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User:Alleryn/Sandbox/Sidebar Abilities

< User:Alleryn‎ | Sandbox
Revision as of 08:13, 7 September 2020 by Alleryn (talk | contribs)


  • This table is missing at least the abilities in Crossbow, Sigil Scripting, and Survival Instincts, as well as abilities in Armor Patching, First Aid, and Endurance. For some reason they do not have a "CanGoOnSidebar" attribute in abilities.json.
  • Spontaneous Fireball is also missing, as well as at least some other abilities that are classified under "Unknown" (Unknown/Abiliies), such as Brain Scrub.
  • It's possible other things are missing that should be here. If you notice something, please let me know.
  • I have a few irons in the fire, so i probably won't finish this soon, but eventually i'll make a Sidebar page with this table, a list of things that can effect the number of sidebar slots, etc.

List of Abilities that Can Go on the Sidebar

Icon Name Skill Level Description
icon_2251.png  Summon Deer Deer 12 Summons a majestic deer.
icon_2251.png  Summon Deer 2 Deer 26 Summons a majestic deer.
icon_2251.png  Summon Deer 3 Deer 42 Summons a majestic deer.
icon_2251.png  Summon Deer 4 Deer 56 Summons a majestic deer.
icon_2251.png  Summon Deer 5 Deer 72 Summons a majestic deer.
icon_3528.png  Hunting Speed Lycanthropy 1 Increase your wolfen sprint speed while out of combat. (This ability can only be used after you've unlocked it from the Altar of Norala.)
icon_3528.png  Hunting Speed 2 Lycanthropy 1 Increase your wolfen sprint speed while out of combat. (This ability can only be used after you've unlocked it from the Altar of Norala.)
icon_3528.png  Hunting Speed 3 Lycanthropy 1 Increase your wolfen sprint speed while out of combat. (This ability can only be used after you've unlocked it from the Altar of Norala.)
icon_2226.png  Truffle Sniff Pig 5 Search for a hidden mushroom in the area.
icon_2226.png  Truffle Sniff 2 Pig 15 Search for a hidden mushroom in the area.
icon_2226.png  Truffle Sniff 3 Pig 25 Search for a hidden mushroom in the area.
icon_2226.png  Truffle Sniff 4 Pig 35 Search for a hidden mushroom in the area.
icon_2226.png  Truffle Sniff 5 Pig 45 Search for a hidden mushroom in the area.
icon_2225.png  Terror Dash Pig 13 Increase your run speed dramatically for 5 seconds.
icon_2225.png  Terror Dash 2 Pig 37 Increase your run speed dramatically for 10 seconds.
icon_2151.png  Bounding Escape Deer 15 Increase your run speed and jumping prowess for a moment.
icon_2151.png  Bounding Escape 2 Deer 35 Increase your run speed and jumping prowess for a moment.
icon_2151.png  Bounding Escape 3 Deer 51 Increase your run speed and jumping prowess for a moment.
icon_2151.png  Bounding Escape 4 Deer 64 Increase your run speed and jumping prowess for a moment.
icon_2156.png  Graze Cow 5 Collect grass from the environment. Can only be used outdoors.
icon_2148.png  Collect Milk Cow 18 Collect milk. Requires an empty bottle.
icon_2148.png  Collect Milk 2 Cow 37 Collect milk. Requires an empty bottle. This higher-level version requires you to follow a vegetarian diet.
icon_2148.png  Collect Milk 3 Cow 52 Collect milk. Requires an empty bottle. This higher-level version requires you to follow a vegetarian diet.
icon_2180.png  Mutation: Knee Spikes Battle Chemistry 6 Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2180.png  Mutation: Knee Spikes 2 Battle Chemistry 16 Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2180.png  Mutation: Knee Spikes 3 Battle Chemistry 26 Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2180.png  Mutation: Knee Spikes 4 Battle Chemistry 36 Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2180.png  Mutation: Knee Spikes 5 Battle Chemistry 46 Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2180.png  Mutation: Knee Spikes 6 Battle Chemistry 56 Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2179.png  Mutation: Extra Skin Battle Chemistry 7 Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2179.png  Mutation: Extra Skin 2 Battle Chemistry 17 Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2179.png  Mutation: Extra Skin 3 Battle Chemistry 27 Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2179.png  Mutation: Extra Skin 4 Battle Chemistry 37 Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2179.png  Mutation: Extra Skin 5 Battle Chemistry 47 Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2179.png  Mutation: Extra Skin 6 Battle Chemistry 57 Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2182.png  Mutation: Extra Heart Battle Chemistry 8 You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2182.png  Mutation: Extra Heart 2 Battle Chemistry 18 You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2182.png  Mutation: Extra Heart 3 Battle Chemistry 28 You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2182.png  Mutation: Extra Heart 4 Battle Chemistry 38 You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2182.png  Mutation: Extra Heart 5 Battle Chemistry 48 You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2182.png  Mutation: Extra Heart 6 Battle Chemistry 58 You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2183.png  Mutation: Extra Toes Battle Chemistry 9 You grow numerous additional toes on your feet, giving you slightly better purchase on the ground. You can sprint faster while out of combat. