Arthropod Anatomy
Arthropod Anatomy
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300px Knowledge of the physiology of the physiology of spiders, insects, and scorpions.
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Skill Type: | Anatomy Skill
Max Level: | 50
Requirements: | Anatomy
Skill Trainers: | None
“All hat-wearing mantises are intelligent to some degree.— Loading screen
Arthropod Anatomy Overview
Arthropod Anatomy is a sub-skill of Anatomy that grants knowledge on the physiology of spiders, insects, and scorpions.
In-Game Description
Knowledge of the physiology of spiders, insects, and scorpions.
Known Creatures
- Akhisa's Herald
- Azalak
- Beehive
- Casino Greeter
- Irkima
- Kib the Unkillable
- Kuzavek
- Legs
- Mandibles
- Qatik
- Strange Spider
- Tavilak
- Teleportation Attendant
- Yavazek
- Zeratak
- Adolescent Storm Spider
- Aktaari Princess
- Aktaari Queen
- Biggish Tornado Spider
- Chitterface
- Elzehatl
- Fluffy
- Gazluk Clutchmaster
- Gluzax
- Imarak
- Levaxika the Sculptor
- Mama Scorpion
- Megaspider
- Omegaspider
- Sherzat
- Spiderlord
- Stove
- Superspider
- The Big Widow
- The Problem Spider
- Utimak The Introverted
- Vemuta the Lecturer
- Venenae
- Wind Crawler
- Acclimated Mantis
- Acid Spider
- Aktaari Guardian
- Aktaari Royal Guard
- Aktaari Swarmer
- Aktaari Swarmling
- Aktaari Worker
- Augmented Mantis Slave
- Baby Black Widow
- Baby Huntsman Spider
- Baby Spider
- Big Egg
- Black Widow Spider
- Blinding Wasp
- Bloodhunter Bee
- Creature Template
- Crusher Spider
- Decently-Scary Scorpion
- Deep Wasp
- Demonic Scorpion
- Drunk Urak
- Egg-Laying Spider
- Evil Spider Gang Member
- Fae Bee
- Fire Spider
- Freeze Wasp
- Gaz-Urak
- Giant Beer Beetle
- Giant Beetle
- Grass Spider
- Gripjaw Spider
- Guardian Wasp
- Huntsman Spider
- Injector Beast
- Injector Bug
- Mantis Art Guard
- Mantis Brood Guard
- Mantis Genius
- Mantis Mentalist
- Mantis Teacher
- Mantis True Believer
- Mot-Urak
- Ogatun-Urak
- Opportunistic Blinding Wasp
- Opportunistic Turret Wasp
- Psychic Mantis
- Psychic Mantis Spy
- User:Ransel/Sandbox
- Reaper Spider
- Refraction Spider
- Reinforced Spider
- Sandhunter Scorpion
- Sentry Spider
- Simple Mantis
- Smallish Scorpion
- Stair Mantis
- Summoned Guardian
- Tor-Urak
- Tornado Spider
- Tropical Spider
- Tun-Urak
- Tunnel Scorpion
- Turret Wasp
- Venom Spider
- Vol-Urak
- War Scorpion
- Young Mantis
Arthropod Anatomy Mechanics
Maximum Level to Earn XP by Foe
If the player exceeds this Level of Arthropod Anatomy, the foe in question will stop rewarding XP in Arthropod Anatomy. This list is a work in progress.
Arthropod Anatomy Level Up Rewards
Level | Reward |
1 | +1 to Anatomy Basic Combat Info Shown |
5 | More Combat Info Shown |
6 | Butchering yields extra bones: +2% |
7 | Skinning yields exotic items: +2% |
8 | Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% |
9 | Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% |
10 | Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% |
12 | Butchering yields extra bones: +2% (total 4%) |
13 | +1 to Spider |
14 | Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 4%) |
15 | +1 to Anatomy |
16 | Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 2%) |
18 | Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 6%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 6%) |
20 | Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 2%) |
21 | Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 6%) |
24 | Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 3%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 8%) |
25 | +1 to Anatomy More Combat Info Shown |
27 | Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 9%) |
28 | Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 8%) |
30 | Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 3%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 10%) |
32 | Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 4%) |
35 | Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 10%) |
36 | Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 12%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 12%) |
40 | Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 4%) Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 5%) |
41 | +1 to Spider |
42 | Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 12%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 14%) |
45 | +1 to Anatomy Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 15%) |
48 | Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 6%) Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 16%) |
49 | Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 14%) |
50 | More Combat Info Shown; Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 5%) |