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Skill in the act of removing meat and useful body organs from a corpse. You need to be carrying a Butcher Knife in order to butcher a corpse. Corpses of sentient creatures, such as goblins and humans, can't be butchered.
Skill Type:
Trade Skill
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:

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Butchering Overview

Butchering is a skill that allows Adventurers to harvest extra meat and organs from creatures. This option is only available when looting a corpse if a Butcher Knife, or similar tool, is in a character's inventory. If a corpse is butchered, it can not be skinned, or have it's skull extracted. Butchering can also be leveled by extracting skulls, using a Skull Extractor.

In-Game Description

Skill in the act of removing meat and useful body organs from a corpse. You need to be carrying a Butcher Knife in order to butcher a corpse. Corpses of sentient creatures, such as goblins and humans, can't be butchered.

Training Butchering

  • Butchering is learned the first time a monster is defeated, and a Butcher Knife is used on the corpse.
  • Fainor, the owner of Serbule's Chortling Beaver Inn, sells Butcher Knives.
  • Toolcrafters are able to craft a variety of Butcher Knives.
  • Nishika, a Rakshasa from the City of Rahu, can raise your Butchering Level Cap from 50 to 60, and from 60 to 70.
  • Noita the Green in the Fae Realm can raise the cap from 70 to 80.
  • Levels 81-90 are unlocked by Dunahain Broadarm deep beneath Povus.

Connected Skills

  • None
Secondary Skills:
  • Anatomy - Raising certain Anatomy Sub-Skills will improve the chance to receive extra meat while butchering, and increases the chance that an organ will be found.
Related Skills:
  • Skinning - Another possibility available to those who stumble onto a corpse, Skinning will make it impossible to Butcher.
  • Phrenology - Skulls extracted using a Skull Extractor are used in the art of Phrenology.
  • Cooking - Butchering is the primary way that cooks obtain meat!
  • Toolcrafting - Toolcrafters are able to craft many types of knives usable for Butchering.
Synergy Levels:

Bonus Synergy Levels for Butchering can be obtained from the following skills and levels:

Knife Fighting
Level 10
Level 40

Recipe Lists

Butchering Complete Recipe List

Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the Butchering skill.

Lvl Name First-Time XP XP Ingredients Results Description Source
3 Butcher Sinewy Cat Meat 15 3 icon_5539.png Stringy Cat Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5538.png Sinewy Cat Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
6 Butcher Sinewy Dog Meat 30 6 icon_5533.png Stringy Dog Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5534.png Sinewy Dog Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
9 Butcher Sinewy Dinosaur Meat 45 9 icon_5525.png Stringy Dinosaur Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5526.png Sinewy Dinosaur Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
12 Butcher Sinewy Beast Meat 60 12 icon_5529.png Stringy Beast Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5530.png Sinewy Beast Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
15 Butcher Sinewy Insect Meat 75 15 icon_5541.png Stringy Insect Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5542.png Sinewy Insect Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
15 Collect Filthy Animal Fat 75 15 Cheap Meat (stack of 25) x25 icon_6367.png Filthy Animal Fat x1 Boil down a vat of meat to collect the low-quality fat. Requires a stove or fire pit. Hang Out: Nishika
17 Butcher Chicken 85 17 icon_6467.png Raw Great Chicken x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5223.png Raw Chicken x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
18 Butcher Pork Shoulder 90 18 icon_6207.png Great Pork Shoulder x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_6206.png Pork Shoulder x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
21 Butcher Venison 105 21 icon_6204.png Great Venison x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_6203.png Venison x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
24 Butcher Steak 120 24 icon_6201.png Great Steak x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_6200.png Steak x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
27 Butcher Rabbit Meat 135 27 icon_5648.png Great Rabbit Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5647.png Rabbit Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
30 Butcher Stringy Cat Meat 150 30 icon_5537.png Cat Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5539.png Stringy Cat Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
30 Collect Lumpy Animal Fat 150 30 Cheap Meat (stack of 60) x60 icon_6368.png Lumpy Animal Fat x1 Boil down a vat of meat to collect the low-quality fat. Requires a stove or fire pit. Hang Out: Nishika
33 Butcher Stringy Dog Meat 165 33 icon_5535.png Dog Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5533.png Stringy Dog Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
36 Butcher Stringy Dinosaur Meat 180 36 icon_5524.png Dinosaur Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5525.png Stringy Dinosaur Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
39 Butcher Stringy Beast Meat 195 39 icon_5531.png Beast Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5529.png Stringy Beast Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
42 Butcher Stringy Insect Meat 210 42 icon_5540.png Insect Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5541.png Stringy Insect Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
45 Safely Prepare Paralytic Chicken 225 45 icon_5223.png Raw Paralytic Chicken x1
icon_5401.png Organ Knife x1 (!)
icon_6467.png Raw Great Chicken x1 Remove the toxic elements of paralytic chicken, leaving the great-tasting meat. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
48 Butcher Great Venison 240 48 icon_6205.png Amazing Venison x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_6204.png Great Venison x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
50 Butcher Great Steak 250 50 icon_6202.png Amazing Steak x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_6201.png Great Steak x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
52 Butcher Great Rabbit Meat 260 52 icon_5648.png Amazing Rabbit Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5648.png Great Rabbit Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
54 Butcher Cat Meat 270 54 icon_5538.png Robust Cat Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5537.png Cat Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
56 Butcher Dog Meat 280 56 icon_5532.png Robust Dog Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5535.png Dog Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
58 Butcher Dinosaur Meat 290 58 icon_5527.png Robust Dinosaur Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5524.png Dinosaur Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
60 Butcher Beast Meat 300 60 icon_5528.png Robust Beast Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5531.png Beast Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen
62 Butcher Insect Meat 310 62 icon_5543.png Robust Insect Meat x1
icon_5561.png Meat Tenderizer x1 (!)
icon_5540.png Insect Meat x1 Pare down a higher-quality piece of meat into a lower-quality one. Training: Nishika
Training: Rugen

Butchering Mechanics

Leveling Butchering

Failing an attempt to butcher a corpse will grant 1 XP. Successfully butchering a corpse will grant much more experience! If you loot both meat and a bone or organ, you will receive 3x the normal experience.

