashells)
Mushroom Jack Serbule Keep in Serbule Likes (Vendor Trash)
Suspicious Cow Wandering Northeast of Eltibule Keep in Eltibule Hates (Vendor Trash)
Helena Veilmoor Hogan's Keep in Eltibule Hates (Vendor Trash)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment


Other Uses
