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Zones are in-game representations of regions across the world of Project:Gorgon. Most zones are found on the continent of Alharth, however Alharth is connected to a number of alternative realms and dimensions, some of which can be visited.

  • Each zone is connected to neighboring zones with a portal system. Traveling through a portal usually represents an uneventful trip over uninhabited land.
  • Zones are home to cities, towns, dungeons, landmarks, and adventures. A myriad of species both friendly and foe populate zones.
  • As of the 03-16-2022 Game Update, there are eleven zones.
  • Each zone is designed to facilitate gameplay at a certain level range, however each zone has a few traits that encourage repeated backtracking.

Zone Overview

Anagoge Island
  • Recommended Levels: 0-10
  • A storm-tossed island that acts as the starting point for Human, Elf, and Rakshasa adventurers.
  • Recommended Levels: 1-30
  • A remote region at the end of a long trade route that allowed merchants seaward access.
Serbule Hills
  • Recommended Levels: 1-25
  • Part of the greater Serbule region, Serbule Hills is home to farms and logging camps.
  • Recommended Levels: 15-40
  • A more mountainous region than the neighboring Serbule, Eltibule is known for its lakes and sprawling hills. Recently, horses have been spotted grazing here.
Sun Vale
  • Recommended Levels: 20-40
  • Sun Vale is the name given to an island chain nestled between Alharth's Council Lands and the elven country of Verta. Home to a failed resort, adventurers can expect to find druids, sea life, and the mundane battleground of a seemingly endless war.
Kur Mountains
  • Recommended Levels: 35-50
  • Beyond the hills of Eltibule, the frozen Kur Mountains test a travelers' ability to withstand the frigid temperatures and the monsters which have acclimated to this land.
  • Recommended Levels: 45-60
  • Rumored to have once been fertile farmland, Ilmari is a sprawling desert home to the Rakshasa. Travelers should be wary of sandstorms and dehydration.
  • Recommended Levels: 50-65
  • A coastal merchant town across the Ilmari desert, travelers to the so-called Rakshasa capital of Rahu will find that cool breezes may not be enough to quell the heated opinions of the locals towards outsiders.
  • Recommended Levels: 70-75
  • Adventurers prepared to cross the Kur Mountains will face an even harsher climate in the Gazluk Plateau. Only native beasts, resilient Orcs, and fools dare live in this wintry land.
Fae Realm
  • Recommended Levels: 70-80
  • One of many other realms, this particular Fae Realm can be reached through fairy nexuses linked to Alharth.
  • Recommended Levels: 75-85
  • A once prosperous merchant town of Rakshasa craftsmen, this swampland offers difficult but still possible passage between the Council Lands and the Crone Hegemony.

Automatic Zone Details

Zone Name Suggested Levels Connected Zones
Staging Area --- Serbule
Anagoge Island 1-10 Serbule
Serbule 1-30 Eltibule
Sun Vale via boatman
Serbule Hills
Anagoge Island
Serbule Hills 1-30 Serbule
Eltibule 20-50 Serbule, Kur Mountains, Red Wing Casino
Sun Vale 30-45 Serbule, Fae Realm through Winter Nexus
Kur Mountains 30-50 Eltibule, Ilmari, Gazluk
Red Wing Casino 30-50 Eltibule, Rahu
Ilmari 50-60 Kur Mountains, Rahu
Rahu 51-60 Ilmari, Povus, Red Wing Casino
Fae Realm 70-80 Winter Nexus
Gazluk 70-80 Kur Mountains, Povus, Vidaria
Povus 75-85 Rahu, Gazluk, Vidaria
Vidaria 90-95 Povus, Gazluk

Upcoming Zones

  • The capital city Statehelm is the home of The Council and is actively under construction. More info can be found on the developer forums[1].