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Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the Alchemy skill.

Lvl Name XP Bonus XP Ingredients Results [Collapse] Description
0 Bone Meal (from Any Bone) 10 100 Any Bone x1 icon_5292.png Bone Meal x1 Turn old bones into powder. Bone meal has uses in Alchemy, Gardening, and Necromancy.
0 Bone Meal (from Humanoid Skull) 10 100 Humanoid Skull x1 icon_5292.png Bone Meal x2 Turn old bones into powder. Bone meal has uses in Alchemy, Gardening, and Necromancy.
0 Mycena Mushroom Suspension 10 40 icon_5016.png Mycena Mushroom Flakes x2
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5146.png Mycena Mushroom Suspension x1 Creates a rather murky heterogeneous mixture of mushroom bits in water.
0 Parasol Mushroom Suspension 10 40 icon_5016.png Parasol Mushroom Flakes x2
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5145.png Parasol Mushroom Suspension x1 Creates a rather murky heterogeneous mixture of mushroom bits in water.
0 Pick-Me-Up Juice 10 100 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_5016.png Parasol Mushroom Flakes x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x1
icon_5154.png Pick-Me-Up Juice x1 Helps you see the positive side of any situation. Great for depressed people! (Caution: may be addictive.) Also boosts maximum health by +10 for 60 minutes.
0 Poison Resistance 10 100 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5082.png Giant Spider Leg x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x1
icon_5022.png Potato x1
icon_5155.png Poison Resistance Potion x1 For one hour, all poison damage is reduced by 5, potentially suppressing the poison entirely.
0 Rotten Strawberry 10 100 icon_5066.png Large Strawberry x1
icon_5022.png Potato x1
icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_5164.png Rotten Strawberry x1 Turn a perfectly good strawberry into a perfectly bad one. Magic? No! It's alchemy!
0 Thin Cranium Lotion 10 100 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5073.png Spiderweb x1
icon_5684.png Basic Spore Bomb x1
icon_5152.png Thin Cranium Lotion x1 Rub this lotion into your scalp to increase your brainpower.
5 Basic Volatile Ink 20 80 icon_5888.png Basic Ink x5
icon_5015.png Fire Dust x1
icon_5884.png Basic Volatile Ink x5 Ink infused with fiery chemicals. Used by sigil scripters to create deadly runes. (Creates 5 doses.)
5 Bleeding Speed Potion 20 80 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5036.png Clownfish Fillet x1
icon_5015.png Fire Dust x1
icon_5158.png Bleeding Speed Potion x1 A thick blue paste that accelerates the leg muscles beyond their natural capacity.
5 Boletus Mushroom Suspension 20 80 icon_5017.png Boletus Mushroom Flakes x2
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5147.png Boletus Mushroom Suspension x1 Creates a rather murky heterogeneous mixture of mushroom bits in water.
5 Cranium Powder 20 80 icon_5990.png Brain Bug Lobe x1
icon_5022.png Potato x1
icon_5167.png Brain x1
icon_5279.png Cranium Powder x1 Powdered brains of psychic creatures. A choice drug for psychics.
5 Fire Resistance 20 80 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5015.png Fire Dust x1
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5154.png Fire Resistance Potion x1 For one hour, all fire damage is reduced by 5, potentially eliminating the damage entirely.
5 Floral Soap 20 80 icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5042.png Bluebell x2
icon_5043.png Red Aster x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x3
icon_5992.png Floral Soap x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
Create a small bar of beautiful-smelling soap.
5 Rage Ointment 20 80 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5237.png Beak x1
icon_5155.png Rage Ointment x1 For 15 minutes, your attacks cause double Rage to enemies, allowing them to use their Rage attacks more often.
7 Basic Holistic Ink 28 112 icon_5888.png Basic Ink x3
icon_5076.png Antler x1
icon_5885.png Basic Holistic Ink x3 Ink infused with many chemicals. It has many uses, but is most prominently used by sigil scripters to create restorative runes. (Creates 3 doses.)