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2183.png  Mutation: Extra Toes 2 Battle Chemistry 29 You grow numerous additional toes on your feet, giving you slightly better purchase on the ground. You can sprint faster while out of combat. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2183.png  Mutation: Extra Toes 3 Battle Chemistry 49 You grow numerous additional toes on your feet, giving you slightly better purchase on the ground. You can sprint faster while out of combat. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2187.png  Mutation: Stretchy Spine Battle Chemistry 19 Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2187.png  Mutation: Stretchy Spine 2 Battle Chemistry 36 Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2187.png  Mutation: Stretchy Spine 3 Battle Chemistry 50 Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_3460.png  Trigger Golem Battle Chemistry 30 This ability does nothing on its own. It is possible to program golems to behave differently when this ability is active, however. (Use the ability again to turn the trigger off.)
icon_2180.png  Mutation: Knee Spikes 7 Battle Chemistry 66 Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2179.png  Mutation: Extra Skin 7 Battle Chemistry 67 Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2182.png  Mutation: Extra Heart 7 Battle Chemistry 68 You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2183.png  Mutation: Extra Toes 4 Battle Chemistry 69 You grow numerous additional toes on your feet, giving you slightly better purchase on the ground. You can sprint faster while out of combat. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2187.png  Mutation: Stretchy Spine 4 Battle Chemistry 65 Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2174.png  Create Armored Standard Golem Battle Chemistry 40 You concoct an automaton that can be given four commands. It is extra-armored against attack.
icon_2174.png  Create Primitive Golem Battle Chemistry 11 You concoct an automaton that can be given one command.
icon_2174.png  Create Simple Golem Battle Chemistry 25 You concoct an automaton that can be given two commands.
icon_2174.png  Create Basic Golem Battle Chemistry 31 You concoct an automaton that can be given three commands.
icon_2174.png  Create Standard Golem Battle Chemistry 39 You concoct an automaton that can be given four commands.
icon_2174.png  Create Improved Golem Battle Chemistry 51 You concoct an automaton that can be given five commands.
icon_2174.png  Create Augmented Golem Battle Chemistry 61 You concoct an automaton that can be given six commands.
icon_2174.png  Create Superior Golem Battle Chemistry 71 You concoct an automaton that can be given seven commands.
icon_2174.png  Create Basic Golem Battle Chemistry 81 You concoct an automaton that can be given eight commands.
icon_2180.png  Mutation: Knee Spikes 8 Battle Chemistry 76 Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2179.png  Mutation: Extra Skin 8 Battle Chemistry 77 Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2182.png  Mutation: Extra Heart 8 Battle Chemistry 78 You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2187.png  Mutation: Stretchy Spine 5 Battle Chemistry 80 Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.)
icon_2161.png  Call Stabled Pet #1 Animal Handling 2 Summon the pet in your stable slot #1
icon_2162.png  Call Stabled Pet #2 Animal Handling 15 Summon the pet in your stable slot #2
icon_2163.png  Call Stabled Pet #3 Animal Handling 34 Summon the pet in your stable slot #3
icon_2164.png  Call Stabled Pet #4 Animal Handling 45 Summon the pet in your stable slot #4
icon_2165.png  Call Stabled Pet #5 Animal Handling 60 Summon the pet in your stable slot #5
icon_2166.png  Call Stabled Pet #6 Animal Handling 75 Summon the pet in your stable slot #6
icon_2160.png  Call Living Stabled Pet Animal Handling 60 Summon the first living pet in your stable. If the pet in stable slot #1 is alive, it is summoned; if not, slot #2 is checked, etc.
icon_2135.png  Tame Rat Animal Handling 1 Tame a wild rat into becoming your permanent pet. Requires a piece of cheese.
icon_2135.png  Tame Big Cat Animal Handling 1 Tame a wild great cat into becoming your permanent pet. Requires a piece of string.
icon_2135.png  Tame Bear Animal Handling 1 Tame a wild bear into becoming your permanent pet. Requires a perch.
icon_2135.png  Tame Bee Animal Handling 70 Tame a wild bee or wasp into becoming your permanent pet. Requires a Bee-Lover's Bouquet.
icon_2138.png  That'll Do Animal Handling 5 Give your pet positive reinforcement after combat to help get it back into shape quickly.
icon_2138.png  That'll Do 2 Animal Handling 11 Give your pet positive reinforcement after combat to help get it back into shape quickly.
