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The exotic art of catching fish with a pole and bait. While primarily an orcish custom, it is catching on among humans as well.
Skill Type:
Trade Skill
Max Level:
Fishing 15
Skill Trainers:

The exotic art of catching fish with a pole and bait. While primarily an orcish custom, it is catching on among humans as well.

Angling Overview

Angling is a traditional orcish art slowly spreading across Alharth, where Fishing with bare hands has long been customary.

In-Game Description

The exotic art of catching fish with a pole and bait. While primarily an orcish custom, it is catching on among humans as well.

Training Angling

Connected Skills

Secondary Skills:


Related Skills:


Synergy Levels:

There are no Bonus Synergy Levels for Angling.


Anglers may encounter a variety of fish and other items while angling.


Angling Complete Ability List

Icon Level Name Description Special Effects Stats [Expand] Source
icon_3859.png 1 Angling (Basic) Cast your fishing rod and catch a fish. Consumes 1 Basic Bait Power Cost: 1
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
icon_3859.png 1 Catch and Release (Basic) Cast your fishing rod and catch a fish, then throw it back. Earn +25% Angling XP. You toss fish back into the water, but keep non-fish items.
Consumes 1 Basic Bait
Power Cost: 1
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
Quest: Angling: Invasive Species
icon_3862.png 1 Fish Juke Juke the fish with quick movement. This counteracts certain conditions encountered while angling. Power Cost: 1
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
icon_3860.png 1 Fish Reel Reel the line in some. This counteracts certain conditions encountered while angling. Power Cost: 1
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
icon_3863.png 1 Fish Troll Let the line out a bit to wear out the fish. This counteracts certain conditions encountered while angling. Power Cost: 1
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
icon_3859.png 30 Angling (Advanced) Cast your fishing rod and catch a fish. Your advanced bait technique will have them biting fast. Fish are hooked 3 seconds faster than basic Angling.
Consumes 1 Good Bait
Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
Quest: Angling: Killer Starfish
Quest: Angling: Unnaturally Cold Waters
icon_3859.png 45 Catch and Release (Advanced) Use your advanced bait technique to quickly catch a fish, then throw it back. Fish are hooked 3 seconds faster than basic Angling. Earn +25% Angling XP. You toss fish back into the water, but keep non-fish items.
Consumes 1 Good Bait
Power Cost: 45
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
Quest: Angling: Toxic Blooms
icon_3859.png 60 Angling (Expert) Cast your fishing rod and catch a fish. No fish can resist your bait for long! Fish are hooked 5 seconds faster than basic Angling, and fish are kept on the hook for 1 extra second.
Consumes 1 Expert Bait
Power Cost: 60
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
Quest: Angling: Too Many Frogs
icon_3859.png 60 Catch and Release (Expert) Use your incredible baiting techniques to rapidly catch a fish, then throw it back. Fish are hooked 5 seconds faster than basic Angling, and fish are kept on the hook for 1 extra second. Earn +25% Angling XP. You toss fish back into the water, but keep non-fish items.
Consumes 1 Expert Bait
Power Cost: 60
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
Quest: Angling: Old Dreadtooth

Recipe Lists

Angling Complete Recipe List

Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the Angling skill.

Lvl Name First-Time XP XP Ingredients Results Description [Expand] Source
15 Basic Bait 240 60 Item-icon-none.png Small Fish x1 icon_6484.png Basic Bait x2
icon_6484.png Basic Bait x1 (!)
icon_6484.png Basic Bait x1 (!)
Chop a small fish up into bait. Quest: Angling: Poison Slug Infestation
Training: Roshun the Traitor
30 Good Bait 480 120 Item-icon-none.png Medium Fish x1 icon_6485.png Good Bait x2
icon_6485.png Good Bait x1 (!)
icon_6485.png Good Bait x1 (!)
icon_6484.png Basic Bait x1 (!)
Chop a medium fish up into bait. Quest: Angling: Killer Starfish
Quest: Angling: Toxic Blooms
Training: Roshun the Traitor
45 Expert Bait 720 180 Item-icon-none.png Large Fish x1 icon_6486.png Expert Bait x2
icon_6486.png Expert Bait x1 (!)
icon_6486.png Expert Bait x1 (!)
icon_6485.png Good Bait x1 (!)
icon_6484.png Basic Bait x1 (!)
Chop a large fish up into bait. Quest: Angling: Old Dreadtooth
Quest: Angling: Too Many Frogs

Angling Mechanics

Equipment Basics

Angling requires the presence of an Angling Pole in your inventory (Roshun the Traitor gives you one when you unlock the Angling skill), as well as bait (Roshun also sells this, but at level 15 in Angling, you can begin making your own bait once trained). (Tip: Making lots of bait out of small fish, including those you can catch with Fishing using your bare hands, such as Clownfish and Grapefish, can be a quick way to level Angling for a while.)

Each bait allows for one line cast. Then you need to stand near a fishable body of water. With the Angling skill in your combat bar, select the "Angling" ability to cast your line.

After a random amount of time, something will appear on the end of the line, and if it is a fish it will be circling.

Assuming it is a fish, wait until a visual particle effect appears on you and/or on the fish. That specific particle effect is associated with one of the three angling commands: Fish Reel, Fish Juke, Fish Troll. You need to deduce through trial and error which particle effect is associated with which angling command. Each specific type of fish has its own three particle effect / angling ability associations, but they are always consistent for the same species of fish. (For example, for Perch, the three associations are purple smoke erupting from your head and lightning above the fish, stack of flowers rising from the fish, and colorful yellow and purple sparkles on both the fish and your pole, corresponding to Reel, Juke, and Troll.)

