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This is bat shit.
Value: 35

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering




Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Alchemy [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
40 Unarmed Boost Potion 20% icon_5010.png Dirty Snow Water x1
icon_5192.png Fear Oil x1
icon_5512.png Guano x1
icon_5437.png Unarmed Boost Potion 20% x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
40 Giant Bat Boost Potion 20% icon_5010.png Dirty Snow Water x1
icon_5512.png Guano x1
icon_5072.png Mandrake Root x1
icon_5437.png Giant Bat Boost Potion 20% x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
Fae (Race Skill) [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
2 Turn Corpse Trophies Into Crystal Ice Corpse Trophies x1
Fire Magic [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
70 Fire Magic Research Level 70 icon_5183.png Saltpeter x2
icon_5477.png Explosive Runestone x2
icon_5620.png Flame Nib x2
icon_5512.png Guano x1
Lore [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
0 Beginner's Augury icon_5013.png Salt x5
Corpse Trophy x1
0 Basic Augury icon_5013.png Salt x3
icon_5659.png Incense x1
Corpse Trophy x1
0 Advanced Augury icon_5659.png Incense x3
Corpse Trophy x1
0 Expert Augury icon_5659.png Incense x6
Corpse Trophy x1
0 Perceive Spawn Premonitions (2 secs) icon_5659.png Incense x1
icon_5213.png Topaz x1
Corpse Trophy x1
Perform a mind-altering ritual so that you can perceive newly-spawned monsters 2 seconds before they actually appear.
The effect does not wear off, but whenever you die there's a 5% chance that it will end.
0 Perceive Spawn Premonitions (4 secs) icon_5659.png Incense x3
icon_5213.png Topaz x2
Corpse Trophy x1
Perform a mind-altering ritual so that you can perceive newly-spawned monsters 4 seconds before they actually appear.
The effect does not wear off, but whenever you die there's a 5% chance that it will end.


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Kelim Amulna in Ilmari Likes (Corpse Trophies)
Ragabir Red Wing Casino Likes (Alchemy Ingredients)
Legs Animal Town in Sun Vale Likes (Corpse Trophies)
Velkort Serbule Keep in Serbule Likes (Corpse Trophies)
Sanja The Campfire in Northwestern Kur Likes (Corpse Trophies)
Suspicious Cow Wandering Northeast of Eltibule Keep in Eltibule Hates (Corpse Trophies)
Helena Veilmoor Hogan's Keep in Eltibule Hates (Corpse Trophies)
Jesina Sie Antry's Farm in Eltibule Hates (Corpse Trophies)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment


Other Uses