9 Basic Caustic Ink 36 144 icon_5888.png Basic Ink x5
icon_5054.png Basic Fish Scales x1
icon_5886.png Basic Caustic Ink x5 Ink infused with deadly chemicals. It has several uses, but is most commonly used by sigil scripters to create destructive runes. (Creates 5 doses.)
10 Cold Resistance 40 160 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5198.png Piece of Green Glass x1
icon_5081.png Nightmare Flesh x1
icon_5153.png Cold Resistance Potion x1 For one hour, all cold damage is reduced by 5, potentially eliminating the damage entirely, and Max Body Heat is raised by 30.
10 Dirt Shield Potion 40 160 icon_5180.png Quality Tannin Powder x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x1
icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5164.png Rotten Strawberry x1
icon_5155.png Dirt Shield Potion x1 Keeps you magically clean! Tastes like mint!
10 Electricity Resistance 40 160 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5194.png Brass Nail x1
icon_5034.png Eel Fillet x1
icon_5158.png Electricity Resistance Potion x1 For one hour, all electricity damage is reduced by 5, potentially eliminating the damage entirely.
10 Field Mushroom Suspension 40 160 Field Mushroom Flakes x2
Bottle of Water x1
Field Mushroom Suspension x1 Creates a rather murky heterogeneous mixture of mushroom bits in water.
10 Make-Me-Strong Juice 40 160 Bottle of Water x1
Mycena Mushroom Flakes x1
Heart x1
Sugar x10
Make-Me-Strong Juice x1 Boosts maximum health by +20 for 30 minutes.
10 Memory Inhibitor 40 160 Piece of Green Glass x1
Blusher Mushroom Suspension x1
Potato Cubes x1
Bottle of Milk x1
Memory Inhibitor x2 For 60 minutes, all earned combat XP will be reduced by half. Creates 2 potions.
10 Perfect Memory Inhibitor 40 160 Memory Inhibitor x1
Peridot x1
Strange Dirt x1
Bottle of Water x1
Perfect Memory Inhibitor x2 For 2 hours, all earned combat XP will be reduced to zero. Creates 2 potions.
10 Pineal Juice 40 160 Brain x1
Bottle of Milk x1
Thin Cranium Lotion x1
Pineal Juice x1
Empty Bottle x2
The enchanted and ground-up pineal glands of intelligent creatures, in a sweet syrupy liquid.
10 Water Lung Potion 40 160 Bottle of Water x1
Basic Fish Scales x1
Parasol Mushroom Flakes x1
Wool x1
Water Lung Potion x1
Empty Bottle x1
Creates a potion that dramatically increases the time you can spend underwater without drowning.
10 Weak Poisoned Knife 40 160 Bottle of Milk x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Rotten Strawberry x1
Weak Poisoned Knife x5
Empty Bottle x1
A small sharp blade coated in a thick black goo. This item is used by the Poison Blade ability.
12 Bounceweed 48 192 Grass x1
Strange Dirt x1
Basic Fish Scales x1
Bounceweed x1 A packet of strange chemicals wrapped in a leaf. It's said that some sentient animals find this drug irresistible.
13 Rotten Meat 52 208 Rotten Strawberry x1
Sugar x1
Cheap Meat x10 x10
Rotten Meat x10 Rots a big stack of perfectly good meat.
15 Advanced Volatile Ink 60 240 Advanced Ink x5
Fire Dust x1
Advanced Volatile Ink x5 Ink infused with fiery chemicals. Used by sigil scripters to create deadly runes. (Creates 5 doses.)
15 Blusher Mushroom Suspension 60 240 Blusher Mushroom Flakes x2
Bottle of Water x1
Blusher Mushroom Suspension x1 Creates a rather murky heterogeneous mixture of mushroom bits in water.
