Fairy Magic Topaz

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Fairy Magic Topaz
A small yellow topaz. An incredibly versatile magical stone. This particular piece has been infused with a rune that attunes it to Fairy Magic, giving crafted items a chance to include one or more Fairy Magic powers (with the rest being Mentalism powers).
Value: 110

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Sigil Scripting [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
25 Fairy Magic Inscription icon_5213.png Topaz x1
icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1 (!)
icon_5213.png Fairy Magic Topaz x1

Obtaining through Bartering



This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Also can be used in any recipes which call for:


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Baroness Marith Felgard Western Serbule Hills Likes (Topazes : 500*)
Azalak The Housing Complex in Northern Serbule Likes (Gems : 200*)
Larsan Serbule Keep in Serbule Likes (Gems : 200*)
Fazzi The Winter Nexus Likes (Orange Crystals)
Preta The Fairy Tree in Sun Vale Likes (Crystals)
Echur Serbule Keep in Serbule Likes (Gems : 200*)
Nightshade The Outpost in Northwestern Kur Likes (Topazes : 500*)
Spot Animal Town in Sun Vale Likes (Crystals)
Blanche Serbule Keep in Serbule Likes (Crystals)
Urzab Amulna in Ilmari Likes (Crystals)
Likes (Gems : 200*)
Fainor Serbule Keep in Serbule Hates (Crystals)

*Fairy Magic Topaz has an effective value different from its base value (110) when gifted as a member of this item category.

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Holistic Wellness: Gem Appreciation 100 (Have any Crystals) 12 Hours Unknown Despised Rahu

Other Uses