icon_2138.png  That'll Do 3 Animal Handling 21 Give your pet positive reinforcement after combat to help get it back into shape quickly.
icon_2138.png  That'll Do 4 Animal Handling 31 Give your pet positive reinforcement after combat to help get it back into shape quickly.
icon_2138.png  That'll Do 5 Animal Handling 41 Give your pet positive reinforcement after combat to help get it back into shape quickly.
icon_2138.png  That'll Do 6 Animal Handling 51 Give your pet positive reinforcement after combat to help get it back into shape quickly.
icon_2138.png  That'll Do 7 Animal Handling 61 Give your pet positive reinforcement after combat to help get it back into shape quickly.
icon_2138.png  That'll Do 8 Animal Handling 71 Give your pet positive reinforcement after combat to help get it back into shape quickly.
icon_2138.png  That'll Do 9 Animal Handling 81 Give your pet positive reinforcement after combat to help get it back into shape quickly.
icon_3420.png  Safe Fall Staff 18 Use your staff skills to avoid taking as much damage from falls. (Staff skill must be active.)
icon_3420.png  Safe Fall 2 Staff 31 Use your staff skills to avoid taking as much damage from falls. (Staff skill must be active.)
icon_3420.png  Safe Fall 3 Staff 44 Use your staff skills to avoid taking damage from falls. (Staff skill must be active.)
icon_2199.png  Raise Skeletal Archer Necromancy 2 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2199.png  Raise Skeletal Archer 2 Necromancy 18 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2199.png  Raise Skeletal Archer 3 Necromancy 32 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2199.png  Raise Skeletal Archer 4 Necromancy 47 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2199.png  Raise Skeletal Archer 5 Necromancy 55 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2199.png  Raise Skeletal Archer 7 Necromancy 79 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2201.png  Raise Skeletal Swordsman Necromancy 7 Raise a skeletal warrior from death to serve you. Skeletal swordsmen are melee fighters that can occasionally stun their enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2201.png  Raise Skeletal Swordsman 2 Necromancy 22 Raise a skeletal warrior from death to serve you. Skeletal swordsmen are melee fighters that can occasionally stun their enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2201.png  Raise Skeletal Swordsman 3 Necromancy 38 Raise a skeletal warrior from death to serve you. Skeletal swordsmen are melee fighters that can occasionally stun their enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2201.png  Raise Skeletal Swordsman 4 Necromancy 49 Raise a skeletal warrior from death to serve you. Skeletal swordsmen are melee fighters that can occasionally stun their enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2201.png  Raise Skeletal Swordsman 5 Necromancy 58 Raise a skeletal warrior from death to serve you. Skeletal swordsmen are melee fighters that can occasionally stun their enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2201.png  Raise Skeletal Swordsman 7 Necromancy 81 Raise a skeletal warrior from death to serve you. Skeletal swordsmen are melee fighters that can occasionally stun their enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2200.png  Raise Skeletal Battle Mage Necromancy 12 Raise a skeletal fire mage from death to serve you. Skeletal battle mages shoot fireballs at distant enemies and use area-effect burst attacks on close enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes two Femurs.)
icon_2200.png  Raise Skeletal Battle Mage 2 Necromancy 28 Raise a skeletal fire mage from death to serve you. Skeletal battle mages shoot fireballs at distant enemies and use area-effect burst attacks on close enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes two Femurs.)
icon_2200.png  Raise Skeletal Battle Mage 3 Necromancy 42 Raise a skeletal fire mage from death to serve you. Skeletal battle mages shoot fireballs at distant enemies and use area-effect burst attacks on close enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes two Femurs.)
icon_2200.png  Raise Skeletal Battle Mage 4 Necromancy 53 Raise a skeletal fire mage from death to serve you. Skeletal battle mages shoot fireballs at distant enemies and use area-effect burst attacks on close enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes two Femurs.)
icon_2200.png  Raise Skeletal Battle Mage 5 Necromancy 64 Raise a skeletal fire mage from death to serve you. Skeletal battle mages shoot fireballs at distant enemies and use area-effect burst attacks on close enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes two Femurs.)
icon_2197.png  Heart's Power Necromancy 20 Consume a heart to gain vast health for a time.
icon_2197.png  Heart's Power 2 Necromancy 60 Consume two hearts to gain vast health for a time.
icon_3065.png  Spleen's Power Necromancy 30 Consume a spleen to gain vast power for a time.
icon_3065.png  Spleen's Power 2 Necromancy 60 Consume a spleen to gain vast power for a time.