15 Coldbite Potion 60 240 Ice Core x1
Bottle of Fertilizer x1
Piece of Green Glass x1
Coldbite Potion x1 A potion that boosts Cold Magic damage by 1 for an hour.

NOTE: unlike most Alchemy potions, you can't reuse the glass bottle after drinking this potion. The ice core inevitably cracks the bottle.
15 Psychic Resistance Potion 60 240 Pickled Brain x1
Red Apple x1
Strange Dirt x1
Bottle of Water x1
Psychic Resistance Potion x1 Creates a potion that reduces Psychic damage by 5 for 15 minutes.
15 Pure Cranium Powder 60 240 Brain Bug Lobe x2
Onion x2
Pure Cranium Powder x1 Powdered brains of psychic creatures. A choice drug for psychics. This batch is 99% pure frontal cortex.
15 Rage Inhibitor 60 240 Memory Inhibitor x1
Rage Ointment x1
Salt x1
Rage Inhibitor x1
Empty Bottle x1
For 15 minutes, your attacks cause 25% less Rage, preventing enemies from using their Rage attacks as often.
15 Thick Cranium Lotion 60 240 Bottle of Water x1
Spiderweb x1
Potent Spore Bomb x1
Thick Cranium Lotion x1 Rub this lotion into your scalp to increase your brainpower.
15 Toxinflesh Ointment 60 240 Bottle of Water x1
Sugar x1
Piece of Green Glass x1
Beak x1
Toxic Sludge x1
Toxinflesh Ointment x1 For 15 minutes, all Poison attacks you make will deal +5 extra damage.
17 Advanced Holistic Ink 68 272 Advanced Ink x3
Rib Bone x1
Advanced Holistic Ink x3 Ink infused with many chemicals. It has many uses, but is most prominently used by sigil scripters to create restorative runes. (Creates 3 doses.)
19 Advanced Caustic Ink 76 304 Advanced Ink x5
Basic Fish Scales x2
Advanced Caustic Ink x5 Ink infused with deadly chemicals. It has several uses, but is most commonly used by sigil scripters to create destructive runes. (Creates 5 doses.)
19 Aiming Potion 76 304 Feathers x1
Mind Enhancement Gem x1
Bottle of Water x1
Aiming Potion x1
Empty Bottle x1
For 15 minutes, any critical hits deal +10% damage.
20 Acid Boost Potion 80 320 Pickled Brain x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Peppercorns x1
Bottle of Milk x1
Acid Boost Potion x1 Creates a potion that boosts your acid attacks by 5 for 15 minutes.
20 Agonizing Speed Potion 80 320 Bottle of Water x1
Perch Fillet x1
Fire Dust x1
Sugar x1
Agonizing Speed Potion x1 A super-thick blue paste that accelerates the leg muscles far beyond their natural capacity.
20 Ferocity Juice 80 320 Ambient Magic Sponge x1
Mind Enhancement Gem x1
Toxic Sludge x1
Ferocity Juice x1 For 15 minutes, all your attacks will deal +10 damage, but your Max Power will be reduced by 50.
20 Hulking Gel 80 320 Bottle of Water x1
Cabbage x1
Parasol Mushroom Flakes x1
Hulking Gel x1 This smelly gel will hyper-accelerate your heart. What could go wrong?
20 Milk Cap Mushroom Suspension 80 320 Milk Cap Mushroom Powder x2
Bottle of Water x1
Milk Cap Mushroom Suspension x1 Creates a rather murky heterogeneous mixture of mushroom bits in water.
20 Modest Poisoned Knife 80 320 Bottle of Milk x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Sugar x1
Strange Dirt x1
Modest Poisoned Knife x5
Empty Bottle x1
A small sharp blade coated in a thick black goo. This item is used by the Poison Blade 2 ability.
