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Charles Thompson

Revision as of 09:44, 15 April 2017 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (Services)
Button Blue.png
Charles Thompson
Charles Thompson (npc).jpg
He has a broad smile.
Tent to the southwest.
Beast Speak:
Skill Trainer:
Mycology, Alchemy
[[Category:Serbule NPCs]]

Ah, you've returned! Care to sample some myconutmeg? Perfectly safe! As far as I can tell.

Charles Thompson is a human banned from Serbule Keep by Sir Coth. He is an alchemist who has interests in Dye Making and Mycology. If you befriend Charles Thompson, he will grant you permission to speak with his automation, the Dye Monster. He recently visited the City of Rahu to purchase Aquamarine Dye.


Southwest area on way to Serbule Crypt. He's in a tent.

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • Mushrooms
  • Bones
  • Potions
  • Drugs
  • Animal Remnants

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Comfortable 150 7,500
Friends 300 15,000
Close Friends 450 20,000
Best Friends 636 35,000
Like Family 45,000
Soul Mates 60,000


Charles Thompson sells rather... interesting potions that all have a downside:

 75 councils   [Neutral] 
 157 councils   [Neutral] 
 60 councils   [Comfortable] 
 [above Comfortable] 
 [above Comfortable] 

Small Talk

  • Likes Mushrooms of all Types
  • Likes Combat Beakers and Flasks
  • Likes Rare Alchemy Recipes


  • The Mythical Heartshroom [?Req'd Favor Level?]: Obtain 2 Heartshrooms Hint
  • Talk to Jack : Talk with Mushroom Jack and return. Hint
  • Strange Dirt : Obtain strange dirt. Hint
  • Giant Mushroom Sample : Obtain giant mushroom sample. Hint


Recipe: Myconutmeg
Recipe: Dimensional Folder
Recipe: Ruggedizer
Recipe: Life or Death Potion
Recipe: Thunderclap Potion


Storage - Friends - Only Alchemy Items

Items that are allowed in this storage:

  • Items that can be crafted using alchemy.
    • Exceptions: Mushroom Suspensions, Drugs (Cranium Powders, Pineal Juices)
  • Decoctions and Memory Enhancers, but not most other potions


  • At Friends, 32 slots.
  • At 'Close Friends, ? slots.
  • At Best Friends, 28 slots.