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Swamp Gourd

Revision as of 17:33, 27 September 2021 by AllyBot (talk | contribs) (Using_in_Recipes: Bot added info for game version v349, bot version 115. Contact User:Alleryn for issues concerning this bot edit.)

Swamp Gourd
Gourmand 0
A large gourd full of sticky bitter mush. (This is a snack. Snacks stack with meal foods; you can eat one of each and get the benefits of both.)
Max Power +15
Health Regen +48 per update
Power Regen +30 per update
Health Regen +6 per update (in combat)
Power Regen +9 per update (in combat)
Metabolism Regen +1 per update
Lasts 1 hour (plus Gourmand bonus)
Snack Level 15
Value: 200

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Obtaining through Bartering




Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Lvl Name Ingredients Results
30 Swamp Balm icon_6445.png Swamp Gourd x1
icon_6406.png Tentakiller Gland x1
icon_6409.png Kuvou Poison Sack x1
icon_5894.png Swamp Balm x5
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
68 Beast in the Tub icon_6414.png Hexameat x1
icon_5036.png Catfish Fillet x2
icon_6445.png Swamp Gourd x1
icon_6223.png Beast in the Tub x2
70 Baked Swamp Gourd icon_6445.png Swamp Gourd x2
icon_5041.png Flour x2
icon_6279.png Basil x1
icon_6227.png Rattus Root x1
icon_5127.png Baked Swamp Gourd x2
70 Swamp Gourd Fries icon_6445.png Swamp Gourd x2
icon_6227.png Rattus Root x1
icon_5013.png Salt x4
icon_5779.png Dwarfnut Oil x1
icon_5861.png Swamp Gourd Fries x2
80 Povus Coffee icon_5765.png Coffee Beans x3
icon_6445.png Swamp Gourd x1
icon_6431.png Povus Gur-Horta Leaves x1
icon_6412.png Snail x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_6386.png Povus Coffee x3
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x2


NPC Location Preferences
Hogan Hogan's Keep in Eltibule Loves (Fruits : 80*)
Hiral The Fairy Tree in Sun Vale Loves (Fruits : 80*)
Red The Fox Outpost in Kur Likes (Fruits : 80*)
Barnaby The Sacred Grotto in Kur Likes (Fruits : 80*)
Aralorn The Animal Outpost in Gazluk Likes (Fruits : 80*)
Tangle The Sacred Grotto in Kur Likes (Fruits : 80*)
Rubi The Sacred Grotto in Kur Likes (Fruits : 80*)
Cassie The Sacred Grotto in Kur Likes (Fruits : 80*)
Ragabir Red Wing Casino Likes (Alchemy Ingredients)
Mandibles Red Wing Casino Likes (Cooking Ingredients)
Rita Serbule Keep in Serbule Dislikes (Food Items)

*Swamp Gourd has an effective value different from its base value (200) when gifted as a member of this item category.

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment


Other Uses