20 Myconian Resistance Lager 80 320 Blusher Mushroom Suspension x1
Parasol Mushroom x5
Wolfsbane x1
Bottle of Water x1
Myconian Resistance Lager x2 For 15 minutes, all Nature damage is reduced by 5, potentially eliminating the damage entirely. Creates 2 potions.
20 Pure Pineal Juice 80 320 Brain x2
Bottle of Milk x1
Thick Cranium Lotion x1
Pure Pineal Juice x1
Empty Bottle x2
The enchanted and ground-up pineal glands of intelligent creatures. No syrup added, just pure pineal juice.
21 Modest Wolfsbaned Knife 84 336 Bottle of Milk x1
Rotten Strawberry x1
Wolfsbane x1
Modest Wolfsbaned Knife x5
Empty Bottle x1
A small sharp blade coated in a toxic goo that's especially deadly to wolves and lycanthropes. This item is used by the Wolfsbane Blade ability.
24 Northern Bounceweed 96 384 Cabbage x1
Tuft of Fur x1
Fire Dust x1
Northern Bounceweed x1 A packet of strange chemicals wrapped in a leaf. It's said that some sentient animals find this drug irresistible.
25 Acid Resist Potion 100 400 Augmented Mantis Claw x1
Potent Acidic Cleanser x1
Field Mushroom Suspension x1
Acid Resist Potion x1 For 15 minutes, all acid damage is reduced by 5, potentially eliminating the damage entirely.
25 Blood Mushroom Suspension 100 400 Blood Mushroom Powder x2
Bottle of Water x1
Blood Mushroom Suspension x1 Creates a rather murky heterogeneous mixture of mushroom bits in water.
25 Enhanced Cranium Powder 100 400 Brain Bug Lobe x2
Fire Dust x1
Femur x1
Enhanced Cranium Powder x1 Powdered brains of psychic creatures. A choice drug for psychics. This batch has been enhanced with secret chemicals.
25 Expert Volatile Ink 100 400 Expert Ink x5
Fire Dust x1
Expert Volatile Ink x5 Ink infused with fiery chemicals. Used by sigil scripters to create deadly runes. (Creates 5 doses.)
25 Gruesome Spooky Punch 100 400 Zombified Hand x1
Cat Eyeball x4
Brain x1
Sugar x1
Bottle of Milk x1
Gruesome Spooky Punch x1
Empty Bottle x1
Create a horrific concoction that is the life of any party.
25 Keep-Me-Alive Juice 100 400 Bottle of Water x1
Boletus Mushroom Flakes x1
Cat Eyeball x1
Muntok Peppercorns x1
Keep-Me-Alive Juice x1 Boosts maximum health by +30 for 30 minutes.
25 Persona Reducer Potion 100 400 Blusher Mushroom x1
Pyrite x1
Ice Core x1
Persona Reducer Potion x1 For 15 minutes, all your attacks will seem to do 10% less damage to the target for purposes of determining who the target chooses to attack. (As a result, it may choose to attack someone else, unless nobody else is around.)
25 Strong Electricity Resistance 100 400 Bottle of Water x1
Brass Nail x1
Eel Fillet x1
Fulgurite x1
Strong Electricity Resistance Potion x1 For 15 minutes, all electricity damage is reduced by 10, potentially eliminating the damage entirely.
25 Weak Acidic Cleanser (Mineral Recipe) 100 400 Bottle of Water x3
Pyrite x1
Fuel Oil x1
Weak Acidic Cleanser x3 Creates 3 jars of acid. Use it to clean a gem before cutting it, or to scrub armor clean. You can also drink it, or bathe in it, but that would be pretty damned stupid.

NOTE: unlike most Alchemy potions, you can't reuse the glass bottle that acid is stored in. The bottle is ruined by the acid when the acid is used.
25 Weak Acidic Cleanser (Organic Recipe) 100 400 Bottle of Water x2
Rotten Strawberry x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Weak Acidic Cleanser x2 Creates 2 jars of acid. Use it to clean a gem before cutting it, or to scrub armor clean. You can also drink it, or bathe in it, but that would be pretty damned stupid.