icon_3252.png  Incubate Spider 9 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
icon_3252.png  Incubate 2 Spider 29 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
icon_3252.png  Incubate 3 Spider 49 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
icon_3030.png  Insidious Illusion Spider 0 Briefly fool shopkeepers and villagers into perceiving you as a typical humanoid. Consumes 1 Moonstone.
icon_3030.png  Insidious Illusion 2 Spider 0 Briefly fool shopkeepers and villagers into perceiving you as a typical humanoid. Consumes 1 Moonstone.
icon_3030.png  Insidious Illusion 3 Spider 0 Briefly fool shopkeepers and villagers into perceiving you as a typical humanoid. Consumes 1 Moonstone.
icon_3255.png  Webspin Spider 60 Spin a bundle of webbing, useful for crafting.
icon_3252.png  Incubate 4 Spider 57 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
icon_3252.png  Incubate 5 Spider 67 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
icon_3252.png  Incubate 6 Spider 77 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
icon_3713.png  Familiar's Recall Unknown 0 Sends you back to your master. You must be a long-term animal with a bonded master, and you must be wearing a Familiar Recall Collar.
icon_3758.png  Horrifying Screech Unknown 0 Screech in a manner that will startle and terrify lesser ratkin. (Trained soldiers will be unaffected.)
icon_3759.png  Spider Punt Unknown 0 Kick spiders, scorpions, and other arthropods away from you. (You can only use this ability while under the influence of Spider Punt Potion.)
icon_3656.png  Death Trooper's Battle Cry Unknown 0 You are undefeatable, and your shout reinforces this fact.
icon_3657.png  Misery Trooper's Battle Cry Unknown 0 With a shout, you move like a whirlwind, dodging and strafing any projectiles.
icon_3659.png  Treachery Trooper's Battle Cry Unknown 0 You shout your fury at an opponent, shaking and bewildering them.
icon_3658.png  Gazluk Officer's Battle Cry Unknown 0 You are unstoppable, and with a shout, you ignore your opponents' defensive techniques.
icon_3660.png  War Wizard's Battle Cry Unknown 0 You are a magical powerhouse. With a mere shout, you are ready to continue fighting.
icon_3661.png  Necromancer's Mutter Unknown 0 You are a master of the secret arts. With a sinister word, you unravel an enemy's spirit.
icon_3662.png  Cabalist's Mutter Unknown 0 Your powers are unfathomable and unknowable. With a mere whisper, you wipe yourself from an enemy's mind.
icon_3706.png  Visage of Kajich 1 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of fear, Kajich, to spook your foe. This version is effective against very weak enemies.
icon_3706.png  Visage of Kajich 2 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of fear, Kajich, to spook your foe. This version is effective against weak enemies.
icon_3706.png  Visage of Kajich 3 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of fear, Kajich, to spook your foe. This version is effective against mediocre enemies.
icon_3706.png  Visage of Kajich 4 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of fear, Kajich, to spook your foe. This version is effective against reasonably dangerous enemies.
icon_3706.png  Visage of Kajich 5 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of fear, Kajich, to spook your foe. This version is effective against dangerous enemies.
icon_3706.png  Visage of Kajich 6 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of fear, Kajich, to spook your foe. This version is effective against very dangerous enemies.
icon_3706.png  Visage of Kajich 7 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of fear, Kajich, to spook your foe. This version is effective against dangerous and powerful enemies.
icon_3706.png  Visage of Kajich 8 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of fear, Kajich, to spook your foe. This version is effective against dangerous and very powerful enemies.
icon_3707.png  Ilth Hale's Kiss 1 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of sorrow, Ilth Hale, to help you endure more suffering.
icon_3707.png  Ilth Hale's Kiss 2 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of sorrow, Ilth Hale, to help you endure more suffering.
icon_3707.png  Ilth Hale's Kiss 3 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of sorrow, Ilth Hale, to help you endure more suffering.
icon_3707.png  Ilth Hale's Kiss 4 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of sorrow, Ilth Hale, to help you endure more suffering.
icon_3707.png  Ilth Hale's Kiss 5 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of sorrow, Ilth Hale, to help you endure more suffering.
icon_3707.png  Ilth Hale's Kiss 6 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of sorrow, Ilth Hale, to help you endure more suffering.
icon_3707.png  Ilth Hale's Kiss 7 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of sorrow, Ilth Hale, to help you endure more suffering.
icon_3707.png  Ilth Hale's Kiss 8 Unknown 0 You call upon the god of sorrow, Ilth Hale, to help you endure more suffering.
