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Revision as of 08:45, 30 December 2020 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (Flying Speed)

This page lists various means of increasing speed.


Run Speed


Skills and Ability Mods

Note: Information in this table is based on info in the wiki. Most information is untested in actual gameplay. In particular some of the "In Combat?" values may be incorrect.
A handful of abilities and mods which specifically affect Flying or Swimming speed are not included in this overview.
Modded numbers are based on obtaining all highest-level applicable item mods (as of 22 January, 2020).

Skill Ability Duration Cooldown Uptime In Combat? Unmodded Modded
Animal Handling Sic Em 10 12 ** yes 0 +9
Bard Moment of Resolve 8 60 (54)* 13% (15%)* yes 0 +3
Battle Chemistry Mutation: Extra Toes long n/a 100% no +5 +5
Haste Concoction 10 45 22% yes +12 +12
Cow Moo of Determination 10 30 33% yes +13 +13
Graze 30 50 60% no 0 +17
Deer Bounding Escape 15 30 50% yes +8.5 +8.5
Cuteness Overload 8 30 27% yes 0 +12
None (Treasure Mod) perm n/a 100% no 0 +9
Druid Hunter's Stride 60 60 100% yes +3 +3
Fire Magic Flesh to Fuel 15 20 75% no 0 +16
Giant Bat Confusing Double 15 60 (34)* 25% (44%)* yes 0 +6
Lycanthropy Hunting Speed 30 10 100% no +12 +12
Shadow Feint 15 20 75% yes 0 +6
Mentalism Reconstruct 10 30 33% yes 0 +4.5
Necromancy Deathgaze 15 30 *** yes 0 +2.5
Pig Terror Dash 10 60 17% yes +12 +12
Squeal 10 30 33% yes 0 +10
Psychology Positive Attitude 60 60 (47)* 100% (128%)* no 0 +8
Ridicule 6 7 **** yes 0 +4.5
Rabbit Hare Dash 12 30 40% yes +10.5 +10.5
None (Treasure Mod) perm n/a 100% no 0 +6
Shield Take the Lead 10 30 33% yes +10.5 +20.5
Spider Premeditated Doom 20 20 100% yes 0 +9
Web Trap 10 25 (13)* 40% (77%)* yes 0 +16
Terrifying Bite 10 30 ***** yes 0 +8
Spirit Fox Paradox Trot 60 30 100% no 0 +8
Warden Coordinated Assault 30 30 100% no 0 +3

*Numbers in parentheses require mod(s)
**Up to 83% uptime, but requires being near your pet to activate
***Up to 50% uptime, but requires landing a range attack to activate
****Up to 85% uptime, but requires landing a range attack to activate
*****Up to 33% uptime, but requires landing a melee attack to activate

Item Properties

Flying Speed

Under Construction. In the meantime, here is preliminary data:

  • Fairy Dust gives +1 flying speed out of combat if you're a fairy
  • Summer Winds Calligraphy
  • Wing_Tassels_of_Swift_Wings (fairy racial slot)
  • Abilities/treasure effects/items that boost "Movement Speed" (and not "Sprint Speed" as many speed-ups do). I've heard reports both that this does and does not boost flight speed:
    • Druid Hunter's Stride
    • Psychology Ridicule
    • Deer Cuteness Overload (Treasure Effect)
    • Spider Web Trap
    • Bat Confusing Double
    • Giant Bat also has 2 slots (mainhand / offhand) of treasure effects that give Fast-Flying Speed Boost when Giant Bat is active
    • Boots of the Winter Court
  • Abilities/treasure effects that boost "Flying Speed":
  • There's a booze flying speed boost (up to a quite large +3)

Swimming Speed

Under Construction