NOTE: unlike most Alchemy potions, you can't reuse the glass bottle that acid is stored in. The bottle is ruined by the acid when the acid is used.
27 Expert Holistic Ink 108 432 Expert Ink x3
Powdered Mammal x1
Expert Holistic Ink x3 Ink infused with many chemicals. It has many uses, but is most prominently used by sigil scripters to create restorative runes. (Creates 3 doses.)
29 Expert Caustic Ink 116 464 Expert Ink x5
Basic Fish Scales x2
Expert Caustic Ink x5 Ink infused with deadly chemicals. It has several uses, but is most commonly used by sigil scripters to create destructive runes. (Creates 5 doses.)
30 Acid Shield Potion 120 480 Acid Resist Potion x1
Toxic Sludge x1
Violet x1
Acid Shield Potion x1 For 15 minutes, all acid damage is reduced by 5, potentially eliminating the damage entirely. In addition, any enemies that strike you take 25 acid damage.
30 Coldgnaw Potion 120 480 Ice Core x1
Fire Dust x1
Bottle of Fertilizer x1
Coldgnaw Potion x1 A potion that boosts Cold Magic damage by 2 for an hour.

NOTE: unlike most Alchemy potions, you can't reuse the glass bottle after drinking this potion. The ice cores inevitably crack the bottle.
30 Coral Mushroom Suspension 120 480 Coral Mushroom Powder x2
Bottle of Water x1
Coral Mushroom Suspension x1 Creates a rather murky heterogeneous mixture of mushroom bits in water.
30 Dangerous Poisoned Knife 120 480 Bottle of Milk x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Flour x1
Antler x1
Dangerous Poisoned Knife x5
Empty Bottle x1
A small sharp blade coated in a thick black goo. This item is used by the Poison Blade 3 ability.
30 Enhanced Pineal Juice 120 480 Brain x3
Bottle of Milk x1
Beet x1
Willpower Gel x1
Enhanced Pineal Juice x1
Empty Bottle x2
The enchanted and ground-up pineal glands of intelligent creatures, mixed with a secret catalyst for added effect.
30 Fire Shield Potion 120 480 Fire Resistance Potion x1
Sulfur x1
Fire Dust x1
Fire Shield Potion x1 For 15 minutes, all fire damage is reduced by 5, potentially eliminating the damage entirely. In addition, any enemies that strike you take 25 fire damage.
30 Iocaine Suspension 120 480 Iocaine Powder x2
Bottle of Water x1
Iocaine Suspension x1 Creates a rather murky heterogeneous mixture of mushroom bits in water.
30 Potent Acidic Cleanser (Mineral Recipe) 120 480 Bottle of Water x3
Tungsten x1
Simple Metal Slab x1
Potent Acidic Cleanser x3 Creates 3 jars of acid. Use it to clean feathers for archery, or other weird things. You can also drink it, or bathe in it, but that would be pretty damned stupid.

NOTE: unlike most Alchemy potions, you can't reuse the glass bottle that acid is stored in. The bottle is ruined by the acid when the acid is used.
30 Potent Acidic Cleanser (Organic Recipe) 120 480 Bottle of Water x1
Antler x1
Piece of Green Glass x1
Potent Acidic Cleanser x1 Creates a jar of acid. Use it to clean feathers for archery, or other weird things. You can also drink it, or bathe in it, but that would be pretty damned stupid.

NOTE: unlike most Alchemy potions, you can't reuse the glass bottle that acid is stored in. The bottle is ruined by the acid when the acid is used.
30 Willpower Gel 120 480 Bottle of Water x1
Beet x1
Parasol Mushroom Flakes x1
Willpower Gel x1 This smelly gel will overclock your brain. What could go wrong?