icon_3741.png  Guide Beacon - Red Unknown 0 Create a pillar of particles that lasts for 30 seconds.
icon_3742.png  Guide Beacon - Green Unknown 0 Create a pillar of particles that lasts for 30 seconds.
icon_3743.png  Guide Beacon - Yellow Unknown 0 Create a pillar of particles that lasts for 30 seconds.
icon_3744.png  Guide Beacon - Rainbow Unknown 0 Create a pillar of particles that lasts for 30 seconds.
icon_3745.png  Guide Beacon - Flowers Unknown 0 Create a pillar of particles that lasts for 30 seconds.
icon_2199.png  Free-Summon Skeletal Archer Necromancy 1 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (This version does not require a graveyard. It consumes one Humanoid Skull.)
icon_2199.png  Free-Summon Skeletal Archer 2 Necromancy 25 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (This version does not require a graveyard. It consumes one Impressive Humanoid Skull.)
icon_2199.png  Free-Summon Skeletal Archer 3 Necromancy 42 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (This version does not require a graveyard. It consumes one Impressive Humanoid Skull.)
icon_2199.png  Free-Summon Skeletal Archer 4 Necromancy 52 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (This version does not require a graveyard. It consumes one Impressive Humanoid Skull.)
icon_2199.png  (internal) Necromancy 60 Internal Balancing Tool
icon_2199.png  Raise Skeletal Archer 6 Necromancy 67 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2201.png  Raise Skeletal Swordsman 6 Necromancy 70 Raise a skeletal warrior from death to serve you. Skeletal swordsmen are melee fighters that can occasionally stun their enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes one Femur.)
icon_2200.png  Raise Skeletal Battle Mage 6 Necromancy 75 Raise a skeletal fire mage from death to serve you. Skeletal battle mages shoot fireballs at distant enemies and use area-effect burst attacks on close enemies. (You must be in a graveyard to use this ability. It consumes two Femurs.)
icon_2199.png  Free-Summon Skeletal Archer 5 Necromancy 63 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (This version does not require a graveyard. It consumes one Impressive Humanoid Skull.)
icon_3756.png  Raise Skeletal Ratkin Mage 5 Necromancy 64 Raise a skeletal ratkin mage from death to serve you. It uses electricity to destroy your foes. (You must be indoors to use this ability. It requires a Ratkin Necromancer's Talisman, which has a 10% chance of being destroyed.)
icon_2199.png  Free-Summon Skeletal Archer 6 Necromancy 73 Raise a skeletal archer from death to serve you. Skeletal archers have long-distance ranged attacks. (This version does not require a graveyard. It consumes one Impressive Humanoid Skull.)
icon_3756.png  Raise Skeletal Ratkin Mage 6 Necromancy 78 Raise a skeletal ratkin mage from death to serve you. It uses electricity to destroy your foes. (You must be indoors to use this ability. It requires a Ratkin Necromancer's Talisman, which has a 10% chance of being destroyed.)
icon_3747.png  Flesh to Fuel Fire Magic 10 Incinerate yourself with special flames that recharge your Power even as they burn off your flesh.
icon_3747.png  Flesh to Fuel 2 Fire Magic 30 Incinerate yourself with special flames that recharge your Power even as they burn off your flesh.
icon_3747.png  Flesh to Fuel 3 Fire Magic 45 Incinerate yourself with special flames that recharge your Power even as they burn off your flesh.
icon_3747.png  Flesh to Fuel 4 Fire Magic 60 Incinerate yourself with special flames that recharge your Power even as they burn off your flesh.
icon_3747.png  Flesh to Fuel 5 Fire Magic 75 Incinerate yourself with special flames that recharge your Power even as they burn off your flesh.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection Fire Magic 10 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 2 Fire Magic 20 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 3 Fire Magic 30 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 4 Fire Magic 40 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 5 Fire Magic 50 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3449.png  Emergency Bash Shield 5 Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash.
icon_3449.png  Emergency Bash 2 Shield 18 Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash.
icon_3449.png  Emergency Bash 3 Shield 26 Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash.
icon_3449.png  Emergency Bash 4 Shield 37 Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash.
icon_3449.png  Emergency Bash 5 Shield 49 Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash.
icon_3449.png  Emergency Bash 6 Shield 59 Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash.
icon_3449.png  Emergency Bash 7 Shield 69 Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash.
icon_3449.png  Emergency Bash 8 Shield 79 Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash.
icon_3639.png  Rapid Recovery Shield 14 During a lull in combat, quickly reorganize your Armor so that you can fight again.

