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Mox Warcut

Revision as of 19:22, 29 July 2017 by Komradesims (talk | contribs) (Sells)
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Mox Warcut
Mox Warcut.png
A little dour, but not too grumpy.
Beast Speak:
Skill Trainer:

Hello! Name's Mox. Mox Warcut. My lovely fiancee and I are here doing research on the local flora. Are you a big fan of caves?

Mox Warcut is a dwarf from Aufghel on a mission to explore Gazluk and study its flora. His fiancee Bellema Deftwhisper is working with him on the project. Mox can raise the Skill Caps on First Aid, Mycology, and Battle Chemistry.

Well, I'm no Arisetsu-loving priest or anything, but I'm quite the healer in my own way. The dwarven way. With medicine. I guess it's the elven way, too, actually... I don't know what the rakkies use... probably medicine? Yeah, let's assume that. I've never seen a Rakshasa who loved Arisetsu...

Who's Arisetsu?

What? Come on, she's one of the most important gods! Were you dropped on your head or something?

Actually, a crone stole my memories...

Hah! That's a good one! Well, there's a book about Arisetsu in this cave somewhere. I found it among all the human junk that was left behind. It's rubbish though: just bard stories.

Arisetsu is the goddess of hope and warmth, so she gets a lot of prayers around here -- it being so cold and all. She loves the god of death... it's complicated. And she hates the god of hopelessness, Talerra. That's all you need to know, really.

So you're a healer?

A mycologist, primarily, but also a healer, yes. And I'm pretty good with an alchemy potion! I've had to use my chemistry skills to kill quite a few people... which is depressing, you know? So I try to give back with the healing. I'm sure you can take care of yourself in the field, you look pretty resourceful. But if you need healing supplies, I'll sell you what I have for cheap.

I'd like some information about the area.

Well, I haven't explored much, except for a few of the closer caves. But before we left Aufghel, I read up on what dwarves know of the place. I'm happy to share it, but it may be outdated.

Tell me about Gazluk City

There was a war a few decades back. 'Sand War,' they called it, since it was in the desert that used to be the beautiful land of Ilmari. Anyways, orcs sided with the Crone Hegemony, who sided with the Rakshasa... but then the crones switched sides suddenly, and the orcs got caught in the middle. Now they don't trust anybody. Most of them were wiped out in the war. Surviving companies retreated here and founded Gazluk City on an old orc fort.

I'm guessing it's not a friendly place, this "Gazluk City?"

No. Not even to fellow orcs, unless they're part of the local army. They used to welcome all orcs, as well as human traders, but Naurlok ruined that!

Who's Naurlok?

Naurlock's orcs, the Snowblood Orcs, have lived in the mountains for generations and didn't take kindly to the new orcs. But instead of attacking Gazluk, which I guess would have been the "honorable" thing to do, Naurlok used Gazluk City's open-door policy to recruit hundreds of their younger and more gullible orcs away.

Dwarven miner-spies say that Gazluk's subterranean tunnels are very impressive, but now they're only half-staffed, and the lower floors are unused. Their army is still very powerful, but morale isn't great.

So yeah, that ruined Gazluk for everybody. Nobody can visit without General Hashk's permission. A few trade caravans visit during the spring, but otherwise, they kill on sight.

Tell me about the Snowblood Orcs

The Snowbloods are an Orcish "distributed army." They have hundreds of troops all around Gazluk, as well as every mountain in the Kur range, and beyond. Very spread out! They're run by an orc named Naurlok. It's said that he can blow a special horn and orcs for a hundred miles will hear it, and that's how his army regroups. It's also said he's planning to take Gazluk City "soon."

Is there a way to meet Naurlok?

If there is, I don't know it. Naurlok lives in a fortress buried beneath the snow. That's all the dwarves of Aufghel know about him.

Tell me about the yellow crystals of Gazluk

They're called "Vol's Kiss." Well, that's the Dwarven translation of our name for 'em. But you know us dwarves: we love Vol, almost as much as our own god Ormorek, so all kinds of shit gets named after him. I'm sure the Council has a different name for them.

What do they do?

They kill you. Slowly, sometimes, or quickly. Depends on the person. But they're full of magic! A magic that's hard to find elsewhere. With proper prep, they can make amazing armors and weapons. I'm not a crafter myself, so I don't know any details. But I do know that lead-lined storage boxes can protect you from the sickness. Really, any storage is better than keeping them in your pocket!

So these crystals are valuable for crafting?

Only to people who know what they're doing! Dwarves have our own sources of magic for armor, much safer than Vol's Kiss. But if you were to bring a lead-lined chest of the stuff to Aufghel, I'm sure you'd find a rich buyer. Just don't try to sell it to yokels in the various human outposts. It'll kill 'em before they even know what's happening. This stuff makes iridium seem safe and harmless by comparison!



Mox Warcut sells a variety of First Aid Kits and Armor Patch kits.

None Emergency Warmth Fire 100 gold
Autopsykit Autopsy Kit 100 gold
Poisonpot Curative: Mummy Diseases 75 gold
Firstaid Simple First Aid Kit 20 gold
Firstaid Basic First Aid Kit 40 gold
Firstaid Good First Aid Kit 100 gold
Firstaid Expert's First Aid Kit 200 gold
Firstaid Master First Aid Kit 300 gold
None Dwarven Fixer 200 gold
Patchkit Simple Armor Patch Kit 10 gold
Patchkit Basic Armor Patch Kit 20 gold
Patchkit Good Armor Patch Kit 100 gold
Patchkit Expert's Armor Patch Kit 200 gold
Patchkit Master Armor Patch Kit 300 gold

Small Talk

  • Loves Amazing (and better) First Aid Kits
  • Likes Porcini Mushrooms
  • Likes Black Foot Morels


  • Groxmax Mushrooms for Mox [Neutral] : Obtain 10 Groxmax Mushrooms Hint
  • Fake Cinnamon [Neutral] : Obtain 8 Cinnamon. Hint


  • Black Foot Morels for Mox [Comfortable]: Obtain 10 Black Foot Morels Hint



First Aid
Unlock First Aid 51-60 at Friends
Unlock First Aid 61-70
Astounding First Aid Kit (Combo Method) at Comfortable
Treat Cold Exposure
Set Broken Bone
Resuscitate 2
First Aid 7
First Aid 8
Field Surgery 3
Unlock Mycology 51-60 at Neutral
Unlock Mycology 61-70 at Close Friends
Battle Chemistry
Unlock Battle Chemistry 51-60 at Comfortable
Unlock Battle Chemistry 61-70 at Close Friends
Mycotoxin Formula 6 at Comfortable
Acid Bomb 6 at Comfortable
Healing Mist 6
Freezing Mist 6
Toxic Irritant 6
Mutation: Knee Spikes 6
Mutation: Extra Skin 6
Toxin Bomb 7 at Close Friends
Haste Concoction 4
Create Augmented Golem at Close Friends
Mycotoxin Forumla 7 at Close Friends
Healing Injection 7
Acid Bomb 7 at Close Friends
Freezing Mist 7 at Close Friends
Healing Mist 7
Toxic Irritant 7
Mutation: Stretchy Spine 4
Mutation: Knee Spikes 7
Mutation: Extra Skin 7
Mutation: Extra Heart 7
Mutation: Extra Toes 4
Toxin Bomb 8
Healing Injection 8
Create Superior Golem
Mycotoxin Formula 8
Acid Bomb 8
Freezing Mist 8
Healing Mist 8
Astounding First Aid Kit