31 Amazingly Volatile Ink 124 496 Amazing Ink x5
Fire Dust x1
Amazingly Volatile Ink x5 Ink infused with fiery chemicals. Used by sigil scripters to create deadly runes. (Creates 5 doses.)
35 Amazing Holistic Ink 140 560 Amazing Ink x3
Giant Hairball x1
Advanced Wood Glue x1
Amazing Holistic Ink x3 Ink infused with many chemicals. It has many uses, but is most prominently used by sigil scripters to create restorative runes. (Creates 3 doses.)
35 Persona Minimizer Potion 140 560 Milk Cap Mushroom x1
Persona Reducer Potion x1
Persona Minimizer Potion x1 For 15 minutes, all your attacks will seem to do 25% less damage to the target for purposes of determining who the target chooses to attack. (As a result, it may choose to attack someone else, unless nobody else is around.)
35 Rage Inhibitor Extreme 140 560 Rage Inhibitor x1
Crab Meat x1
Femur x1
Rage Inhibitor Extreme x1 For 15 minutes, your attacks cause 50% less Rage, preventing enemies from using their Rage attacks as often.
35 Sanguinizer 140 560 Tuft of Fur x1
Fire Dust x1
Stringy Dog Meat x1
Humanoid Skull x1
Sanguinizer x1 For 15 minutes, all your Lycanthropy attacks will deal +10% damage. The secret ingredient: your own cursed saliva.
35 Strong Acid Resistance 140 560 Augmented Mantis Claw x1
Potent Acidic Cleanser x1
Pyrite x1
Field Mushroom Suspension x1
Strong Acid Resistance Potion x1 For 15 minutes, all acid damage is reduced by 10, potentially eliminating the damage entirely.
35 Ultimate Acidic Cleanser (Mineral Recipe) 140 560 Bottle of Water x4
Cinnabar x1
Iridium x1
Ultimate Acidic Cleanser x4 Creates 4 jars of acid. Use it to clean a gem before cutting it, or to scrub armor clean. You can also drink it, or bathe in it, but that would be pretty damned stupid.

NOTE: unlike most Alchemy potions, you can't reuse the glass bottle that acid is stored in. The bottle is ruined by the acid when the acid is used.
35 Ultimate Acidic Cleanser (Organic Recipe) 140 560 Bottle of Water x2
Toxic Sludge x1
Sulfur x1
Ultimate Acidic Cleanser x2 Creates 2 jars of acid. Use it to clean a gem before cutting it, or to scrub armor clean. You can also drink it, or bathe in it, but that would be pretty damned stupid.

NOTE: unlike most Alchemy potions, you can't reuse the glass bottle that acid is stored in. The bottle is ruined by the acid when the acid is used.
35 Wolfen Speed Juice 140 560 Tuft of Fur x1
Magic Tooth x1
Bottle of Milk x1
Salt x1
Wolfen Speed Juice x1
Empty Bottle x1
A potion that boosts your speed. Side effects include hanging your tongue out of your mouth while you run, though, so watch for that.
36 Pure Bounceweed 144 576 Cabbage x1
Myconian Jelly x1
Fire Dust x1
Pure Bounceweed x1 A packet of strange chemicals wrapped in a leaf. It's said that some sentient animals find this drug irresistible.
40 Amazing Caustic Ink 160 640 Amazing Ink x5
Basic Fish Scales x2
Advanced Wood Glue x1
Amazingly Caustic Ink x5 Ink infused with deadly chemicals. It has several uses, but is most commonly used by sigil scripters to create destructive runes. (Creates 5 doses.)
40 Cranium Balm 160 640 Brain Bug Lobe x1
Willpower Gel x1
Heartshroom x1
Mind Enhancement Gem x1
Cranium Balm x1
Empty Bottle x1
A substance made of cranium powder, mixed with chemicals that alter its effect.
40 Gur-Horta 160 640 Myconian Jelly x1
Tuft of Fur x1
Sugar x1
Gur-Horta x1 Boosts maximum sidebar slots by +1 for 2 hours.