Effects that boost the Armor-restoration of Reinforce also boost this ability.

icon_3639.png  Rapid Recovery 2 Shield 24 During a lull in combat, quickly reorganize your Armor so that you can fight again.

Effects that boost the Armor-restoration of Reinforce also boost this ability.

icon_3639.png  Rapid Recovery 3 Shield 34 During a lull in combat, quickly reorganize your Armor so that you can fight again.

Effects that boost the Armor-restoration of Reinforce also boost this ability.

icon_3639.png  Rapid Recovery 4 Shield 43 During a lull in combat, quickly reorganize your Armor so that you can fight again.

Effects that boost the Armor-restoration of Reinforce also boost this ability.

icon_3639.png  Rapid Recovery 5 Shield 54 During a lull in combat, quickly reorganize your Armor so that you can fight again.

Effects that boost the Armor-restoration of Reinforce also boost this ability.

icon_3639.png  Rapid Recovery 6 Shield 65 During a lull in combat, quickly reorganize your Armor so that you can fight again.

Effects that boost the Armor-restoration of Reinforce also boost this ability.

icon_3639.png  Rapid Recovery 7 Shield 75 During a lull in combat, quickly reorganize your Armor so that you can fight again.

Effects that boost the Armor-restoration of Reinforce also boost this ability.