Collecting Organs, Bones, and Fat

Organs such as Stomachs, Hearts, and Spleens can be looted while butchering a corpse. Bones, such as Femurs can also be obtained. The chances to loot an Organ or Bone improves based on the Anatomy skill of the corpse you are looting.

If you are looting a Sickly Tiger, the bonuses would come from Feline Anatomy. Level 6 Feline Anatomy grants Butchering yields extra bones: +2%, and Level 9 Feline Anatomy grants Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3%.

Fat drops are based on the monster's level and their anatomy type. Herbivorous animals (such as Ungulates) have the best of all of the resources: skins, meat, organs. Carnivores have the worst. And omnivores are somewhere in between.

Probability of Organ

(As of end of 2020, according to Citan's forum post):

Provided you don't botch the butchering attempt altogether, you get a 3% chance of an organ for every 9 levels (rounded down) of the relevant Anatomy skill, plus any item bonus. If you receive an organ, it is selected at random from the possible organ drops for that mob.

Example: If you have a level 45-53 anatomy skill and Amutasa's +7% organ knife, you would have a 5*3+7 = 22% chance for an organ. Say you are butchering a barghest. Barghests have five different organs (stomach, brain, heart, spleen, tier-4 animal fat) so if you get an organ from one, you have a 1-in-5, or 20%, chance of getting a fat. That amounts to a 22%/5 = 4.4% chance to get fat from a Barghest.

Butchering tools

Tool Description From
A large knife for cutting meat and organs out of corpses (Keep it in your inventory and you'll have the option to butcher the corpses of some enemies.) Sold by Fainor.
A large knife for cutting meat and organs out of corpses (+5% chance for an organ). (Keep it in your inventory and you'll have the option to butcher the corpses of some enemies.) Toolcrafting
Yogzi created this convenient butcher knife that can also extract skulls. (+3 to your effective skill when Butchering or Extracting Skulls). (Keep it in your inventory and you'll be given the option to butcher and/or extract the skull of some enemies.) End of Year gift from Yogzi
A large knife for cutting meat and organs out of corpses (+5 to your effective skill when Butchering). (Keep it in your inventory and you'll be given the option to butcher the corpses some enemies.) Toolcrafting
A large knife for cutting meat and organs out of corpses (+7% chance for an organ). (Keep it in your inventory and you'll have the option to butcher the corpses of some enemies.) Complete a favor for Amutasa.
An odd serrated utility knife that can be used to extract a skull from a corpse. (Your Butchering skill is used to determine success) Given by Glajur at Comfortable Favor.
A versatile knife for skinning, butchering, oyster-opening, or skull extraction. (Keep it in your inventory and you'll be given the option to skin, butcher, shuck, and/or extract the skull of some enemies.) Toolcrafting

Butchering Level Up Rewards

Level Reward
10 +1 to Skinning
20 +1 to Cooking
30 +1 to Skinning
34 +1 to Lycanthropy
40 +1 to Cooking
50 +1 to Skinning

Butchering Experience Table

Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Butchering

Level Experience Total Experience
1 5 5
2 15 20
3 25 45
4 30 75
5 70 145
6 80 225
7 90 315
8 100 415
9 120 535
10 210 745
11 240 985
12 270 1255
13 300 1555
14 330 1885
15 480 2365
16 520 2885
17 560 3445
18 600 4045
19 640 4685
20 850 5535
21 900 6435
22 950 7385
23 1000 8385
24 1050 9435
25 1320 10755
26 1380 12135
27 1440 13575
28 1500 15075
29 1560 16635
30 1890 18525
31 1960 20485
32 2030 22515
33 2100 24615
34 2170 26785
35 2560 29345
36 2640 31985
37 2720 34705
38 2800 37505
39 2880 40385
40 3330 43715
41 3420 47135
42 3510 50645
43 3600 54245
44 3690 57935
45 4200 62135
46 4300 66435
47 4400 70835
48 4500 75335
49 4600 79935
50 5170 85105
51 5225 90330
52 5280 95610
53 5335 100945
54 5390 106335
55 5940 112275
56 6000 118275
57 6060 124335
58 6120 130455
59 6180 136635
60 6760 143395
61 6825 150220
62 6890 157110
63 6955 164065
64 7020 171085
65 7630 178715
66 7700 186415
67 7770 194185
68 7840 202025
69 7910 209935
70 8550 218485
71 8625 227110
72 8700 235810
73 8775 244585
74 8850 253435
75 9520 262955
76 9600 272555
77 9680 282235
78 9760 291995
79 9840 301835
80 10540 312375
81 10625 323000
82 10710 333710
83 10795 344505
84 10880 355385
85 11610 366995
86 11700 378695
87 11790 390485
88 11880 402365
89 11970 414335
90 12730 427065
91 12825 439890
92 12920 452810
93 13015 465825
94 13110 478935
95 13900 492835
96 14000 506835
97 14100 520935
98 14200 535135
99 14300 549435
100 15120 564555


Butchering can be used to loot Stomachs, a valuable item used by Cheesemaking.