40 Never-Die Juice 160 640 Bottle of Sweet Whey x1
Field Mushroom Flakes x1
Brain x1
Fire Dust x1
Never-Die Juice x1 Boosts maximum health by +40 for 30 minutes.
40 Potent Poisoned Knife 160 640 Bottle of Milk x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Rotten Strawberry x1
Ancient Bronze Coin x1
Potent Poisoned Knife x5
Empty Bottle x1
A small sharp blade coated in a thick black goo. This item is used by the Poison Blade 4 ability.
40 Superjump Potion 160 640 Thick Cranium Lotion x1
Magic Tooth x1
Sardonyx x1
Superjump Potion x1 For 2 minutes, you'll be able to leap high into the sky!
40 Swimming Potion 160 640 Bottle of Water x1
Milk Cap Mushroom Powder x1
Shark Fillet x1
Flour x1
Swimming Potion x1 A potion that accelerates your underwater fast-movement speed.
41 Potent Wolfsbaned Knife 164 656 Bottle of Milk x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Wolfsbane x1
Potent Wolfsbaned Knife x5
Empty Bottle x1
A small sharp blade coated in a toxic goo that's especially deadly to wolves and lycanthropes. This item is used by the Wolfsbane Blade 2 ability.
45 Blood Seeker Ointment 180 720 Fire Dust x1
Magic Tooth x1
Dog Meat x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Blood Seeker Ointment x1 For 15 minutes, all your Lycanthropy attacks will deal +20% damage. This advanced version of the so-called Sanguinizer potion can only be made during the full moon.
45 Coldrend Potion 180 720 Ice Core x1
Sulfur x1
Bottle of Fertilizer x1
Coldrend Potion x1 A potion that boosts Cold Magic damage by 3 for an hour.

NOTE: unlike most Alchemy potions, you can't reuse the glass bottle after drinking this potion. The ice cores inevitably crack the bottle.
45 Concentrated Wolfen Speed Juice 180 720 Wolfen Speed Juice x1
Nightmare Flesh x1
Femur x1
Concentrated Wolfen Speed Juice x1 A potion that boosts your speed. Side effects include hanging your tongue out of your mouth while you run, though, so watch for that.
45 Faux Pineal Juice 180 720 Brain x1
Bottle of Milk x1
Lemon x2
Faux Pineal Juice x1
Empty Bottle x1
A lemony liquid designed to counter the effects of severe Pineal Gland abuse.
48 Augmented Bounceweed 192 768 Broccoli x1
Evil Grass x1
Sulfur x1
Flour x10
Augmented Bounceweed x1 A packet of strange chemicals wrapped in a leaf. It's said that some sentient animals find this drug irresistible.
50 Cauldron of Vile Thoughts 200 800 Tiger Tail x2
Kraken Tendril x1
Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
Flour x10
Bottle of Milk x1
Humanoid Skull x1
Cauldron of Vile Thoughts x1
Empty Bottle x1
The liquid in this cauldron is sure to cause hallucinations and may bring out latent magic effects in unpredictable ways. It's insanely dangerous.
50 Deadly Poisoned Knife 200 800 Bottle of Milk x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Grass x1
Potato x1
Nightmare Flesh x1
Deadly Poisoned Knife x5
Empty Bottle x1
A small sharp blade coated in a thick black goo. This item is used by the Poison Blade 5 ability.
50 Heinous Wolfsbaned Knife 200 800 Bottle of Milk x1
Giant Spider Leg x1
Potato x1
Wolfsbane x1
Heinous Wolfsbaned Knife x5
Empty Bottle x1
A small sharp blade coated in a toxic goo that's especially deadly to wolves and lycanthropes. This item is used by the Wolfsbane Blade 3 ability.
50 Mercury 200 800 Cinnabar x1
Explosive Runestone x1
Mercury x5 Brew five vials of mercury.