icon_3485.png  Echolocation Unknown 0 Use your horrible squeaks and giant ears to interpret your environment.
icon_3485.png  Combat Echolocation Unknown 0 Use your horrible squeaks and giant ears to interpret your environment and evade enemies, but at slight cost to your movement speed.
icon_3478.png  Raven Form Unknown 0 Become a raven. This is a travel form that can only be used outdoors.
icon_2249.png  Deer Form Unknown 0 Become a deer.
icon_3609.png  Owl Form Unknown 0 Become an owl. This is a travel form that can only be used outdoors.
icon_3478.png  Snow Raven Form Unknown 0 Become a snow raven. This is a travel form that can only be used outdoors.
icon_3624.png  Mallard Form Unknown 0 Become a duck. This is a travel form that can only be used outdoors.
icon_3467.png  Trackless Steps Druid 4 Your movement becomes less noticeable to enemies. (This has no effect on enemies already in combat with you.)
icon_3467.png  Trackless Steps 2 Druid 34 Your movement becomes less noticeable to enemies. (This has no effect on enemies already in combat with you.)
icon_3467.png  Trackless Steps 3 Druid 64 Your movement becomes less noticeable to enemies. (This has no effect on enemies already in combat with you.)
icon_3468.png  Hunter's Stride Druid 15 Modestly increase your movement speed, and the speed of all allies around you.
icon_3468.png  Hunter's Stride 2 Druid 30 Modestly increase your movement speed, and the speed of all allies around you.
icon_3468.png  Hunter's Stride 3 Druid 47 Modestly increase your movement speed, and the speed of all allies around you.
icon_3468.png  Hunter's Stride 4 Druid 60 Modestly increase your movement speed, and the speed of all allies around you.
icon_3468.png  Hunter's Stride 5 Druid 77 Modestly increase your movement speed, and the speed of all allies around you.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection Ice Magic 1 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 2 Ice Magic 10 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 3 Ice Magic 20 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 4 Ice Magic 30 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 5 Ice Magic 40 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 6 Ice Magic 50 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 7 Ice Magic 60 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 8 Ice Magic 70 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_3408.png  Cold Protection 9 Ice Magic 80 Boost your defenses against cold.
icon_2111.png  Howl Mode Lycanthropy 7 Begin howling to raise your spirits. Remain stationary to continue howling and slowly build up morale benefits. Other werewolves that howl near you will greatly boost the beneficial effects of howling.
icon_2225.png  Terror Dash 3 Pig 64 Increase your run speed dramatically for 10 seconds.
icon_2151.png  Bounding Escape 5 Deer 75 Increase your run speed and jumping prowess for a moment.
icon_3770.png  Pursuit Mode Warden 40 Alter the air currents so that you can briefly fly. Only works outdoors.
icon_3770.png  Pursuit Mode 2 Warden 60 Alter the air currents so that you can briefly fly. Only works outdoors.
icon_3770.png  Pursuit Mode 3 Warden 80 Alter the air currents so that you can briefly fly. Only works outdoors.
icon_3801.png  Paradox Trot Spirit Fox 12 Protect yourself from environmental extremes by paradoxically existing in both the real world and the ghost world at the same time. This effect ends if an enemy sees you.
icon_3801.png  Paradox Trot 2 Spirit Fox 24 Protect yourself from environmental extremes by paradoxically existing in both the real world and the ghost world at the same time. This effect ends if an enemy sees you.
icon_3801.png  Paradox Trot 3 Spirit Fox 36 Protect yourself from environmental extremes by paradoxically existing in both the real world and the ghost world at the same time. This effect ends if an enemy sees you.
icon_3801.png  Paradox Trot 4 Spirit Fox 48 Protect yourself from environmental extremes by paradoxically existing in both the real world and the ghost world at the same time. This effect ends if an enemy sees you.
icon_3801.png  Paradox Trot 5 Spirit Fox 60 Protect yourself from environmental extremes by paradoxically existing in both the real world and the ghost world at the same time. This effect ends if an enemy sees you.
icon_3801.png  Paradox Trot 6 Spirit Fox 72 Protect yourself from environmental extremes by paradoxically existing in both the real world and the ghost world at the same time. This effect ends if an enemy sees you.
icon_3805.png  Illusive Guise Spirit Fox 0 Briefly fool shopkeepers and villagers into perceiving you as a typical humanoid.
icon_3805.png  Illusive Guise 2 Spirit Fox 0 Briefly fool shopkeepers and villagers into perceiving you as a typical humanoid.
icon_3805.png  Illusive Guise 3 Spirit Fox 0 Briefly fool shopkeepers and villagers into perceiving you as a typical humanoid.
icon_3669.png  Hymn of Resurrection Bard 50 A whispered song of prayer restores life to all dead allies nearby. The allies must have heard your Song of Resurgence or Song of Bravery during the last 90 seconds (while they were alive!).

