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A small spindle of cotton string.
Value: 10

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Textile Creation [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
13 String (from Cotton) icon_5361.png Carded Cotton x1 icon_5312.png String x1
13 String (from Spiderweb) icon_5073.png Spiderweb x1 icon_5312.png String x1

Obtaining through Bartering




Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Artistry [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
0 Large Confetti Bomb icon_5015.png Fire Dust x2
icon_5306.png Good Parchment x2
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5522.png Large Confetti Bomb x20
Candle Making [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
20 Crude Wick icon_5312.png String x3
icon_6372.png Crude Tallow x1
icon_6364.png Crude Wick x3
40 Nice Wick icon_5363.png Fine Cotton Yarn x1
icon_5312.png String x2
icon_6373.png Nice Tallow x1
icon_6365.png Nice Wick x3
Carpentry [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
72 Amazing Calligraphy Bench icon_5698.png Spruce Wood x2
icon_5096.png Strong Nails x12
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x2
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5095.png Amazing Calligraphy Bench x1
81 Astounding Calligraphy Bench icon_5698.png Spruce Wood x3
icon_5096.png Strong Nails x12
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x2
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5989.png Wool x1
icon_5095.png Astounding Calligraphy Bench x1
Fishing [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
10 Ice Fishing Gear (5m) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1 (!)
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5082.png Giant Spider Leg x1
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (5 min) x1
18 Ice Fishing Gear (30m) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1 (!)
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5223.png Raw Chicken x1
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (30 min) x1
25 Ice Fishing Gear (2h) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1 (!)
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_6203.png Venison x1
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (2 hour) x1
35 Ice Fishing Gear (4h) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1 (!)
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_5081.png Nightmare Flesh x1 (!)
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (4 hour) x1
45 Ice Fishing Gear (8h) icon_5094.png Handsaw x1
icon_5312.png String x1
icon_6206.png Pork Shoulder x1
icon_5081.png Nightmare Flesh x1 (!)
icon_5311.png Ice Fishing Gear (8 hour) x1



Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption

Icon Name Consumes Skill Level Consume Chance [Expand] Stick Chance
icon_2135.png  Tame Big Cat String Animal Handling 1 Always Never

Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Fixing Way's Yo-Yo 1 (Collect) One time only Way Neutral Myconian Cave in Serbule
A Weighty Repair 1 (Collect) One time only Pickles Neutral The Sacred Grotto in Kur
Event: Bonus - Raim Needs String 50 (Collect) One time only Raim Unknown Red Wing Casino

Other Uses