If you pick the incorrect angling ability, you will hear a buzzer and must wait a few seconds before you can try again. Too many wrong guesses and you will run out of time and the fish escapes. If you pick the correct ability to match the particle effect, a dot under the left side of the Angling countdown bar will fill. Once all the available dots have been filled, you catch the fish (or item) and it is placed in your inventory.

Some items only have one dot, such as low-level crates and "pretend fish." Some angling targets, particularly at higher levels or for special items, will have multiple particle patterns for the same angling skill, so watch out for that.

Equipment Details

Types of Bait

There are three types of bait. Recipes for Basic and Good bait can both be learned from Roshun the Traitor, however both Good and Expert bait recipes can also be learned by completing specific Angling Quests.

  • - The simplest kind of bait that can be used with angling.
  • - A more complex kind of bait that can be used with angling.
  • - The most complex kind of bait that can be used with angling.
Types of Poles
  • - A typical orcish-style fishing device. A very long string is stored on a winchable spool. Bizarre.
Angling Accessories

Fishing Zones

Fishing Zones, sometimes refereed to as Allowed Fishing Zones, are a system used by the game to break up which fish and items can be angled within a zone. Most zones have multiple Fishing Zones. There are 14 Fishing Zones identifiable by quests, these are identified by single-word names. Zones which have spaces in their names are player-identified and do not have associated quests. Some zones are quest-specific and are otherwise identical to their surroundings. An example of this is EltibuleWaterfall and Eltibule West Lake.

  • Serbule Moat - Level 1 (Carp, Minnow)
  • Serbule Docks - Level 1 (Bluegill, Carp, Chub)
Serbule Hills - 2 Fishing Zones
  • Serbule Hills East lake - Level 10 (Lungfish, Papermouth, Perch)
  • Serbule Hills West lake - Level 10 (Bluegill, Grapefish, Perch)

Serbule Hills Angling Map

Eltibule - 4 Fishing Zones
  • Eltibule Waterfall - Level 15 (Oscar, Papermouth, Perch)
  • Eltibule West Lake - Level 15 (Eel, Papermouth, Perch)
  • Eltibule Southeast - Level 20 (Papermouth, Perch, Tilapia)
  • Eltibule Northeast Lakes- Level 30 (Eel, Tilapia, Trout)
Sun Vale - 5 Fishing Zones
  • Northeast Resort Island - Level 25
  • SunValeMainIslandNortheast - Level 35 (Flounder, Pompano, Shark OR Eel)
  • Animal Town Coast - Level 40 (Flounder, Sea Trout, Shark)
  • SunValeRanalonIslandSouth - Level 45 (Mahi Mahi, Sea Trout, Shark, Red Snapper)
  • SunValeMainIslandSouth - Level 50 (Mahi Mahi, Amberjack, Red Snapper)
Kur Mountains - 4 Fishing Zones
  • Northwest Island - Level 10 (Chub, Pinfish)
  • Ice Floats - Level 25 (Eel, Flounder, Pompano)
  • KurMountainsOcean - Level 30 (Eel, Flounder, Pompano)
  • Southern Ocean - Level 35 (Flounder, Pompano, Shark)
Ilmari - 3 Fishing Zones
  • Desert1HotSpring - Level 35 (Dorado, Pike, Trout, Sunfish)
  • South Spring - Level 40 (Pike, Sunfish, Walleye)
  • North Pond - Level 50 (Walleye, Tench and Smallmouth Bass)
Rahu - 4 Fishing Zones
  • RahuDocks - Level 45 (Mahi Mahi, Sea Trout, Shark, Dock Cod)
  • Rahu south bridge - Level 50 (Walleye, Tench and Smallmouth Bass)
  • Rahu City Pond - Level 55 (Walleye, Tench and Smallmouth Bass)
  • Rahu Desert Pond - Level 60 (Catfish, Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Perch)
Povus - 9 Fishing Zones
  • PovusTownProper - Level 50 (Walleye, Tench and Smallmouth Bass)
  • Povus Pier - Level 50 (Tench, Walleye and Mukklo)
  • Povus Small Island West - Level 50 (Smallmouth Bass and Tonguefish)
  • Povus Southwest Bank - Level 50 (Smallmouth Bass, Walleye and Tonguefish)
  • PovusUpperLakesEast - Level 55
  • Povus West Shore - Level 60
  • PovusOrcLandsMain - Level 65
  • Povus Small Island North - Level 65 (River Salmon, Rock Carp and Redfish)
  • Povus South Shore - Level 70


Angling Level Up Rewards

Level [Expand] Reward
1 Gain Ability: Angling (Basic)
3 Learn Recipe: Fish Cakes
10 Learn Recipe: Fried Fish
15 +1 to Fishing
20 Learn Recipe: Fish and Chips
25 Learn Recipe: Fishy Pot Pie
40 Learn Recipe: Fish Sandwich
45 +1 to Fishing
50 Learn Recipe: Fish Tacos
60 Learn Recipe: Beer-Battered Fish
75 +1 to Fishing

Angling Experience Table


Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Angling


  • Angling was introduced in June 2023.