Note: to use this ability, you must be wearing a piece of equipment that enables it.

icon_3669.png  Hymn of Resurrection 2 Bard 70 A whispered song of prayer restores life to all dead allies nearby. The allies must have heard your Song of Resurgence or Song of Bravery during the last 90 seconds (while they were alive!).

Note: to use this ability, you must be wearing a piece of equipment that enables it.

icon_3696.png  Long Ear Rabbit 15 Slow down and use your acute senses to avoid monster detection. (This has no effect on enemies already in combat with you.)
icon_3696.png  Long Ear 2 Rabbit 30 Slow down and use your acute senses to avoid monster detection. (This has no effect on enemies already in combat with you.)
icon_3696.png  Long Ear 3 Rabbit 45 Slow down and use your acute senses to avoid monster detection. (This has no effect on enemies already in combat with you.)
icon_3696.png  Long Ear 4 Rabbit 60 Slow down and use your acute senses to avoid monster detection. (This has no effect on enemies already in combat with you.)
icon_3696.png  Long Ear 5 Rabbit 75 Slow down and use your acute senses to avoid monster detection. (This has no effect on enemies already in combat with you.)
icon_3693.png  Snow Hare Mode Rabbit 1 Thicken your coat for winter.
icon_3693.png  Snow Hare Mode 2 Rabbit 10 Thicken your coat for winter.
icon_3693.png  Snow Hare Mode 3 Rabbit 20 Thicken your coat for winter.
icon_3693.png  Snow Hare Mode 4 Rabbit 30 Thicken your coat for winter.
icon_3693.png  Snow Hare Mode 5 Rabbit 40 Thicken your coat for winter.
icon_3693.png  Snow Hare Mode 6 Rabbit 50 Thicken your coat for winter.
icon_3693.png  Snow Hare Mode 7 Rabbit 60 Thicken your coat for winter.
icon_3693.png  Snow Hare Mode 8 Rabbit 70 Thicken your coat for winter.
icon_3693.png  Snow Hare Mode 9 Rabbit 80 Thicken your coat for winter.
icon_3736.png  Tether Soul Priest 40 Bestow a passive protection on nearby allied players (but not yourself). The first protected ally to die is resurrected, ending the spell.
icon_3736.png  Tether Soul 2 Priest 64 Bestow a passive protection on nearby allied players (but not yourself). The first protected ally to die is resurrected, ending the spell.
icon_3748.png  Spade Assault Gardening 30 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 5% chance your shovel will be destroyed.)
icon_3748.png  Spade Assault 2 Gardening 40 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 5% chance your shovel will be destroyed.)
icon_3748.png  Spade Assault 3 Gardening 50 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 5% chance your shovel will be destroyed.)
icon_3748.png  Spade Assault 4 Gardening 60 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 5% chance your shovel will be destroyed.)
icon_3748.png  Spade Assault 5 Gardening 70 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 5% chance your shovel will be destroyed.)
icon_3748.png  Spade Assault 6 Gardening 80 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 5% chance your shovel will be destroyed.)
icon_3750.png  Pumpkin Bomb Gardening 1 Use an evil pumpkin as a bomb.
icon_3750.png  Pumpkin Bomb 2 Gardening 45 Use an evil pumpkin as a bomb.
icon_3749.png  Pumpkin Turret Gardening 15 Use an evil pumpkin as a turret.
icon_3749.png  Pumpkin Turret 2 Gardening 50 Use an evil pumpkin as a turret.
icon_3793.png  Free-Flutter Fae (Race Skill) 0 Enchant your wings to be stronger, allowing you to fly without expending as much Power.

Costs 10 Fae Energy

icon_3793.png  Free-Flutter 2 Fae (Race Skill) 0 Enchant your wings to be stronger, allowing you to fly without expending as much Power.

Costs 15 Fae Energy

icon_3793.png  Free-Flutter 3 Fae (Race Skill) 0 Enchant your wings to be stronger, allowing you to fly without expending as much Power.

Costs 20 Fae Energy